I hate the filthy french and i wish they get rid of em. But i support thier sovereignty.The worst thing Djibouti ever did was let those pesky baguette wielding cowardly French to rig the election for union with Somalia.
I hate the filthy french and i wish they get rid of em. But i support thier sovereignty.The worst thing Djibouti ever did was let those pesky baguette wielding cowardly French to rig the election for union with Somalia.
I have been to Djibouti City. Nice place and really hot, I become 6 shades darker when I came back lol
OP just wants views and long threads
The worst thing Djibouti ever did was let those pesky baguette wielding cowardly French to rig the election for union with Somalia.
That's why you should only visit during the winter.
Saaxib, they had weapons and shit nothing we could do. The afar were on their side.
View attachment 33352
We hated one another
It's really sad. Great things could've happened.
Lool we would most likely be one with somaliland and in favor of secession because the civil war would've still gone down.
This question has plagued me for years and I couldn't understand it until recently
Here's what I came up with
Obviously not all Somalis think this way
- Most Somalis don't know anything about Djibouti
- They are Jealous at Djibouti's development and safety
- They want to be Djiboutian
- They are ashamed of where they come from
but to those that do,
envy brings nothing. Be proud of your area.
No one is jealous - we just pity
You guys
I mean Somali isn't even taught
in the school system for the kids -
quite Pathetic
Your fellow djboutian resident
Said it on another thread
He exposed you guys
I'm not gona post it, I will save him
The embarrassment
They are taught Somali in schools its a classor else how do they speak in Somali
He said that only Arabic and
French Are taught in the schools
They learn Somali from their
Parents- like we all do in the
the west
@The Vampire Bat is this true or another one of her attempts to defame us?
there is no proof to these rumors
Look at Djiboutian high school kids no sex segretation everyone can sit where they want in the class
I think it's the same in somaliland. The more south you go, the more backwards ppl are.
in somaliland its segregated
We don't learn Somali in school. French is the primary language of instruction but we don't speak French fluently either. In fact we're not able to speak good French until high school.@The Vampire Bat is this true or another one of her attempts to defame us?