White guy dumped by Somali girlfriend cause he' didn't convert

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Marrying someone with a past is one thing. Marrying someone with a promiscuous past and not letting your future spouse know is something else, especially if the whole damn town knows about it.

I mean, how long do you think she can keep it a secret? I can understand if a Somali woman with a past marries some unsuspecting nigga from a different city or country. But otherwise if they're from the same city and know the same people, then why the hell would you even try to deceive them?

Where do you draw the line between 'past' and 'promiscuous past'??? Because lets be honest here. The average Somali girl who is referred to as 'town bicycle' maybe had one or two ltrs and partners while the average revert in her life before being guided by the most high swt likely had a much more vibrant 'promiscuous' past. Many Somalis are liars as well especially the guys when it comes talking about who they slept with. They wont hesitate dragging the names of innocent Somali girls who are far above the immorality they associate them with.
No woman will marry the town playground swing also. Ladies will do detective work and air out his man hoeness.

Explain this to me sister. I have always wondered why these promiscuous women want to end up with a 'miskeen' virgin man. One would think these women would want men who are at least as 'experienced' and out there as them and who would therefore be more compatible with them than some miskeen man who likely doesn't know what he is doing in the bedroom if we go by her standards. Not saying you are one of these promiscuous women audhubillah but I wonder if there is something about the female psyche that justifies these sorts of choices.
Where do you draw the line between 'past' and 'promiscuous past'??? Because lets be honest here. The average Somali girl who is referred to as 'town bicycle' maybe had one or two ltrs and partners while the average revert in her life before being guided by the most high swt likely had a much more vibrant 'promiscuous' past. Many Somalis are liars as well especially the guys when it comes talking about who they slept with. They wont hesitate dragging the names of innocent Somali girls who are far above the immorality they associate them with.

Maybe you're retarded or maybe because you don't live around Somalis you wouldn't know what I'm talking about. But every friggin town and city has a few girls who can be described as having a promiscuous lifestyle. You'd have to be brain-dead retarded not to acknowledge this. I'm talking about those specific girls and those girls only. The same way how every Somali community has the local ciyaalsuuq and town drunk. Every block has them.

So take your fake moralizing out of this thread and get the f*ck out of my face.
Maybe you're retarded or maybe because you don't live around Somalis you wouldn't know what I'm talking about. But every friggin town and city has a few girls who can be described as having a promiscuous lifestyle. You'd have to be brain-dead retarded not to acknowledge this. I'm talking about those specific girls and those girls only. The same way how every Somali community has the local ciyaalsuuq and town drunk. Every block has them.

So take your fake moralizing out of this thread and get the f*ck out of my face.

Starting with the namecalling and smear tactics so soon huh??? :ftw9nwa: Somalis are the biggest liars and creators of false rumors especially the older ladies. All they do is gossip about things that arent even true. Unless you have hard evidence proving a girl leads a promiscuous life then I recommend you hold your tongue. With ciyaalsuuI and town drunks evidence is rather right in your face so thats a difference case. Ihave known of a few people that were afflicted by this curse of gossip in the Somali community and have had their entire reputations destroyed over things they never did.
Starting with the namecalling and smear tactics so soon huh??? :ftw9nwa: Somalis are the biggest liars and creators of false rumors especially the older ladies. All they do is gossip about things that arent even true. Unless you have hard evidence proving a girl leads a promiscuous life then I recommend you hold your tongue. With ciyaalsuuI and town drunks evidence is rather right in your face so thats a difference case. Ihave known of a few people that were afflicted by this curse of gossip in the Somali community and have had their entire reputations destroyed over things they never did.

The comparison I'm making is exactly the same as the local ciyaalsuuq and town drunk. Every block has them, and every block has a girl that can be described as the town .

There are over 250 000 Somalis in Canada alone. For you to deny what's obvious shows to me how idiotic and full of shit you are.

And no I'm not gonna tone down on the insults. You deserve the insults. Maybe if you smartened up a little, people on this forum wouldn't hold you in such contempt.
The comparison I'm making is exactly the same as the local ciyaalsuuq and town drunk. Every block has them, and every block has a girl that can be described as the town .

There are over 250 000 Somalis in Canada alone. For you to deny what's obvious shows to me how idiotic and full of shit you are.

And no I'm not gonna tone down on the insults. You deserve the insults. Maybe if you smartened up a little, people on this forum wouldn't hold you in such contempt.

You seem to have a lot emotion invested in this topic. :ftw9nwa: Okay I get it there are 's' so you dont have to scream it at me that they exist and that I need to acknowledge them or that I am idiotic and 'full of shit'. Are you happy now??? All I was saying is that Somalis and theyr gossip should not be trusted as they have time and time again dragged the names of innocent and good people through the mud. Do you deny that this does not happen??? At the end of the day what a girl did in the past is between her and her lord swt assuming she repented. She is a chaste woman and it none of our business how she lived her life at one point in the past.
You seem to have a lot emotion invested in this topic. :ftw9nwa: Okay I get it there are 's' so you dont have to scream it at me that they exist and that I need to acknowledge them or that I am idiotic and 'full of shit'. Are you happy now??? All I was saying is that Somalis and theyr gossip should not be trusted as they have time and time again dragged the names of innocent and good people through the mud. Do you deny that this does not happen??? At the end of the day what a girl did in the past is between her and her lord swt assuming she repented. She is a chaste woman and it none of our business how she lived her life at one point in the past.

