why are Somalis obsessed with Ethiopians and Sudanese people?

Are you North or south Sudanese? I’m surprised you’re admitting your people tag team against Somalis. Most other Africans don’t like to admit how anti Somali they are
Im North Sudanese, North as in Not-South, not exactly from the Northern states of North Sudan, since my regional and racial identity go anonymous.

I'm just being honest. Somalis were getting gangbanged, but eventually the Sudans pulled out and let the fight get even again with the usual Habesha vs Somali El Classico.
Im North Sudanese, North as in Not-South, not exactly from the Northern states of North Sudan, since my regional and racial identity go anonymous.

I'm just being honest. Somalis were getting gangbanged, but eventually the Sudans pulled out and let the fight get even again with the usual Habesha vs Somali El Classico.
Is there still beef between Somalis and Sudanese or was it just a one time thing?
Is there still beef between Somalis and Sudanese or was it just a one time thing?
I haven't been paying much attention to Tiktok but it seems like that small series of beefs was a one-time thing. Every now and then I see something between a Sudo and a Somali but it's individuals usually arguing about something specific, not community beefs about fighting for your flag.

Habesha and Somali is still the major rivalry, as well as Somali and Bantu/Madow as a runner-up.
You guys are being called out for your historical revisionism and falsely attributing historical Arab and Ethio-Semitic empires to Somalis. Calling you out for distorting historical accounts shouldn't be regarded as hate. Somalis played an insignificant role in the establishment of the Adal and Ifat kingdoms.

The ruling elite of those two kingdoms primarily consisted of Semetic-speaking groups. Ethio-Semitic speakers and Arabs formed the dominant section of the population. Imam Ahmed is either believed to be Harla or Balaw. He wasn't Somali. Please hit the books and do some reading. You are extremely intellectually dishonest.
Speak on it, Walaashay. Never forget the genocide of the indigenous Bantu-Ethio Semitic-Arab-Persian-Swahili Pygmies by the savage Banu Samaale.
I haven't been paying much attention to Tiktok but it seems like that small series of beefs was a one-time thing. Every now and then I see something between a Sudo and a Somali but it's individuals usually arguing about something specific, not community beefs about fighting for your flag.

Habesha and Somali is still the major rivalry, as well as Somali and Bantu/Madow as a runner-up.
I see. I don't use tiktok but I am on twitter and I hardly ever see Somali-Sudanese beef on the platform. Its mostly just Somali vs Ethiopians, Somali vs Bantu and most recently, Somali vs Landers lol.
Im North Sudanese, North as in Not-South, not exactly from the Northern states of North Sudan, since my regional and racial identity go anonymous.

I'm just being honest. Somalis were getting gangbanged, but eventually the Sudans pulled out and let the fight get even again with the usual Habesha vs Somali El Classico.
Such an exaggeration.

Sudanis, north and south and Ethiopians had to assemble like the avengers to take on the Somalis and even then, the Sudanese were quick to cry raCisM when both Somalis back home and those in the diaspora united to hand out some well deserved karbash.

The Sudanese were quick to throw in the towel as they couldn't handle the heat with the South Sudanese particularly mentally scarred with new “nicknames” like shadow warrior.

Ethiopians move like Zionists who use others as mules to attack Somalis whom they see as their historical enemy. Especially online where people are more likely to show their true feelings. In real life, they follow Somalis and are constantly under our feet. From Nairobi, to Toronto to Minnesota…wherever we go, they follow us.

As for the Sudanese, they’re not on our radar but some of them keep crying out for our attention. South Sudanese gaalos have more energy for us online then the Northerners who have subjugated them for years. Some diaspora Northern Sudanese also have some resentment towards us which is mainly driven by our hyper visibility and them wanting to fit into Horn African politics. Might be mean to say this but the war in Sudan has humbled some of their diaspora brats who used to take unprovoked shots at Somalia.

We should continue to pay them dust.
It's not common at all but I've seen it specifically surge on tiktok. There was some period of time like late 2022 where Somali tiktok got into some beef with South Sudanese Tiktok, this eventually spread to include Sudan, and you had a situation where both South Sudanese and Sudanese tiktok were shitting on Somalis, with Somalis returning the favour.
I remember seeing this. It was primarily fobs engaging in that beef at least on the Somali side.
South Sudanese Nilotes have been fighting Sudanese Arabs for centuries, so there is no need for us to ever work with those people


Somalis and Ethiopians hate eachother online but irl it’s different
In London where I live the Ethiopians always set up shop next to wherever Somalis are
If you see a Somali shop there is always an Ethiopia shop next to it
Ethiopians as individuals can be kind people but when it comes to politics or the Redsea they become the problem. That’s is why


Somali nationalist extremists started attacking Sudanese people unprovoked. Sudanese people have nothing but love and respect for the Somali people. But ever since these Incel extremists began attacking Sudanese people unprovoked, they started to mock us. It's all over TikTok and Twitter. You can see it yourself.
Somalis have every right to be mad at Ethiopians after all what Ethiopia did to Somalia and the Somali people. (Annexation of Ogaden and genocidal invasion of Somalia and Ogaden by the Ethiopian army from 2006-2018) and the war crimes( extrajudicial killings, rapings, massacres at the Mogadishu mesjid in 2008, the burning of villages in Galbeed and Somalia)

but accusing only Somalis, while Ethiopians are interfering in Somali affairs and disrespecting Somali people, while Ethiopian troops have been in Somalia for more than 16 years since 2006, while Ethiopia annexed Ogaden/Galbeed and denies the somali population of Ogaden the same rights as the other citizens of the country have (Tigray,Oromos, Amharas) and now with MOU which is a threat to Somalia‘s unity and territorial integrity, it appears to me that Ethiopia and Ethiopian nationalist are obsessed with Somalia and their other neighbors.

on Social Media the Ethiopian nationalist accuse somalis of Beeing obsessed with Ethiopians while the Ethiopians do the same and even worser when they stalk Eritreans invade Eritrean spaces/forums/subs and talk about Eritrea‘s independence, Eritrea‘s coast Assab Massawa war, Eritrean refugees.

sometimes human Beeing accuses others what he himself does even worser.
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Such an exaggeration.

