Who is Abdullahi Abdisalam Borleh? The Daalo Bomber From Somaliland?

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AP writer Suzan Fraser in Ankara, Turkey contributed to this report.

Source: AP

February 16, 2016

MOGADISHU, Somalia (AP) — He was a teacher at an Islamic school, known in his hometown in northwestern Somalia as a talkative, religious man with a sense of humor.

He has also been identified as a suicide bomber who tried to bring down an airliner.

Abdullahi Abdisalam Borleh boarded a plane on Feb. 2 with a bomb which exploded at 11,000 feet. The blast created a hole in the fuselage of the Airbus 321, just above the wing, and Borleh was blown out, his body falling to earth and landing in the Somali town of Balad.

Borleh said he was going abroad for health reasons, according to Sheikh Mohamed Abdullahi, a mosque imam in Hargeisa near where Borleh was from, and who met with him in January. Abdullahi estimated Borleh’s age at between 50 and 52, described him as “chatty,” and said that he had a leg problem that required him to sometimes walk with a cane.

“He travelled to Mogadishu to obtain a passport to go to either Turkey or India for medical reasons,” Abdullahi said in a telephone interview. “He was probably travelling overseas to straighten his leg.”

On Saturday, al-Shabab, Somalia’s Islamic extremist rebels, claimed responsibility for the attempt to destroy the plane with 81 passengers and crew aboard. The al-Qaida-linked group mocked efforts to prevent such attacks and threatened more “to purify this Muslim land from the filth of the disbelievers.”

“Despite all their security measures … the Mujahideen can and will get to them,” the group said.

There are mounting signs that al-Shabab had inside help.

A senior civil aviation security officer who supervised operations of screening machines at Mogadishu airport was one of 20 people arrested after he was seen on CCTV accompanying another man who handed the laptop believed to contain the bomb to Borleh after he had gone through security. The other man, identified as an airport employee, was also among those arrested.

“It was a meticulously planned and coordinated plot, and the bomber would never have gone beyond any security screening without the assistance of well-placed insiders facilitating his limitless access into the airport,” said a senior Somali counterterrorism official who insisted on anonymity for his own safety.

Borleh may also have had help from other official quarters.

A Somali federal official recommended that the government issue Borleh a passport, said a senior intelligence official in Somaliland, the autonomous region where Borleh was from. Borleh had been on security agents’ radar, “but we had never considered him to be dangerous,” the official told The Associated Press by phone from Hargeisa, Somaliland’s capital. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he is not authorized to speak to the media.

Officials are also looking at a lead that runs straight to Somalia’s foreign ministry. ("foreign minister is from Somaliland on dahabshiil payroll")

A senior Somali immigration official said Borleh had obtained a Turkish visa to work in Turkey as a foreign ministry adviser, and provided the AP with a copy of a letter allegedly sent from the Somali Embassy in Ankara, Turkey, to the Turkish Embassy in Somalia’s capital. The letter asked the Turkish Embassy to facilitate a visa for Borleh to be “an advisor to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Investment Promotions.”

But the Somali Embassy in Ankara denied making such a request to the Turkish Embassy in Mogadishu and called the document a fake
. The Somali Foreign Ministry and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Investment Promotion Abdusalam H. Omer did not comment, despite repeated requests from AP over five days.

It is possible that al-Shabab, in a display of sophisticated deception, wrote the letter on official or official-looking stationery and sent it to the Turkish Embassy. The embassy declined to comment to AP on whether it had received the letter or acted on it.

Having the visa would have been key to getting aboard a flight, which originally was on Turkish Airlines. In its statement claiming responsibility, al-Shabab lashed out at Turkey, which has been a strong supporter of the Somali government. ("dahabshiil wants the turks out as they are improving Xamar a heinous crime)

The flight on Feb. 2 was supposed to have been on Turkish Airlines, but the airline canceled because of bad weather from a previous departure point, and Dubai-based Daallo Airlines was instead used. Flight 159 consequently took off an hour late, a delay which may have saved the passengers and crew.

If the bomb had gone off at cruising altitude, as it might have if it was rigged to a timing device set to coincide with the original flight time, the result could have been catastrophic, with the plane possibly disintegrating because of the vast difference between air pressure inside and outside at 30,000-plus feet.

Instead the blast happened earlier, at a lower altitude. Borleh was the only fatality and the plane’s controls were unaffected by the blast allowing the pilot able to fly the plane back to Mogadishu safely.

The statement from al-Shabab did not mention Borleh. Some intelligence officials believe he knowingly carried the bomb aboard, though that has not been conclusively established.

Borleh was seen as very religious but not a firebrand in his northwestern town of Borama, far from the battlegrounds of al-Shabab, which operates mostly in southern Somalia. While the extremist group doesn’t have a presence in the town near the Ethiopian border, intelligence officials say there are a few al-Shabab sympathizers there.

Borleh taught the Quran and Islamic ethics to local children but acquaintances said he didn’t discuss politics. He favored a long mustache and usually wore trousers cut to just below the knee. He was married and had children, though how many isn’t clear.

“He was a normal and humorous man, and he rarely talked about persecutions against Muslims in East Africa,” said a local journalist who met Borleh before he travelled to Mogadishu.

Abdullahi, the Muslim preacher in Hargeisa, is still trying to come to grips with what happenedd.

It took al-shabab more then a week to claim the bombing according to Calasoow, there was a dispute and Somaliland was working tirelessly to get Alshabab to claim the terror act quickly but Alshabab refused because they didn't do it. After a sweet one million dollar deal, Alshabab finally claimed it and Somaliland was relieved.

