Who made this Somali Region District Breakdown and do you agree with it?

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The Brave
Everybody wants to be landheer but nobody wants to put in the work :mjlol:

Ogaden has a monopoly on the Somali Region. I guess other tribes had a lot of free time sitting home like women, having accepted Ethiopian domination - therefore resorting to making fake stats online to prove their landheernimo.

Lord knows they weren't able to prove it on the battlefiled :mjkkk:

ONLF have been fighting for 50+ years, tell me what has changed since ? absolutely nothing.
ONLF have been fighting for 50+ years, tell me what has changed since ? absolutely nothing.
ONLF hasn't been active for 50 years but to answer your question, they've kept you Somali.

Don't believe me? Ask the Dirs who are Somali 1 day, Oromo the next.
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