A woman who abstained from sex and is modest will of course not know much about sex, and that’s how it should be. A woman should be shy on her first night because she’s never shown her body to a man before. Maybe you should go for an cadaan girl who gets fucked by a different man every night if you want an experienced girl. Us red blooded males would love the first girl I described.
Kulaha she gave me a blow job on the first night, I’d divorce her the next morning if she was that confident.
Ignore the lol. My friend got into my account, to answer your question. I never said you have to be a pro, all I said is when a man tells you to do something just do it instead of doing something the oppisate and they should know some basic sexual positions.
About the blowjob, you're clearly an idiot because you can't start off by sex without blowjob