Who were the People of Punt?

tbf I do think I remember reading in an encyclopedia about ancient erupt that they found Egyptian beads near the juba river in Somalia. so ig if you dont just look at gash group northern Somali could be plausible. or at least ancestors of somalis being somewhat associated. https://archive.org/details/atlasofancienteg00bain/page/20/mode/2up?q=juba&view=theater
They actually found 18th dynasty egyptian beads at Juba? Yeah it at least establishes that the region had trading contacts, or with a middleman nearby.

They also found ancient egyptian pottery remains at Hafun but was Ptolemaic. but yeah not much excavations have been done in Somalia , so we don't even know a fraction of the trade or production even.


HA Activist.
They actually found 18th dynasty egyptian beads at Juba? Yeah it at least establishes that the region had trading contacts, or with a middleman nearby.

They also found ancient egyptian pottery remains at Hafun but was Ptolemaic. but yeah not much excavations have been done in Somalia , so we don't even know a fraction of the trade or production even.
Sadly the only things that have been excavated on our shores so far only go back to antiquity. Once things get more stable and qualified teams are able to navigate those territories safely I’m sure we’ll discover wonders. Especially PL’s Indian Ocean and the Gulf of Aden
Sadly the only things that have been excavated on our shores so far only go back to antiquity. Once things get more stable and qualified teams are able to navigate those territories safely I’m sure we’ll discover wonders. Especially PL’s Indian Ocean and the Gulf of Aden
Northern Somalia is safe and navigable,they should be some excavations
A lot of artifacts were also lost in Egypt when they flooded land for the Suez Canal. Some of that might have given us more insight on punt but we will never know now.
They actually found 18th dynasty egyptian beads at Juba? Yeah it at least establishes that the region had trading contacts, or with a middleman nearby.

They also found ancient egyptian pottery remains at Hafun but was Ptolemaic. but yeah not much excavations have been done in Somalia , so we don't even know a fraction of the trade or production even.
yeah thats the case for a lot of african countries unfortunately, invest needs to happen and more stabilization so that teams will actually be able to go there. Hopefully it all works out in the future.
Would the East Cushitic split have happened when Egyptians were visiting Punt? I remember posting a video of some linguistic expert saying South Cushitic was impacted by an east Cushitic language (most likely early Oromo type). I wonder if the early south Cushitic types journeyed through Somalia or stayed there for a while. When you see those DNA samples from Nubia to Kenya and the rock arts it shows you there was a kind of a Cushitic cultural realm across East Africa.