Shide's and his fellowers (Dir and non Dir) battle cry is if the dominant clan and armed group (ONLF) united so there should be 'Dir' unity to counter it.
It is the usual divide and rule.
Axmed Shide belongs to group called Heego that hates Somali region to go its own way or unite with greater Somalia.
That is why Abdi Mahamud removed the Somali flag on the side of DDS and replaced it with camel as they see themselves as Ethiopian.
They see ONLF as threat that harbours secessionist ambitions or pan Somalism.
He is gearing up to stop ONLF and likes of Cagjar as they see themselves as Ethiopian first and Somali second.
Indeed. We will see how it pans out.
you said moyaale is a dir city, its not, moyaale is owned by garre and dagodi on the ddsi side, dagodi on the kenyan side and boran on the borana on the oromia side, side,
awbarre is also shared with reer isaaq Mohamed zubeer and 1door
Bohol the Dir he is drumming up don't know the truth and are blinded as often with Somalis by tribalism.
He is using it as smoke screen and stay relevant against any return of Somalinimo.
He sees himself as Ethiopian classic victim mentality because he ows everything to his loyalty to Ethiopia he sees any encroaching Somalinimo as bad.
He made name and fame firmly placing his believe in Ethiopiasm. Abdi Omar suffered from that same and today is in prison.
He tried to come against Ethiopia but he couldn't handed himself in and is in prison today.
Garre are Dir specially the Quranyow section.
Sxb are you sure about reer isaaq living in awbarre?you said moyaale is a dir city, its not, moyaale is owned by garre and dagodi on the ddsi side, dagodi on the kenyan side and boran on the borana on the oromia side, side,
awbarre is also shared with reer isaaq Mohamed zubeer and 1door
Sxb are you sure about reer isaaq living in awbarre?
We should ask @Cauli, he's gadabursi.jidwaq, like abaskuul, reer isaaq, and 1door and gadabursi,
We should ask @Cauli, he's gadabursi.
We should ask @Cauli, he's gadabursi.
we owned awe barre and we as in abame, jidwaq and reer isaaq, it was 1door and gadabursi that were pushing jidwaq out of it until cabdi iley came and gave them confidence the bloody area belongs to them, we will take it back insha Allah, we are back, gadabursi can own the northern sector with somaliland border, we will own the centre and south
Sxb are you sure about reer isaaq living in awbarre?
Awbarre is Gadabuursi and has been for the last 300 years, Haile Sellasie named it Teferi Ber. There is not one single Darood settlement in Awbarre.
The Isaaq (Habr Awal) live in the Wajaale region.
The district is a Gadabursi district.
Keep dreaming though. Ogaden don't even have one village in all of Faafan, let alone Awbarre which is near Borama.
Focus on your degmos that are shared with Garhajis like Aware and Dhagaxbuur.
Forget Awbarre.
Ogaden don't have a single town in all of Faafan Zone.
Awbarre is Gadabuursi, there is no Darood there whatsoever.
Whilst the Habr Awal dominate Wajaale.
oh stop it, why yuo sperating jidwaq and ogaden wehn they are absame and yet place together gadabursi/dir/1door who are much much older than absame in terms of age/abt tirsi, gadabursi used to take advanagte and push around jidwaq during the zenawi high days, no more of that now as absame/ogaden has been storng for atleast 10 years,
i know many absames who were born there, kulaha it has been ours for 300 years, war if it was not for ogaden and cabdi iley gadabursi would have robbed whole of jigjiga with 1door help, only becaseu cabdi iley brough in hundreds of thousands of ogadens and used them to push gadaburs and 1door back to the border,
awebarre is not yours 100%, like i said, we absame own the the southern part, to say tagalwaq ogaden and jidwaq and camar ogaden who are under reer isaaq mag, and reer muuse ogaden, is just arrogant, how can you have awebarre border jigjiga and yet claim we can not lay ownership to the south is also arrogant my friend,