You can assume whatever you wanted but the landers are the last ones among somalis to entertain terrorist agendas and thats why there is no single terrorist activity in sland controlled areas
Any time Puntland is in trouble they try to smear Somaliland. It's a typical pattern with them because they need an external enemy to keep them together because they are very divided internally (hence the terrorist threat). SL is an existing state, has a long history, every group in SL belonged to it before Somalia even existed. PL doesn't have much history. They need to create the external boogie man to convince themselves they need a reason to exist.
SL was created through a very real war, PL just came about because some people were bored maybe in the desert when Somali government collapsed. PL is a very fragile state and needs lots of propaganda to sustain it. They have massive internal problems and ideological differences.