Why are Madow Africans so subservient towards ajnabis?

So I’m leaving this newly immigrated shithole of a house and I noticed whenever I made a noise complaint the Indian girls would always bring out this Senegalese girl as their spokesperson. She would literally talk in broken English (she speaks French fluently) and say “me I come from Africa and me I’ve been here one yea and no complaints, I don’t mind de noise”

She looked kinda like a dog wagging their tail waiting to be petted and told their a “good boy”
like madow Africans LOVE ajnabis as long as they don’t look like them.

Funny part is they don’t even like her and make fun of her all the time in Hindi. And yet she gives me dirty looks when I’m talking to one of them and seems to want to keep them badly.

Even when you look at their countries, South Africa has ‘whites only’ , Nigeria has ‘Chinese only’ , Kenya has ‘Indians only’.

This is gonna sound f’ed up but as I grow older I start to understand why they were ‘forced to work’ in all those different countries.

They love to fight and harass each other but the moment ANY type of non black foreigner is alive they are met with huge smiles. 🙄
Only Jamaicans and AA are really pro black and will stand with you. Most of The other Africans will sell you out faster than they sold Kinta Kunte. For many of them, a minimum wage or getting in trouble with HR is more important than standing with an oppressed person.

Moroccans and Algerians have more dhiig than most of them.


So I’m leaving this newly immigrated shithole of a house and I noticed whenever I made a noise complaint the Indian girls would always bring out this Senegalese girl as their spokesperson. She would literally talk in broken English (she speaks French fluently) and say “me I come from Africa and me I’ve been here one yea and no complaints, I don’t mind de noise”

She looked kinda like a dog wagging their tail waiting to be petted and told their a “good boy”
like madow Africans LOVE ajnabis as long as they don’t look like them.

Funny part is they don’t even like her and make fun of her all the time in Hindi. And yet she gives me dirty looks when I’m talking to one of them and seems to want to keep them badly.

Even when you look at their countries, South Africa has ‘whites only’ , Nigeria has ‘Chinese only’ , Kenya has ‘Indians only’.

This is gonna sound f’ed up but as I grow older I start to understand why they were ‘forced to work’ in all those different countries.

They love to fight and harass each other but the moment ANY type of non black foreigner is alive they are met with huge smiles. 🙄
Nice fake story you got. I thought you in Somalia with your aboo
So I’m leaving this newly immigrated shithole of a house and I noticed whenever I made a noise complaint the Indian girls would always bring out this Senegalese girl as their spokesperson. She would literally talk in broken English (she speaks French fluently) and say “me I come from Africa and me I’ve been here one yea and no complaints, I don’t mind de noise”

She looked kinda like a dog wagging their tail waiting to be petted and told their a “good boy”
like madow Africans LOVE ajnabis as long as they don’t look like them.

Funny part is they don’t even like her and make fun of her all the time in Hindi. And yet she gives me dirty looks when I’m talking to one of them and seems to want to keep them badly.

Even when you look at their countries, South Africa has ‘whites only’ , Nigeria has ‘Chinese only’ , Kenya has ‘Indians only’.

This is gonna sound f’ed up but as I grow older I start to understand why they were ‘forced to work’ in all those different countries.

They love to fight and harass each other but the moment ANY type of non black foreigner is alive they are met with huge smiles. 🙄
West Africans show a tendency to be subservient begs.. must be an inherited trait. With Somalis I find that most of us are hard headed by nature
Only Jamaicans and AA are really pro black and will stand with you. Most of The other Africans will sell you out faster than they sold Kinta Kunte. For many of them, a minimum wage or getting in trouble with HR is more important than standing with an oppressed person.

Moroccans and Algerians have more dhiig than most of them.
Yup. Ethiopians, west Africans & Indians are the worst people to work with