Why Are Somali Girls Doing So Much Better than Somali Guys?

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The girls are going to school, starting careers, have ambition and self-motivation, while the guys are..where the hell are they? At home playing video games into their 20s w/no serious prospects or ambitions, not doing as well in school etc. What's up with this trend?


I have an IQ of 300
Women do better in education across the board, the only subjects men outperform women in is Mathematics :francis:
The Y chromosome must be the retard gene :kanyehmm:
I think its generally the way the parents treats the sexes differently.

They have this mentality of " boys will be boys" and think that they will suddenly grow out of this phase and become men but are suddenly surprised when they end up as qaashin. The big difference is that they keep a tight leash on their daughters making sure that they are doing well and are on their best behaviour.

Women generally also have more patience than men.
It depends what metrics we're using to measure 'doing better'. If doing better means acquiring more useless African or women's studies degrees then yes, but if it means acting like a lady, having some class and self respect, and respecting your menfolk and your culture then just lol. A good portion of Somali girls in the west curse like sailors, drink like the Irish, get their 'ratchet' on like the madows of the ghettos and inner city, are quite promiscuous and have destructive beliefs based on victim-hood like feminism and Afrocentrism.

The only thing they don't do is sell drugs and shoot people like Somali boys who join gangs do, and this is because their gender is averse to violence and risk-taking and not due to their virtue. If it was out of virtue then the Somali gangsters/trappers/rappers in my city wouldn't have literally hordes of Somali groupies, including lots of 'hijabies', willing to do anything and everything with them.

I always laugh at guys who actually believe the girls are doing better, because u'd either have to be totally blind or a cuck not to see the degeneracy of many Somali girls in the West (not all of course). Yes the Somali boys are messed up, but so are the girls. But ultimately the women of any community will become wayward and misguided if their men folk are dropping the ball. It's our responsibility as Somali men to change the condition of both ourselves and our women.
But alhamdulillah we still have gems in our community, both girls and guys, so all hope is not lost. Shout out to all the of them.
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This is a complex question with numerous explanations.

Somalis aren’t strong enough not too influenced, shaped and changed by the greater community. The West is a vastly different place than it was in the 90s. In 2017, women are more educated than men(Regardless of qualifications), more women are employed than men and large swathes of men in the West are “checking” out of society as they starting to see through the illusion and don’t want to be part of the entrapment. Men (And people in general) today are doing more than ever for less, which why many are just checking out and craving out a new method of life, e.g hipsters, more metrosexual effeminate males or groups which look good on surface but offer no substance or value. Society has rapidly changed and Somalis men aren’t the only group where their women “outshine” them.

Men see men as threat not women. Even if a Somali brother is qualified he has to deal with discrimination and racism when applying for jobs more than Somali sisters. Simply because the older Cadaan men usually hold the positions of power. Black men, a category Somalis fall under, is the last group to be hired. They rather hire an Indians, Asians or even Arab before hiring a black individual. So powerful key positions like finance, banking, engineering, construction, logistics and health, Somali brothers have a major fight on their hand, while sisters getting a job as a nurse, HR consultant, and physiologist have a much easier task, but more difficult than average.

And finally deindustrialization of the West and the rise of the service economy. A lot of the manly jobs, low skilled jobs, labour jobs in the West has disappeared while the rise of service jobs continue. So a lot of guys are out of option. Either become unemployed or work a low paying demoralizing service jobs, no wonder many turn to drugs, scamming or just a life without direction.

On face value, it may look like Somali women are doing better but I would like to see an income comparison. For example, AA women are more educated than AA men but the men bring in more income than the women and I assume the same occurs in the Somali community. But honestly, men and women shouldn’t be competing but building together.

So as you can see a lot has changed in society in the West along with the racial issue, it isn’t a wonder why a lot of Somalis especially males become lost in this society.
This is a complex question with numerous explanations.

Somalis aren’t strong enough not too influenced, shaped and changed by the greater community. The West is a vastly different place than it was in the 90s. In 2017, women are more educated than men(Regardless of qualifications), more women are employed than men and large swathes of men in the West are “checking” out of society as they starting to see through the illusion and don’t want to be part of the entrapment. Men (And people in general) today are doing more than ever for less, which why many are just checking out and craving out a new method of life, e.g hipsters, more metrosexual effeminate males or groups which look good on surface but offer no substance or value. Society has rapidly changed and Somalis men aren’t the only group where their women “outshine” them.

