why are so many girls bisexual these days?


I always wondered why there is a rise in LGBT and for women I have deduced this;

I have a suspicion that they have been exposed too far too many unattractive men. Society forces women to take care of their appearance or be shunned as a leper, and thus, a lot of women find ways to be attractive in some way. Whereas there are far too many unhygienic and unattractive men roaming around, it also doesn't help with the rise of nasty, misogynist rhetoric.

I see more and more women online who say they are no longer attracted to men/find it hard to be attracted to men, thanks to these issues.

This is why you see non-Muslim women who turn to women, after being mistreated by men. They see women as more evolved, attractive humans.

If there were more normal, evolved men, who worked on becoming more attractive, then I am sure this 'bisexual' confusion would be minimised.
Nigga it's not that deep, just a trend. How many girls told me they were bi in college times but somehow always dated a man.
Battles of the sexes has existed since the beginning of human history.

I recently had an epiphany as to why this is, from hours and hours of scrolling and analyzing gender wars. The average woman is looking for a woman in a male's body and vice versa.

It seems each sex is emotionally, intellectually and spiritually attracted to their own and tolerate each other because they are physically attracted to one another, biology duh :)... Then get frustrated with the opposite sex because they can never get you like your girlies/homeboys do.

Guess birds of a feather flock together.


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It's sad that women are seen as the emotionally evolved gender, because there is such a visible lack of men who are that evolved. The dream man for most women is an attractive man who is also emotionally in-tune. Many women actually train their husbands to become normal, reciprocal human beings.

Being evolved, is just not being selfish, it's not even a difficult feat to accomplish.
I always wondered why there is a rise in LGBT and for women I have deduced this;

I have a suspicion that they have been exposed too far too many unattractive men. Society forces women to take care of their appearance or be shunned as a leper, and thus, a lot of women find ways to be attractive in some way. Whereas there are far too many unhygienic and unattractive men roaming around, it also doesn't help with the rise of nasty, misogynist rhetoric.

I see more and more women online who say they are no longer attracted to men/find it hard to be attracted to men, thanks to these issues.

This is why you see non-Muslim women who turn to women, after being mistreated by men. They see women as more evolved, attractive humans.

If there were more normal, evolved men, who worked on becoming more attractive, then I am sure this 'bisexual' confusion would be minimised.
Aah the usual always blaming men πŸ˜‚
Aah the usual always blaming men πŸ˜‚

Ask any woman you know how often she sees an attractive man, forget that, a man that smells good.

Ask any goodlooking man (ask women if he's goodlooking first), if he struggles to attract women.

Take it a step further, and ask single women, how often they see attractive men on dating apps. I don't think men realise that most women settle to get married and see men as 'fixer-uppers' that can be fixed after marriage with grooming, new wardrobes etc. It's not an accident that a lot of men look better AFTER getting married/meeting a woman.
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If you want to see how women react to good looking men, go to those social media pages and read the thirsty comments. Women as just as visual as men, but have been forced to suppress their true feelings in order to settle down.

How women reacted to Prophet Yusuf (AS).
When the women were happily chatting away while slicing fruits, Zulaika summoned Yusuf (ΨΉΩŽΩ„ΩŽΩŠΩ’Ω‡Ω Ω±Ω„Ψ³ΩŽΩ‘Ω„ΩŽΨ§Ω…Ω). The women looked up at him. Astonished at such angelic beauty, they cut their hands without realizing they had.

The truth is, most women I know, settled for their husband in terms of looks, hoping for other factors to outweigh this. It's rare for me to see a woman that was truly excited about her husband when she first saw/met him. They tend to grow on them. Usually women whose biological clock is going wild or have a lot of social/ family pressure, settle down with a man they're not really into.

That's why when women became more financially independent, the rise in happily single women has increases. It's not the old days, where women are forced to be married to have their bills paid.

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Long story short;

Being LGBT is not natural.
Most women are into men- attractive men that is.
The good news is, you can learn to improve your attractiveness, especially if you spend as much time on your emotional development as your physical development.
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Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
They've always existed. They're just more comfortable being out and about now

al-Mu'tamid Ψ§Ω„Ω…ΨΉΨͺΩ…Ψ―

عِشْ Ω…ΩŽΨ§ شِئْΨͺَ فَΨ₯ΩΩ†ΩŽΩ‘ΩƒΩŽ Ω…ΩŽΩŠΩΩ‘Ψͺٌ
I always wondered why there is a rise in LGBT and for women I have deduced this;

I have a suspicion that they have been exposed too far too many unattractive men. Society forces women to take care of their appearance or be shunned as a leper, and thus, a lot of women find ways to be attractive in some way. Whereas there are far too many unhygienic and unattractive men roaming around, it also doesn't help with the rise of nasty, misogynist rhetoric.

