WHITE MALE Founder of Abaarso School groomed a young Somali girl!

Somalis back home don’t understand the concept of grooming, dugsi macaalins back home routinely marry their students, so obviously, Fahima isn’t going to realize she’s being groomed.

What I’m going to say is controversial and I’m not means okay with this, I think it’s disgusting that this ajnabi who was invited to teach took advantage, but the only reason why it’s being seen as a national scandal
Is because he’s ajnabi.

If it was a ducsi macaalin or a Somali teacher and us girls started to talk about ‘grooming’ we’d be called Western Feminists and we’d be given long lectures about how 14 yr olds are allowed to get married Islamically, therefore they’re old enough to not be preyed upon ect.

My point is, let’s be consistent and call a spade a spade.

Somali Saayid

Currently high on hopium

Leaked Book from Mr Starr


Somalis back home don’t understand the concept of grooming, dugsi macaalins back home routinely marry their students, so obviously, Fahima isn’t going to realize she’s being groomed.

What I’m going to say is controversial and I’m not means okay with this, I think it’s disgusting that this ajnabi who was invited to teach took advantage, but the only reason why it’s being seen as a national scandal
Is because he’s ajnabi.

If it was a ducsi macaalin or a Somali teacher and us girls started to talk about ‘grooming’ we’d be called Western Feminists and we’d be given long lectures about how 14 yr olds are allowed to get married Islamically, therefore they’re old enough to not be preyed upon ect.

My point is, let’s be consistent and call a spade a spade.
They should at the very least have some gheera. Let me not lie there seems to be a lot of somali fathers who don’t do anything to protect their daughters. But i definitely agree with ur last point somalis only get mad when an ajnabi does the same fucked up shit they do.


Looks like jonathan was just following the lead of his fellow white brethren. These men r actually dayuuths.

I just wanna know how the parents were even convinced to let their young precious daughter live with gaalo like that...the pic of her from 2013 shows a very young child.
Looks like jonathan was just following the lead of his fellow white brethren. These men r actually dayuuths.

So this German person is who the sister is referring to in her tweets? Very disgusting indeed.

The most vulnerable groups get taken advantage of in these kind of situations. How do these people get all this easy access to under age children? Were the parents simply too busy, careless or naive?

Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
So this German person is who the sister is referring to in her tweets? Very disgusting indeed.

The most vulnerable groups get taken advantage of in these kind of situations. How do these people get all this easy access to under age children? Were the parents simply too busy, careless or naive?
This happens in all poor countries :kanyeshrug:
This happens in all poor countries :kanyeshrug:
It happens because the leaders of those countries allow it to happen and let it fester by turning a blind eye in exchange for money or reputation. But for fair play to our leaders, I still can't get over the fact that Somalia president sent our daughters and sisters to the Arab world for them to be slaves in his eyes it was no different than sending cattle wallah I despise man.
Looks like jonathan was just following the lead of his fellow white brethren. These men r actually dayuuths.

This is isaaq propaganda. Markus hoehne was loved by landers until the moment he called them out for invasion of ssc .

He traveled & lived for years in Somalia particularly somaliland ,ssc & puntland & wrote many books & academics works on about Somalis.

This is utter fake news & bullshit they try to tarnish his reputation by saying his a pedophile, but the only pedophile are the cadaan men from abaarso school .

Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
This is isaaq propaganda. Markus hoehne was loved by landers until the moment he called them out for invasion of ssc .

He traveled & lived for years in Somalia particularly somaliland ,ssc & puntland & wrote many books & academics works on about Somalis.

This is utter fake news & bullshit they try to tarnish his reputation by saying his a pedophile, but the only pedophile are the cadaan men from abaarso school .
You sure ? :ufdup:

Its normal for somalilander woman to be obsessing over old bald cadaan men, it stems from the "we are british protectorate" indoctrination by edna & her likes . :heh:


