None of them are qualified for the position, Not HSM nor Deni or any other current or former member of parliament. A western well educated individual no matter their background must be given the position of head of state. But that’ll never happen due to this primitive clan based society. Yet this cycle of blame will continue, and the nation will keep gyrating into unconsciousness.Out of all the politicians currently in Somalia who would be best fit to lead Somalia? We already know hsm cannot lead Somalia and has been recuded to more or less as the mayor of Muqdisho.. Would Somalia ever get a leader who would be able to unite all factions / federal members states and bring a change?
Deni is very capable if he wasn’t capable he wouldn’t be elected two term puntland presidentWhy Deni? He isn't capable in my opinion.
This is deni with puntland he defeated qaranka barida weyn SNM 8/25/23 he will defeated the terriost alshayadin completely from somalia and turn somaliaNone of them are qualified for the position, Not HSM nor Deni or any other current or former member of parliament. A western well educated individual no matter their background must be given the position of head of state. But that’ll never happen due to this primitive clan based society. Yet this cycle of blame will continue, and the nation will keep gyrating into unconsciousness.
Dont listen to this oromo niggaTo me, we need him in puntland.
Horgal ibnu horgaal iranI don't think anyone will succeed leading Somalia cause the actual problem is this made up colonial nation, the idea is the problem, no matter who is leading will end up failing. Noone has loyalty to it cause they know it was imposed from the outside and not from within. To see Somalis fare better it will need a serious discussion on ending this nation state idea who serves only outside forces interest not local. The Balkan option is the only thing that can reverse this time waste for Somalis and international actors.
Of course Deni qurux is fit to lead SomaliaOut of all the politicians currently in Somalia who would be best fit to lead Somalia? We already know hsm cannot lead Somalia and has been recuded to more or less as the mayor of Muqdisho.. Would Somalia ever get a leader who would be able to unite all factions / federal members states and bring a change?
Lool.. I'm cumar Maxamuud.. Nacalaa stop calling me Oromo.. Also how slow is Deni when he got tricked by culusowDeni is very capable if he wasn’t capable he wouldn’t be elected two term puntland president🫡 xaqiraada maficno ina ibnu Oromo
Deni turn puntland from a shit holeregion to one of the most prosperity region in Somalia
if he can do that with puntland with limited resources imagine what he will have done if he was the president of somalia
deni was businessman before he became politician like Donald J trump he will make somalia great again 🫡
The only time I've agreed with this guyWat r u smoking? Islamic principles kulaha. This kid lives in some fantasy idealistic world of morals. The truth there is no morals in politics and it is guided by ppl well being and interest. If you think islamic principles work then u will end up following Afghanistan or Iran path being the most backward and poorest and most sanctioned country on the planet, how does that serve somali interest to attain prosperity and development? Isolating 80% of non Muslim world isn't smart politics. Religion has no place in politics. This guy is trying to bring his Sunday school teacher into politics lol. Nations are trying to survive and this guy wants to confine our politics to Muslim ethics and morals sorry pal there is no morals or ethics to survival. If u want to sit there and pray u can but don't force a whole nation to do such silly thing.
Very rare and probably will try to install an incompatible government.We should let diasporas (that are highly educated and not clan influenced) run Somalia.
Very important aswell, if islam played a role in the somali government it wouldnt be as corrupt, things would be fair and inshallah somali will develop. Afghanistan is sanctioned by the entire world in less than 1 year they have outperformed somalia 100x Wallahi im not even lying."If you believe in Islamic principles," I don't just believe in them; I know they work. What I've said isn't controversial; since all Somalis are Muslims, our state should operate within the framework of our rights and privileges under Islam.
The idea that "Religion has no place in politics" is incorrect. A government should be based on Sharia, as Islam offers clear guidance on governance. I'm not suggesting Somalia becomes like Iran or Afghanistan; many Islamic nations follow Sharia without extremist ideologies. Iran and Afghanistan faced international issues not due to having implemented Sharia but because of specific historical events like harboring Osama bin Laden or the Iran hostage crisis and being outwardly very aggresive to the US and her interest.