Men see men as threat not women. Even if a Somali brother is qualified he has to deal with discrimination and racism when applying for jobs more than Somali sisters. Simply because the older Cadaan men usually hold the positions of power. Black men, a category Somalis fall under, is the last group to be hired. They rather hire an Indians, Asians or even Arab before hiring a black individual. So powerful key positions like finance, banking, engineering, construction, logistics and health, Somali brothers have a major fight on their hand, while sisters getting a job as a nurse, HR consultant, and physiologist have a much easier task, but more difficult than average.

And finally deindustrialization of the West and the rise of the service economy. A lot of the manly jobs, low skilled jobs, labour jobs in the West has disappeared while the rise of service jobs continue. So a lot of guys are out of option. Either become unemployed or work a low paying demoralizing service jobs, no wonder many turn to drugs, scamming or just a life without direction.

On face value, it may look like Somali women are doing better but I would like to see an income comparison. For example, AA women are more educated than AA men but the men bring in more income than the women and I assume the same occurs in the Somali community. But honestly, men and women shouldn’t be competing but building together.

So as you can see a lot has changed in society in the West along with the racial issue, it isn’t a wonder why a lot of Somalis especially males become lost in this society.

Lol at the somali men making excuses :abuxyga:

"We only look like we're doing worse because you guys are doing so much better as a gender"
"Women are favoured over men in the workplace" -- this one is a hoot!

You guys are lazy - end of. Many messed around in the years where girls had their heads down and were putting in the hard work. It's not even about being university educated -- that's overrated. But walaal what is this? You've been in a country where education is FREE and the best you can do is this? Seriously...?

Gabdo, when you have a son make sure you teach him to have a good work ethic and to be patient. Nimankeena wey jilceen - no more accepting mediocrity from them.

And to the faaraxs - we don't give up on you. Just do something. Anything.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
With the father out the house there's no discipline for the boys & there's no father figure around to guide them & show them what it means to be a man. Boys tend to be hit harder with the father not being present in the home & most Somali women are to blame for kicking the men out the house just so they can get supported by their sugar daddy the government, they are destroying our communities that's why so many boys end up in jail at such an early age.
It's because we're kept in gilded cages while the male counter parts are left to roam free :kodaksmiley: I guarantee if faraaxs where held to the same strict standards as xalimos they'd fix up real quick. They should be shamed, lectured and policed wherever the go imo

It depends what metrics we're using to measure 'doing better'. If doing better means acquiring more useless African or women's studies degrees then yes, but if it means acting like a lady, having some class and self respect, and respecting your menfolk and your culture then just lol. A good portion of Somali girls in the west curse like sailors, drink like the Irish, get their 'ratchet' on like the madows of the ghettos and inner city, are quite promiscuous and have destructive beliefs based on victim-hood like feminism and Afrocentrism.

The only thing they don't do is sell drugs and shoot people like Somali boys who join gangs do, and this is because their gender is averse to violence and risk-taking and not due to their virtue. If it was out of virtue then the Somali gangsters/trappers/rappers in my city wouldn't have literally hordes of Somali groupies, including lots of 'hijabies', willing to do anything and everything with them.

I always laugh at guys who actually believe the girls are doing better, because u'd either have to be totally blind or a cuck not to see the degeneracy of many Somali girls in the West (not all of course). Yes the Somali boys are messed up, but so are the girls. But ultimately the women of any community will become wayward and misguided if their men folk are dropping the ball. It's our responsibility as Somali men to change the condition of both ourselves and our women.
But alhamdulillah we still have gems in our community, both girls and guys, so all hope is not lost. Shout out to all the of them.

Most xalimos are out there getting proper degrees lol and even if they did acquire african/women studies it's ten times better than hanging around street corners in the middle of the night like our male counterparts.

