Who is the Siad of our generation?

Alright then, he was crazy. But hes the only thing somalia had. I have no clue what happened in hargeisa other then some snm sna fighting. I need to do research.
Dosent stop me from still wanting a strongman to fix this failed country. Theres nothing else that will fix it.

But I want to focus on 'so did other presidents' I can tell you right now that no other president has done ANYTHING meaningful to our country wallahi im being serious their all clowns. In fact if you bother to read that thread it talks about the incompetency of the first government.
But they also didn't destroy the country.
He was a commie kafir. Siyaad actively committed genocide against several clans too. He should've never been President and he should've stepped down after 1978 but the kibir got to him.
If Siyaad had Drones like we do now he would have stayed President and never been overthrown.


If I become Somalia president I would cause a war between alkebab and ahlu Sunnah wa jam'a so I can get of these two armed radicals.
Then start to build Somali army and if I can send Somali youth to study outside.
And slowly start to take small taxes from the people and use it to build infrastructure.

I'm ready to give the federal states more freedoms as long they don't intervene in my rule an from there I will gain control of the parliament and get international aid so in future I can face these warlords


I recommend to read and watch about how Sun Yat Sen Chiang Kai-shek United states of China

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He had fighter jets and he was still removed.
Fighter jets are different. Drones are way cheaper than fighter jets and Drones can hover in 1 spot for hours on end unlike Fighter jets. Those fighter jets that Siyaad had didn't have laser guided bombs as well. You can buy multiple Drones for the price of 1 fighter jet. Drones also don't have to risk the pilots life as well.


Head of Somalia freemasonry branch
Me I am the siad if I get elected

I will build military base in awdal to counter Ethiopian influence
And keep stoking inter clan fighting in somaliland untill it fragments and there is only habar jeclos left

I will also build navy base in Jubaland in case Kenya starts gettin smart

i will also bombard puntland’s isis mountains to let em know they are still within Somalia and there is a higher authority above them that can ensure their security slowing weening them off clan .

I will bomb Jilib etc idek why that place is still untouched
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