Sudanis, north and south and Ethiopians had to assemble like the avengers to take on the Somalis and even then, the Sudanese were quick to cry raCisM when both Somalis back home and those in the diaspora united to hand out some well deserved karbash.

The Sudanese were quick to throw in the towel as they couldn't handle the heat with the South Sudanese particularly mentally scarred with new “nicknames” like shadow warrior.

Ethiopians move like Zionists who use others as mules to attack Somalis whom they see as their historical enemy. Especially online where people are more likely to show their true feelings. In real life, they follow Somalis and are constantly under our feet. From Nairobi, to Toronto to Minnesota…wherever we go, they follow us.

As for the Sudanese, they’re not on our radar but some of them keep crying out for our attention. South Sudanese gaalos have more energy for us online then the Northerners who have subjugated them for years. Some diaspora Northern Sudanese also have some resentment towards us which is mainly driven by our hyper visibility and them wanting to fit into Horn African politics. Might be mean to say this but the war in Sudan has humbled some of their diaspora brats who used to take unprovoked shots at Somalia.

We should continue to pay them dust.

The vast majority of South Sudanese don't know anything about Somalia, so we generally don't have any quarrels with Somalis; a few trolls doesn't change this fact.

The only population that we actually dislike in the continent (for obvious reasons) are Sudanese Arabs.

Most South Sudanese have embraced their skin tone; in addition to height, slim build, high cheekbones and smooth skin, our obsidian skin tone is something we're known for -- and are now beginning to develop pride in.


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
Such an exaggeration.

Sudanis, north and south and Ethiopians had to assemble like the avengers to take on the Somalis and even then, the Sudanese were quick to cry raCisM when both Somalis back home and those in the diaspora united to hand out some well deserved karbash.

The Sudanese were quick to throw in the towel as they couldn't handle the heat with the South Sudanese particularly mentally scarred with new “nicknames” like shadow warrior.

Ethiopians move like Zionists who use others as mules to attack Somalis whom they see as their historical enemy. Especially online where people are more likely to show their true feelings. In real life, they follow Somalis and are constantly under our feet. From Nairobi, to Toronto to Minnesota…wherever we go, they follow us.

As for the Sudanese, they’re not on our radar but some of them keep crying out for our attention. South Sudanese gaalos have more energy for us online then the Northerners who have subjugated them for years. Some diaspora Northern Sudanese also have some resentment towards us which is mainly driven by our hyper visibility and them wanting to fit into Horn African politics. Might be mean to say this but the war in Sudan has humbled some of their diaspora brats who used to take unprovoked shots at Somalia.

We should continue to pay them dust.
i dont see much south sudanese beef but the north sudanese were mainly behind it and also it was a good time in social media since this united the somalis on the internet to hit back and hit back HARD, it is ironic what is happening in sudan rn although its sad the diaspora sudanese and online have been humbled too smoothly We wont be seeing those sudanese yapping against us for a long time, the main problem is ethiopia as I said the sudanese were merely just a pesky sidequest that was quickly destroyed by us.
The vast majority of South Sudanese don't know anything about Somalia, so we generally don't have any quarrels with Somalis; a few trolls doesn't change this fact.

The only population that we actually dislike in the continent (for obvious reasons) are Sudanese Arabs.

Most South Sudanese have embraced their skin tone; in addition to height, slim build, high cheekbones and smooth skin, our obsidian skin tone is something we're known for -- and are now beginning to develop pride in.

It’s mainly South Sudanese girls on Twitter who often project their issues with Arabs and Islam onto Somalis. Not so much the guys.

These aren’t trolls either as they have their faces proudly displayed.

This is another known South Sudanese pro Black activist with a relatively large following who regularly comes for Somalis. Here she is trying to paint us as the most anti Black group while her country was literally split from North Sudan following years of racial abuse and while the Janjaweeds are still running around killing Black Darfurians. You would think that it was Somalis and not North Sudanese that abused their people the way she and other Sudos come for us online.

Sudanese people, the blue dark ones and the lightskinned ones are highly irrelevant in Somali discussions! Never even met one in my life
Sudanese people, the blue dark ones and the lightskinned ones are highly irrelevant in Somali discussions! Never even met one in my life
I'm guessing your not on tiktok or twitter that much in that case because Sudanese and Somali people have had some beef before over a piece of cloth.


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
I'm guessing your not on tiktok or twitter that much in that case because Sudanese and Somali people have had some beef before over a piece of cloth.
what is this "cloth" we have been having beef over?

Cartan Boos

Average SSC Patriot
You guys are being called out for your historical revisionism and falsely attributing historical Arab and Ethio-Semitic empires to Somalis. Calling you out for distorting historical accounts shouldn't be regarded as hate. Somalis played an insignificant role in the establishment of the Adal and Ifat kingdoms.

The ruling elite of those two kingdoms primarily consisted of Semetic-speaking groups. Ethio-Semitic speakers and Arabs formed the dominant section of the population. Imam Ahmed is either believed to be Harla or Balaw. He wasn't Somali. Please hit the books and do some reading. You are extremely intellectually dishonest.
Just look at this obsessed , to the point claiming random qabil and rewriting Somali history, stfu aid ridden raw muncher