Somali males are qasaro sxb faraaxs have single handily destroyed our reputation in the west.

but if it means acting like a lady, having some class and self respect, and respecting your menfolk and your culture then just lol. A good portion of Somali girls in the west curse like sailors, drink like the Irish, get their 'ratchet' on like the madows of the ghettos and inner city, are quite promiscuous and have destructive beliefs based on victim-hood like feminism and Afrocentrism.

If liban goes out and join gangs and kills someone he's qasaro but amina is no better for raising her voice and swearing occasionally :dead:

Completely different standards lmaooo it's not even funny
If liban goes out and join gangs and kills someone he's qasaro but amina is no better for raising her voice and swearing occasionally :dead:

Completely different standards lmaooo it's not even funny

All the Somali gangsters I know have Somali girls chasing them. So plz tell me how they are any better.
This is gonna turn into one of those threads.

Welcome to the weekly 20 pages of Faraax vs Xalimo thread

It doesn't have to. I stand by nimankeena no matter what but there is such a thing as tough love. I want them to be better for themselves and for their womenfolk. I want to be even prouder of nimankeena.
There's a number of factors that determine why faraxas are like they are. Everyone already knows tbh, shit upbringing, low expectations, leniency, preoccupied n missing fathers, bad environment n all that

What's more important is how do you stop this from happening again? And is it possible with how the circumstances are going to play out later?
There's a number of factors that determine why faraxas are like they are. Everyone already knows tbh, shit upbringing, low expectations, leniency, preoccupied n missing fathers, bad environment n all that

What's more important is how do you stop this from happening again? And is it possible with how the circumstances are going to play out later?

We need to raise the aspirations of somali men now. They may have had a shit start to life but they are not dead yet. I think many Somali men, through all their joking and jiving, have low self esteem. I don't think they realise their value or what being a strong, independent man means. They have never known the rush of working hard at something and then accomplishing it.

When these men feel that they only get one chance to live this life and strive to better themselves, they will become better fathers to their children.

Somali mothers need to be admonished for how they are raising these boys. However, it's understandable because they fear that if they are hard on their boys, they will run away to join in gangs and do even worse. It's a real catch 22 situation.
Poverty rates by household type, 2008


Which parents are poor?

Materially disadvantaged parents are a demographically different group from affluent
parents. Demographic studies (e.g. Hobcraft, 1998; Kempet al., 2004) show that
poor families are more likely to:

  • have non-traditional structures – lone parents and parents in reconstituted families
  • live in households where no adult is in employment
  • be headed by a teenage parent
  • have a sick or disabled child
  • have a child or children under five
  • have a large number of children

Now think about How many Somali Families you know tick multiple boxes.

"They consider that children living in poverty are not only likely to be poorer in resources, but also to have fewer opportunities for success.

This is because of intergenerational transmission: for example, their families have lower expectations
of work and education.

Yaqub (2002), meanwhile, analysed data on persistence of poverty in several countries and found that children’s class, education and health correlate strongly with that of parents and siblings.

He suggests that socio-economic background influences lifetime attainments, but stresses that outcomes are not
determined by childhood experiences alone.

Only by their thirties are individuals’ lifetime incomes correlated with annual incomes, suggesting that until they reach this age people can change their trajectory."

"An analysis in the UK by Hobcraft (1998) of data from the longitudinal National Child Development Study found that poverty and social exclusion usually persisted during the lifespan, and that the main predictors of adult outcomes were childhood poverty, family disruption, contact with the police, educational test scores and father’s interest in schooling."


"71% of high school dropouts are fatherless; fatherless children have more trouble academically, scoring poorly on tests of reading, mathematics, and thinking skills; children from father-absent homes are more likely to be truant from school, more likely to be excluded from school, more likely to leave school at age 16, and less likely to attain academic and professional qualifications in adulthood."

Source: Edward Kruk, Ph.D., “The Vital Importance of Paternal Presence in Children’s Lives.” May 23, 2012.

The first place to start is to start at the Homes. Having a bad start in life is detrimental for your future earnings and can have significant intergenerational impact to come. In undoing this damage would require a good amount of self reflection which is down to the individual. Hence

"‘Resilience’ and ‘plasticity’ (the ability to undo psychological or social damage) can counteract the effects of poverty at any point in the child’s lifetime."

Personally, the best thing a person can do is pick their spouse very carefully.

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