Who has taken DNA tests?


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
To be honest, I'd say the most common "foreign" admixture is "Ethiopian". Before 23andme overly expanded their Somali component a lot of Somalis turned up with 3-10% Ethiopian/Eritrean including myself and I think this was real in a lot of cases because with me if I use R on my computer or Vahaduo with my G25 coordinates I never fit as 100% Somali but turn up as like 5-10% or so some form of Highland Ethiopian. Mainly Beta Israel for me. You get a lot of Somalis showing some Wolayta/Oromo type elements too. Drobbah has for the longest time.

Yemeni and SE African Bantu is extremely rare in comparison to this pretty ubiquitous Ethiopian stuff. And that's without even counting the possible theory that all Somalis have substantial Highland admixture which is likely the source of our 5-10% South-Arabian.

I think @Apollo forgot to include the Ethio element because it's very widespread. I agree. Mainstream Somalis don't generally have other admixtures other than minor Ethiopian/Eritrean admixture on 23andme. The least common is Congolese Southeast African/West African (and nearly exclusively in the ravine areas of the south). However, given level of discrimination they face along with the fact they aesthetically and racially veer away from ethnic Somalis that is probably the reason for certain marital prohibitions and hence exceedingly low admixture rates. If anything it's individuals with Yemeni admixture which are more likely to have trace amounts of this (Zanj/Niger-Congo admixture) given their heavy involvement in the slave trade. Ethiopian admixture is the most common and widespread, Yemeni admixture isn't very common but comes next followed by South Asian which is absent of Niger-Congo admixture in Northern populations but also present in Reer Xamar or Barwani admixed Somalis. Those Somalis from mainstream Somali clans but with a Reer Xamar or Barwani relative (parent, grand parent, great grandparent) will have trace amounts from various areas because those groups are multi-ethnic with no single point of origin. They also have Bantu admixture given fewer taabos from marrying from them unlike the vast majority of mainstream ethnic Somalis.
Have any Ogaden or Geri Koombe folks taken this test? I have some Geri relatives that looks suspiciously Ethiopian, so I would be interested.


Have any Ogaden or Geri Koombe folks taken this test? I have some Geri relatives that looks suspiciously Ethiopian, so I would be interested.

Ogadenis are one of the least Ethiopian-like of the K5 people. Ogaden clan came from what is now Puntland in recent history.

The most Oromo/Ethiopic admixed K5ers are mostly the Garres, Degodias, (generally the Southwest K5ers) and some but not all K5 Dirs.


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
I have signed up for the 23andme genetics project and got a shipping forwarding company as @Apollo suggested in another thread.

If approved, I will take the test and see my genetic history. It’ll probably take a while but I’ll post the results.


I have signed up for the 23andme genetics project and got a shipping forwarding company as @Apollo suggested in another thread.

If approved, I will take the test and see my genetic history. It’ll probably take a while but I’ll post the results.

Lol, they actually send out to parcel forwarding addresses? I never actually tried it, but that loophole usually works when companies don't want to ship abroad.


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
Lol, they actually send out to parcel forwarding addresses? I never actually tried it, but that loophole usually works when companies don't want to ship abroad.

So they say for a one-time delivery, they will give me an address for free. However, I can only have the parcel at their facility for a certain amount of time before I have to pay for its shipping to Australia.

I already got the parcel forwarding address but the shipping costs may total to 100 AUD max which still a better deal than 23andme's 250 AUD asking price.

All I'm waiting for is 23andme to approve me for the genetics project.


So they say for a one-time delivery, they will give me an address for free. However, I can only have the parcel at their facility for a certain amount of time before I have to pay for its shipping to Australia.

I already got the parcel forwarding address but the shipping costs may total to 100 AUD max which still a better deal than 23andme's 250 AUD asking price.

You can also pick the slowest/most budget/non-express option. In general it almost always arrives, waiting may be worth it. Never had shipito stuff getting lost with the el cheapo option.


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