You're changing the topic. When did I ever discuss Somali rumors and the validity of these rumors? I'm very well aware that Somalis lie and never denied that. However, there are indeed girls in every single community who can be categorized as promiscuous. The same way how every single block has an ciyaalsuuq and town drunk.

And you're right. It's no one's business but her own. But if she's well-known for being this way and she knowingly deceives her husband than that's a big problem. She should at least be honest and upfront so he doesn't get a nasty surprise a few months or years down the line.
You're changing the topic. When did I ever discuss Somali rumors and the validity of these rumors? I'm very well aware that Somalis lie and never denied that. However, there are indeed girls in every single community who can be categorized as promiscuous. The same way how every single block has an ciyaalsuuq and town drunk.

And you're right. It's no one's business but her own. But if she's well-known for being this way and she knowingly deceives her husband than that's a big problem. She should at least be honest and upfront so he doesn't get a nasty surprise a few months or years down the line.

What 'nasty surprise' are you talking about that exists only with her but not say reverts who typically were even more promiscuous before they were guided than the average Somali ''??? I am truly curious wallah.
What 'nasty surprise' are you talking about that exists only with her but not say reverts who typically were even more promiscuous before they were guided than the average Somali ''??? I am truly curious wallah.

I wouldn't marry a revert. But that's just me. And if a brother or sister wants to marry one, then they should be aware of all the risks associated with it. And I'm being fair here.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
I wouldn't marry a revert. But that's just me. And if a brother or sister wants to marry one, then they should be aware of all the risks associated with it. And I'm being fair here.

I agree with you I wouldnt marry a convert c either cause im mainly attracted to Somali women

But id imagine theres alot of issues People Will face If they go for a convert such as

- back talk from community
- your kid cant speak Somali at all especially If your struggling with yours

- Will be awkward when you eat banana with your food

- No family trips to Somalia

- when ur parentes visit Will always be awkward if they cant speak english


Keeping it Real Since 01/01/90
where do we draw the line between town bike and decent girl (from a non-Islamic perspective)? a lot of dudes draw it at virginity which is ridiculous cuz these are the same niggas thst commit (or at least try to commit :drakegrin:) zina too

fair enough if someone is against non-virgins for religious reasons, but let's be honest most dudes don't care so much about virginity for those reasons at all. more like insecurity that a girl might have experience before them and thus might not stack up :hemad:

Every society has its standards of what if deems appropriate and inappropriate. Thing is in our sub-culture the bar is higher than that of mainstream society. For them (gaalo) its a few number of sexual encounters or time spent in a couple mostly serially sexually monogamous relationships is fine and desirable. The bar is set higher for us as Muslims and Somalis more generally. And the interesting thing is we consider a girl who has had a few accounts of zina no different than one that's been on heavy rotation. Just the way it is. Women are still the gatekeepers and torch bearers of morality even in contemporary times, which is a double standard but the truth nonetheless. This has less to do with male sexual anxiety from being inexperienced and more so based on logic. Women and men that are not sexually active before marriage stand better chances of staying married and this follows a gradient based on degree sexual activity/sexual encounters. In fact, you'd say that both parties have greater to lose and have invested themselves greatly. They are also more likely to be faithful. And it sets the precedent for their children, which can lead in their example, God willing. This is a two-way street. You can't be a grimy looking for a chaste woman. The chaste for the chaste is how it should be ideally.
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Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Looking forward to seeing the 3 children of @Kaafiye, one will become Atheist, another will become a staunch SJW and the third will become gay.



My qabiil has more camels than yours
How the hell does something like this happen? Where were his cousins and friends to advise him? Where was his family to do research on this girl and find out about her bad reputation?
Nigga it's a big city we don't all live in Cedar. This chick became religious for a few months, that's all they knew about her and her fam. Family is always religious, the strictest ones got the most hoes. It's science bro.


Keeping it Real Since 01/01/90
Nigga it's a big city we don't all live in Cedar. This chick became religious for a few months, that's all they knew about her and her fam. Family is always religious, the strictest ones got the most hoes. It's science bro.

It's the rubber ban effect, the more tension you apply the greater the likelihood it will fling once given even a little bit of freedom. Someone from a strict family will either be pious or easily corrupted. It's similar to those with very liberal families many of them might be crazy because it's tolerated by the family. You might have an outlier that wants to be different. I rarely come across families that are balanced. That give their children a bit of freedom but prepare them with self-discipline and a strong sense of self so they can deal with the world without succumbing to peer pressure. Honestly, the thing I can't stand about a lot of Somali kids is they have a herd mentality even if it's to their detriment. Their stand up kids when they are by themselves but in a group setting they let the group control them and take over and obscures their identities. That's why I have always preferred to spend a significant amount of my time as a lone wolf.
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