You walk into Somaliland and village by village you find different answers if their secessionist or unionist. How in the world did they classify this as reconciliation? Reconciliation means you have one policy. I guess all they did was pluck out who agrees with them and said 'we agreed' on a policy and will represent everyone now. Puntland could do exactly the same and pluck out federalist from all over the nation and say 'we agreed' but we are not as stupid mentally knowing this isn't an agreement but a kangaroo state that is bound to fall apart. Besides if you go to hargeisa people live in different areas, they work in different areas, it's all clan based. What reconciliation is that? Rwanda is the example of true reconciliation where tutsi and hutsi live side by side, work together, die for each other. Does hargeisa even do that inside it's own town?
Kangaroo states are bound to fail mate and will always be dependent on AID as no nation will touch it cause it could collapse tommorow. Why not go to Rwanda where it's impossible to cause fractures among them since a tutsi and hutoo protect each other as RWANDANS.
Total basket case Somalia will be. Even Ethiopia and Jabuti are exactly the same, their citizens are not reconciled, u can give a gun to any group to cause a war if an opportunity and right politician inside ARISES. That's why addis ababa citizens sit in different sides of the same city and if they see u kill an oromo probably won't even report it and vice versa. f*ck sakes, we are doomed in this continent. I feel like running to RWANDA AND SAYING TEACH US BROTHERS HOW TO BE A REAL STATE.
Puntland state of Somalia is a subsubsubsubsubsubsub clan project for maxmuud salebaan. Other majerteen and warsangeli have joined ISIS because of this. Worry about the Gala boys