Who are the most racist members?

Which one is the most racist?

  • Factz

  • Jennifer

  • The Cushitic One

  • Reiko

  • Biggie

  • Xalimathe6

  • Somaliweyn unionist

  • Ahmed Alawi

  • OmarAli

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Say wallahi you just made that up....you're going straight to hell for that..:deadmanny:

I had to delete that because you got me scared, please don't curse me to hell. I was only joking with you abaayo, delete that comment too.

Inshllah may Allah take me to jannatul firdous, Ameen!
Drop teh pagan moon religion and join Yuropean civilization. Stop cucking for the Turk.

How am I cucking for the Turk? Islam was in Bosnia even before the Turks came. My ancestors were Bogumils (look it up) before they became Muslim, and they became Muslim because they were landowners, it was in order to preserve rights and their lands. Bogumilism had some elements similar to Islam, that is also a contributing factor to why we converted in such large numbers.

We also preserved our European genetics, because converting to Islam, they let our women be. Whereas the Serbs are lot Turkier in their complexion.

I have no intention to leave Islam. I am comfortable being an indigenous European Muslim. Not like the imports from MENA.


How am I cucking for the Turk? Islam was in Bosnia even before the Turks came. My ancestors were Bogumils (look it up) before they became Muslim, and they became Muslim because they were landowners, it was in order to preserve rights and their lands. Bogumilism had some elements similar to Islam, that is also a contributing factor to why we converted in such large numbers.

We also preserved our European genetics, because converting to Islam, they let our women be. Whereas the Serbs are lot Turkier in their complexion.

I have no intention to leave Islam. I am comfortable being an indigenous European Muslim. Not like the imports from MENA.

Turks and Arabs enslaved Slavic people, by the thousands. You are an incredible cuck for adhering to the religion that enslaved and colonized your ancestors.

You are no different from a Muslim Bantu suffering from Stockholm Syndrome.
Turks and Arabs enslaved Slavic people, by the thousands. You are an incredible cuck for adhering to the religion that enslaved and colonized your ancestors.

You are no different from a Muslim Bantu suffering from Stockholm Syndrome.
Why are we blaming their wrongdoings on the religion?


Turks and Arabs enslaved Slavic people, by the thousands. You are an incredible cuck for adhering to the religion that enslaved and colonized your ancestors.

You are no different from a Muslim Bantu suffering from Stockholm Syndrome.

Islam forbids invading a nation for no reason and slavery is forbidden. Read the Qu'ran and stop attacking the religion, I respect you but now you're going to far as to lying.
There were no forceful conversions in Bosnia. I am glad my ancestors stopped worshipping the cross that Isa a. s will break when he comes back.

Southern Slavs became Christians relatively late compared to Western Slavs or other European peoples. We held on to our pagan Slavic religion pretty long. Even when we were Christians we weren't that observing and practising.

Are you even aware how many pagan components had to be corporated into Christianity to make it acceptable for pagan Europeans?
Bosniaks are believed to be an ancient Slavic tribe hailing from southern Poland. They called themselves "Bosani" or "Busani" and hence the lands they settled "Bosona", that later evolved into Bosna/Bosnia.


There were no forceful conversions in Bosnia. I am glad my ancestors stopped worshipping the cross that Isa a. s will break when he comes back.

Southern Slavs became Christians relatively late compared to Western Slavs or other European peoples. We held on to our pagan Slavic religion pretty long. Even when we were Christians we weren't that observing and practising.

Are you even aware how many pagan components had to be corporated into Christianity to make it acceptable for pagan Europeans?

Serbia did nothing wrong

Islam codified slavery and Arab imperialism. The Ottoman Turks only slightly tweaked it to cuck his ancestors.

I respect Serbs more vs Bosniak cucks.

Well, you and your Turko-Gypsy Serbs may go f*ck yourselves for all I care.
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