Nigga it's not that deep, just a trend. How many girls told me they were bi in college times but somehow always dated a man.I always wondered why there is a rise in LGBT and for women I have deduced this;
I have a suspicion that they have been exposed too far too many unattractive men. Society forces women to take care of their appearance or be shunned as a leper, and thus, a lot of women find ways to be attractive in some way. Whereas there are far too many unhygienic and unattractive men roaming around, it also doesn't help with the rise of nasty, misogynist rhetoric.
I see more and more women online who say they are no longer attracted to men/find it hard to be attracted to men, thanks to these issues.
This is why you see non-Muslim women who turn to women, after being mistreated by men. They see women as more evolved, attractive humans.
If there were more normal, evolved men, who worked on becoming more attractive, then I am sure this 'bisexual' confusion would be minimised.