Historically, the US has had closer ties with more conservative Muslim countries compared to secular socialist Ba'athist regimes. Again nowhere have I advocated for isolating non-Muslims; we can still trade and have good relations with them without any issue.
Our ethical principles, both personal and national, should align with Islam. This world is temporary, and our actions here will have consequences until the end of time. Sacrificing personal and national morals for temporary economic growth is detrimental to our spiritual and national well-being.
If you're Muslim, advocating for secularism contradicts Islamic beliefs. If you're not Muslim, it's interesting that, besides your foaming at the mouth tribalism, you also seem inclined towards atheism.
just because we follow muslim guidelines of government dosent mean we will be isolated. Religion does have its place in politics, even if you did want sort of enlightenment phase for somalia. Somalia is a failed country right now, we wouldnt be in different countries arguing about qabil and this stupid game where everyone is trying to figure out who is being controlled by who and who has power over someone Just useless crap. Somalia needs 1 strong islamic leader.Wat r u smoking? Islamic principles kulaha. This kid lives in some fantasy idealistic world of morals. The truth there is no morals in politics and it is guided by ppl well being and interest. If you think islamic principles work then u will end up following Afghanistan or Iran path being the most backward and poorest and most sanctioned country on the planet, how does that serve somali interest to attain prosperity and development? Isolating 80% of non Muslim world isn't smart politics. Religion has no place in politics. This guy is trying to bring his Sunday school teacher into politics lol. Nations are trying to survive and this guy wants to confine our politics to Muslim ethics and morals sorry pal there is no morals or ethics to survival. If u want to sit there and pray u can but don't force a whole nation to do such silly thing.
The great man theory is the only theory that could theoretically work, everything you say after requires a strong leader to do. a strong leader WOULD prevent disruptive actions. The entire form of governance wont work, allowing fms to secede every other month and have people arguing over a constition for 2 years straight, you think this is the form of governance that would make instituions and processes? Of course not, I wish that could happen but every single time people like you think its just somalis in the world with no foreign influence. You have a good idea but your misguided by dismissing the only plan of action that would achieve your ideaI don't subscribe to the notion of a "great man" theory your implying. The idea that Somalia requires a leader akin to De Gaulle, Den Xiaoping, or Lee Kuan Yew to rescue it is misguided. What Somalia truly needs are robust institutions and processes that establish a framework for progress. Currently, Somalia is too fragile; any disruptive actions, whether from federal member states or the federal government , jeopardize the nation's foundational stability.
In my view, a strong, fair, and reliable judiciary system, coupled with a representative government operating within Islamic principles, would foster enduring leadership beneficial to all. Such a setup would prioritize long-term stability and prosperity for the nation.
The idea of a Somali leader like Cincinnatus, who could quickly restore and fix the country's issues before stepping down once the crisis is over, might sound appealing. However, just like the story of Cincinnatus, it's nothing more than a myth.
New leader, one that would stay for 10-20 years then they need to build up their central institutions, get as much power centralized as needed. You can have a centralist government with representives coming from all over, and thats whats going to have to happen. There needs to be a strong power in the center with strong support. They must foster a very strong somali nationalism across the country. Theres lots of things they need to do but. Take power, gain strong support by anymeans, Build up central instituions, actually work on helping the people by doing what the governments suppose to do. Catch up 30 yearsOut of all the politicians currently in Somalia who would be best fit to lead Somalia? We already know hsm cannot lead Somalia and has been recuded to more or less as the mayor of Muqdisho.. Would Somalia ever get a leader who would be able to unite all factions / federal members states and bring a change?
Define 'well-educated' for meNone of them are qualified for the position, Not HSM nor Deni or any other current or former member of parliament. A western well educated individual no matter their background must be given the position of head of state. But that’ll never happen due to this primitive clan based society. Yet this cycle of blame will continue, and the nation will keep gyrating into unconsciousness.