Who are the most racist members?

Which one is the most racist?

  • Factz

  • Jennifer

  • The Cushitic One

  • Reiko

  • Biggie

  • Xalimathe6

  • Somaliweyn unionist

  • Ahmed Alawi

  • OmarAli

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Because your Somalian brought it to Ethiopia. They sleep with habesha without condoms. Your nomadic men don’t know how to use condoms :chrisfreshhah:
Explain, also Somalia has the lowest HIV rate in the horn. We don't even adulter , forget condoms. The 0.1 percent is probably oromo immigrants in puntland
the residents of Dire Dawa administrative council were found to be 48% Oromo, 27.7% Amahra, 13.9%Somali, 4.5% Guragie (2.3% Sebat Bet, 0.8% Sodo and 1.4% Silte) and 5.9% others. Amharic is the official language of the administrative council.

84.7 percent is non Somali, so don't try claim that dire dawa is full of Somalis (it used to)
dont ever go back to somalia
,i will tell your whole gobol that your a bantu booty clapper and you rather see your own ethinic replaced .maybe you should move there to kenya and take up their identity .

let me get this straight your a arab and somali hybrid this whole time ?:ohhh:
and wants to be a kenyan or tanzanian bantu :farole:
She suck up to them and they think she criminal terrorist http://marvel.wikia.com/wiki/Obax_Majid_(Earth-616)
Yes. We are more related to our fellow African brothers and sisters than we are to cra/kers.
stop with the bullshit oof. They are not our brothers and sisters walaal. You are fucked up in the mind. We are more closer to indians the bantus. Also they hate "Somalians" or "ans" with all their hearts, Just look at south africa


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Their culture is the reason why Somali in the West kill each other and the girls are baby moms hoe. I rather they identify as Jewish since they love money business and education.
Culture is preserving Somalis, Somalis are preserving culture. Walaal you can be anything when we stabilise
stop with the bullshit oof. They are not our brothers and sisters walaal. You are fucked up in the mind. We are more closer to indians the bantus. Also they hate "Somalians" or "ans" with all their hearts, Just look at south africa
If you think Indians are closer to us than our own neighbors you are way more lost than me.
South Africans are also xenophobic towards other Bantus from the Congo, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Angola, etc. Your point falls flat.

So BET which promotes drugs and gangasterz and HIV carnival fest is Somali Muslim culture?
If BET is black culture are Al-Kilaab who destroy Mogadishu and the South every day considered Somali culture? Your point also falls flat.

A white Muslim is closer to than a Bantu Christian. I don't know where he @LI0N7 is getting his negative ideas about me.

I don't need dhaqan celis because I already know my culture. I will go back to Somalia when I'm older to bring a new, better culture to Somalia.
Somalia are already facing too many problems we dont want no sjw gays and afro american culture . ill be nice and just say dont come to xamar or the coast of south west state .i have alot of familly who are policing in those areas and familly friends who work for NISA , i will report you :ufdup:
Somalia are already facing too many problems we dont want no sjw gays and afro american culture . ill be nice and just say dont come to xamar or the coast of south west state .i have alot of familly who are policing in those areas and familly friends who work for NISA , i will report you :ufdup:

:mjpls:I guess I will have to start with Hargeisa.


So much depends upon a red wheel barrow.
:mahubowtf:How do you think Adam would look like? Not even one scholar will deny that Prophet Adam, the first man and the smartest man, was dark skinned.

I just have to say, though I agree with you about Nabi Adam(as) with regards to his skin, being dark skinned doesn't necessarily make you "black".
I just have to say, though I agree with you about Nabi Adam(as) with regards to his skin, being dark skinned doesn't necessarily make you "black".
He was obviously black. Even science today doesn't deny that the first man to walk this earth must have been black. Only the ignorant folks deny this reality.


So much depends upon a red wheel barrow.
He was obviously black. Even science today doesn't deny that the first man to walk this earth must have been black. Only the ignorant folks deny this reality.
I'm not disputing he was "black" as in dark skinned, I believe he was.
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