Who has any doubts that this guy was an agent sent by Somaliland ? With 8 out of 10 of All suicide bombers, helpers,sympathizers, collaborators, leaders of the SHABAAB cult, coming from Somaliland, there is no doubt SL government is involved, facilitating, coordinating things indirectly.

The Somaliland leaders, and supporters are now shitting their pants, responding to newspaper articles, the international community, investigation team and FBI, are in Mogadishu and no stone will be unturned to find the murders and collaborators.



John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
If that's the case why aren't NISA doing anything about it. Why hasn't the federal government made any statements?

I know they're from somaliland but I highly doubt any government is involved the IC watches like a hawk. People have spread rumours about HSM, kulmiye etc all being in cahoots with shabab. Honestly other than blackie and sheikh sharif none of them have any plausible connection to shabab.


So you think he was just a nacas who thought he just had to smuggle a laptop through security? He might've needed the money for his surgeries and probably had no idea that a laptop could destroy a plane. He could have been tricked into doing it.


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
Lets say he's Isaaq, what about all the other workers at the airport that were working with him? Were they all Isaaq too? :rudywhatever:


Southie pride
Let us be realistic.

NSA are corrupted, so we don't need to blame Somaliland. Konfur has to blame itself. The security so fucking week. Forget about the guy from Somaliland, how could they pass through the screening point if main workers not involved with. Blame villa Somalia and HSM. dame it


Let us be realistic.

NSA are corrupted, so we don't need to blame Somaliland. Konfur has to blame itself. The security so fucking week. Forget about the guy from Somaliland, how could they pass through the screening point if main workers not involved with. Blame villa Somalia and HSM. dame it

Laalush. They hardly get paid and they're trying to squeeze the job for all its worth.

John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
Honestly its seems like people scapegoating reer waqooyi. Alshabaab is operated by a mix of people.


No one scapegoats you people, two/three articles saying s/l is involved does not equal scapegoating. People have also routinely accused HSM of being involved. What matters is what government agencies and the IC say in regards to alshabab. None of which have pointed any fingers at any government agency.

Enough with the victim complex it's been old. The only people who are suffering is reer konfur, not you. Get over it

Wallahi these threads and the shear anger had me laughing. The same people who sling mud everyday are crying about 'facts'. @Dhoobe and the qaldaan crew. Fugoff!

No one scapegoats you people, two/three articles saying s/l is involved does not equal scapegoating. People have also routinely accused HSM of being involved. What matters is what government agencies and the IC say in regards to alshabab. None of which have pointed any fingers at any government agency.

Enough with the victim complex it's been old. The only people who are suffering is reer konfur, not you. Get over it

Wallahi these threads and the shear anger had me laughing. The same people who sling mud everyday are crying about 'facts'. @Dhoobe and the qaldaan crew. Fugoff!

WTF are you talking about i am not isaaq or reer waaqoyi. Please check who you responding to.

It is no suprise isaaqs are involved in alshabaab just like raxanweyn,darood,hawiye,dir and just about every minority in Somalia. Blaming them solely for the havoc alshabaab is causing is scapegoating.

But nonetheless i still think Somaliland needs to be investigated, if not we would just be speculating.
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Al Dhoobe

Dr. Dhoobe
@nucleus I feel sorry for yall that grew up in qurbaha and think that any article written is fact, just because it's an article :what:..dafug?

I have a feeling those on ss who believe these articles are American, yall are dumb AF to be honest:pachah1:

John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
@nucleus I feel sorry for yall that grew up in qurbaha and think that any article written is fact, just because it's an article :what:..dafug?

I have a feeling those on ss who believe these articles are American, yall are dumb AF to be honest:pachah1:

The only simpleton is you sxb. You didn't understand my post at all. :rollseyes:


Southie pride
Laalush. They hardly get paid and they're trying to squeeze the job for all its worth.
^^Why they employed unreliable people in first place at the Airport,.. where are HR? They suppose to do background check up before they employ such a people. I use to work Airport, and I know how it works. But HSM madaxiisa Allaha kashubo.

Whatever I do waxaas oo kale masameeyen walaahi. This is very shameful to our society. They have no faith at all.


^^Why they employed unreliable people in first place at the Airport,.. where are HR? They suppose to do background check up before they employ such a people. I use to work Airport, I know the rules and how it works. But HSM madaxiisa Allaha kashubo.

Whatever I do waxaas oo kale masameeyen walaahi. This is very shameful to our society. They have no faith at all.

It's Africa there's no paperwork for an individual besides his ID. Police don't keep data on people. But then we'll complain if they hire a foreigner. I'm so glad they beefed up security and brought sniffer dogs.


Southie pride
It's Africa there's no paperwork for an individual besides his ID. Police don't keep data on people. But then we'll complain if they hire a foreigner. I'm so glad they beefed up security and brought sniffer dogs.
No, that was before. Somalia now has a computer system built by Turkish programmers to check up people's background that is why they said Mogadishu residents must register at the Home Affairs in order to keep personals deals which connected to the police. Most of people applied ID and they got it.. There is lots of data records and no body cares. It's all about cash.
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Your superior
Honestly I think this propaganda will do more to damage Reer Koonfur and hawiye because they are loosing their last few supporters in the north. Several false allegations including the man whose Facebook pics were stolen by the government of Somalia and falsely blamed for suicide attack, they said he was from borama


He never showed his face so his story I'm not sure about. Could've been his family calling that show and pretending to be him.


Southie pride
But anyway, Somaliland has something to do with. Why Turkish and some airlines make agreement with Somaliland quickly after incidents and said Mogadishu is not safe anymore. Something fishy. lol


Your superior
But anyway, Somaliland has something to do with. Why Turkish and some airlines make agreement with Somaliland quickly after incidents and said Mogadishu is not safe anymore. Something fishy. lol

Allahu yaalam. They could be in it all together.
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