Who wrote the Quran?

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Intellectual saqajaan
That's why atheism is false. A true religion would inspire jihad against evil burial rites. I knew a Somali guy once who smashed his motorbike in a traffick collision and was sent leaping into the arms of God uninvited. I helped to organize a proper Islamic funeral. It was a civilized affair - flowers, candles, soft music, long speeches - the whole works. In the midst of the ceremony when his wife was on the podium hyming his praises, in rushed his mistress to kiss him goodbye.

She couldn't have done so if a cowardly atheist planned the event.
You see, religion is group think and defeats the purpose of being an atheist. Having specific rituals and organization is stupid in nature.
Yo why you keep ignoring the main question in the post? Who wrote it? :wtfdis:
Sorry, just saw it.

You're asking a philosophical question, so we can't answer it like typical Somali FOBS do, it needs a philosophical answer. We have to break out David Hume on it. It's a bit long, but bear with me.

Okay here's the deal. The Quran is the words of Allah, but it's not the only words Allah has spoken. He's spoken plenty since these 1400 years. He talks everyday, to his angels, to people in jannah, and probably to extra terrestrials. Only an unscientific moron thinks we are the only intelligent life in the cosmos. The words he spoke to Bronze Age illiterates a millenium ago who thought the earth was flat and had never heard of black holes and dark matter are simplified instructions for a simple people. To more advanced civilizations, he would address them differently.

The Quran is what backward Arab tribes could handle. It is by no means the last word of God. There is no last word. He is talking every day. He's got opinions on modern issues like climate change, nuclear weapons, GMOs, space travel, Artificial Intelligence, and IVF which are not covered by the Quran. These are life and death issues, they're not trivial. So God certainly has strong opinions about them, and he knew they would be important issues when he revealed the Quran, yet he chose to leave it out. There's a reason for that. The Wahabbis think it is because Allah forgot, or did not know about them at the time. That's not what they say, but that's the implication of their argument.

The reason God left out this stuff was because he wanted us to use our brain to work it out for ourselves because the most sacred object in the world is the brain. That is Allah's greatest accomplishment, its the most complex thing in the known universe. Thinking is a sacred act. Allah is a thinker, a philosopher, a scientist and a mathematician. And he likes fellow thinkers. The thinking, enquiring, discovering human mind is greater than the Kaabah. It's just a building made from bricks and mortar. But an Isaac Newton is really a miracle.

Who made the Quran? Allah. But he also made the Andromeda galaxy. Both are his signs. People who focus only on the book are missing the big picture. Science is as essential to understanding Allah and his creation as the book. An Islam without science leads only to ignorance, poverty, disease, and barbarism. Pretty much what you get in the Muslim world. That's why Einstein knew more about Allah's universe than low IQ ragheads who chant his name but don't know a thing about how their own body works. They can't tell you how the liver functions, but they wanna comment on the heavens. God help us.


Intellectual saqajaan
Depends on who you ask. I would say humans wrote it, believers will say God is the author.
Well everyone agrees humans wrote it. Is it divinely inspired? Did the ideas come from god? How do you know this beside the Quran saying this? It boils down to blind faith and no one wants to admit it.


How do you know he was a prophet besides him saying so? :cosbyhmm: :damnmusic:

He had no worldly gain to declare himself a prophet and the Quran itself is proof.But forgot what I said at the moment as you will dismiss it as falsehood regardless.Answer my question saaxiib.

Your question can be answered in more detail another time.


Intellectual saqajaan
He had no worldly gain to declare himself a prophet and the Quran itself is proof.But forgot what I said at the moment as you will dismiss it as falsehood regardless.Answer my question saaxiib.

Your question can be answered in more detail another time.
He had no worldly gain? Are you kidding me? Do you want me to tell you what Muhammad got out of claiming prophethood? Please don't tell me you're that naΓ―ve. The prophet lusted after his adopted son's wife and suddenly got a command to order his adopted son to divorce so he can bone her. I'm sure it was Allah's idea and not Muhammad tricking people to get what he wanted. You know about this story but you will probably ask for sources to buy time.


As i live and breathe
Well everyone agrees humans wrote it. Is it divinely inspired? Did the ideas come from god? How do you know this beside the Quran saying this? It boils down to blind faith and no one wants to admit it.

All religions are based on faith, and only faith. It is what it is.


He had no worldly gain? Are you kidding me? Do you want me to tell you what Muhammad got out of claiming prophethood? Please don't tell me you're that naΓ―ve. The prophet lusted after his adopted son's wife and suddenly got a command to order his adopted son to divorce so he can bone her. I'm sure it was Allah's idea and not Muhammad tricking people to get what he wanted. You know about this story but you will probably ask for sources to buy time.

Please tell me more what he gained from this world.



You know the legitimate reason as to why the prophet married Zainab yet you rather say he done it for sexual reasons.
But let's think about the marriage in your mind.How does him claiming prophet help him to do this marriage?Any man in the 7th century can do what the prophet did... and heck this sort of marriage even happens in today's world.


Intellectual saqajaan
You know the legitimate reason as to why the prophet married Zainab yet you rather say he done it for sexual reasons.
But let's think about the marriage in your mind.How does him claiming prophet help him to do this marriage?Any man in the 7th century can do what the prophet did... and heck this sort of marriage even happens in today's world.
No one would let him do that if they didn't think he was commanded by Allah. It happens today? Who would divorce their wife because some other dude wants to shag her? Why would an all-powerful creator go out of his way to look after Muhammad's sexual urges?
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Ibnu Suxuufi Ibnu Al Dhoobe
The greatest proof that the quran is from Allah is the quran itself. The wisdom behind it's ascension & who it was was revealed to at what time were all crucial to make it undeniably from Allah azawajal. The arab bedouins at the time were unconquered savages. To give a level of their savageness and desolation, when Alexander the great reached arabia he literally turned back & refuse to even entertain conquering these people. NOW! We know the arabs were masters of one thing at that time, & that was poetry. They, similar to somalis would judge a persons manhood by his eloquence in poetry. When the quran was revealed, it was a literary masterpiece which couldn't be matched & even challenged all mankind to produce a verse similar to it. Anybody who is familiar with sarf, naxwi & ciraab know what I'm talking about when I say the quran is just magnificent and unparalleled. The Prophet Salalahu alayhi wasalam couldn't read or write nor was he known to take part in poetry. He(alayhi salaam) was also known by his enemies as Al amiin( the truthful). Even the greatest enemies and Polytheists & Disblievers of his time would say to him we believe you, but we don't accept what you came with. Imagine these were the likes of Abu Jahal & Abu lahab/ They believed everything he said, about meeting the angels, about receiving revelation etc, but they said, we wont accept what you came with. This is proof in and of itself & the prophet was told every prophet before came with a miracle(The Staff, Solomons ring, etc) and your miracle is this quran

Those are proofs of it being revelation through logic. The prophet couldn't put together this book, no one was able to challenge or match it's literary uniqueness, not even the greatest poets, nor did the biggest kufaar of his time deny that he was speaking the truth. These are minor proofs as to why it's from Allah azawajal, aside from the historical accuracies & prophecies which came true after it's revelation
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