I see more and more women online who say they are no longer attracted to men/find it hard to be attracted to men, thanks to these issues.

This is why you see non-Muslim women who turn to women, after being mistreated by men. They see women as more evolved, attractive humans.

If there were more normal, evolved men, who worked on becoming more attractive, then I am sure this 'bisexual' confusion would be minimised.
You always find a way to make it about men. Also according to your logic more gay men means too many ugly women?
There is ample research online and countless discussion threads about women not being attracted to most men. Most men, not all men and therein lies the issue with the dating market. This so-called LGBT popularity is nothing more than a lack of attractive men combined with oversexed media etc. For those who actually care about what women think, there are studies online and discussions you can read.

Women think 85% of men are unattractive- a famous survey conducted by OkCupid.

Screenshot 2025-01-04 at 00.20.42.png

Diet? Low testosterone? Sedentery lifestyle? For whatever reason most men don’t look as good as they used to.. im going off of old pictures of men, this rings true for pretty much every country
Diet? Low testosterone? Sedentery lifestyle? For whatever reason most men don’t look as good as they used to.. im going off of old pictures of men, this rings true for pretty much every country

Laziness, entitlement. They've always been this way, but in the past people had organic diets, and men did manual labour and so were more physically attractive/masculine presenting.

But if you point out the facts about women not being attracted to most of them, they will get entitled and angry, instead of working on themselves.

Maybe I should do a poll on here, and prove what we are talking about.
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I always wondered why there is a rise in LGBT and for women I have deduced this;

I have a suspicion that they have been exposed too far too many unattractive men. Society forces women to take care of their appearance or be shunned as a leper, and thus, a lot of women find ways to be attractive in some way. Whereas there are far too many unhygienic and unattractive men roaming around, it also doesn't help with the rise of nasty, misogynist rhetoric.

I see more and more women online who say they are no longer attracted to men/find it hard to be attracted to men, thanks to these issues.

This is why you see non-Muslim women who turn to women, after being mistreated by men. They see women as more evolved, attractive humans.

If there were more normal, evolved men, who worked on becoming more attractive, then I am sure this 'bisexual' confusion would be minimised.
I also think its all these tactics used to make men and women hate each other. Like a lot of men into the p*rn and hateful alpha male anti women agenda end up just becoming full blown gay. like the ancient romans who used to have deep admiration for other men so much so that they didnt even feel like women are worth their romantic affections :ftw9nwa:
Laziness, entitlement. They've always been this way, but in the past people had organic diets, and men did manual labour and so were more physically attractive/masculine presenting.

But if you point out the facts about women not being attracted to most of them, they will get entitled and angry, instead of working on themselves.

Maybe I should do a poll on here, and prove what we are talking about.
Goes both ways, I would argue its worse with female's, so many fat overweight beluga whales at record levels, especially in the Somali community.

You will go months of just seeing one fat chick after another and the moment you see a slim Xaalimo she instantly appears like a super model because of how rare they are here in the UK.

That same chick a decade ago would have been below average, 90% of the Xaalimo between 2000-2014 were slim to normal, now it's 90% are fat and chronically overweight.

They spend fortunes on perfumes, clothes, jewelleries but neglect the body, at least in the past because they were slim they could neglect Exercise and Gym, but now that they are fat, the ugliness is manifold, because they have ZERO muscle mass or definition, saggy FAT that is hideous to look.

Its much easier to transform the males than the females, and lets not get started what all those chemical have done to their faces, the level of aging I have seen in the new generation (GEN Z) is beyond belief, the millennials look younger then them, it was a big trending topic on Youtube recently.
Goes both ways, I would argue its worse with female's, so many fat overweight beluga whales at record levels, especially in the Somali community.

You will go months of just seeing one fat chick after another and the moment you see a slim Xaalimo she instantly appears like a super model because of how rare they are here in the UK.

That same chick a decade ago would have been below average, 90% of the Xaalimo between 2000-2014 were slim to normal, now it's 90% are fat and chronically overweight.

They spend fortunes on perfumes, clothes, jewelleries but neglect the body, at least in the past because they were slim they could neglect Exercise and Gym, but now that they are fat, the ugliness is manifold, because they have ZERO muscle mass or definition, saggy FAT that is hideous to look.

Its much easier to transform the males than the females, and lets not get started what all those chemical have done to their faces, the level of aging I have seen in the new generation (GEN Z) is beyond belief, the millennials look younger then them, it was a big trending topic on Youtube recently.
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