Why are women always expected to accommodate to others

Somali Saayid

Oct 21, 1969
This trans bs is honestly horrifying and they're seeing how far they can push before people take a stand. What do you mean a grown man cosplaying as a woman is allowed to enter women only spaces and pretend he is a woman. 🤔 All in the name of what? LGQBT acceptance? Soon enought theyll be telling us we have to accept people in animal costumes and drag queens as normal people when they are clearly deranged.
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I agree with not allowing trans-women in female only spaces, and I disagree with the people calling her transphobic for doing so, but Natalie shouldn’t have lied to everyone, she claimed that trans women were allowed at her gym, and now she’s backtracking and stating that it’s only for real women? I can bet a bit of her donations comes from the lgbtq folks she was making videos pandering too, or women who are pro-trans, theres a girl in video asking for her money back, and she has the right to do so, she basically scammed some people, sis should have been real and stated it’s only for actual women from the beginning.
They still have tht male audacity with them. It pisses me off!! U rarely hear trans men(former women) giving men a hard time....its always these trans women(former men) wanting to take positions/jobs/and now women only places from us. Women have to stop being all nice to these weirdos and be a complete b! THEY CANT SIT WITH US.💯 we need to put them in their place or else its over for us...
Mean Girls GIF by filmeditor
I agree with not allowing trans-women in female only spaces, and I disagree with the people calling her transphobic for doing so, but Natalie shouldn’t have lied to everyone, she claimed that trans women were allowed at her gym, and now she’s backtracking and stating that it’s only for real women? I can bet a bit of her donations comes from the lgbtq folks she was making videos pandering too, or women who are pro-trans, theres a girl in video asking for her money back, and she has the right to do so, she basically scammed some people, sis should have been real and stated it’s only for actual women from the beginning.
Gym shark donated £20k, £1.5k came from one person (not sure who, but I’ve seen people claiming that it was a small business), only £500 or so was from the public donating and the rest was funded by herself. She should give back the £500 since people are causing such a headache over it when the people that keep bringing it up most definitely didn’t donate.

She’s dumb for pandering in the first place, backtracking makes her even dumber. Women only means women only!!! What is this nonsense about transgender


Because she lied, when she first proposed the idea of the gym she said it would be lgtb+ friendly. They donated to her gym thinking they would finally have a safe place to exercise but then she turns around say it’s only for biological women. She is a fxcking snake for that. Not to mention the fact that it is probably illegal, trans ppl r a protected class. Does she expect everyone to show her their p*ssy before they come in?
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Because she lied, when she first proposed the idea of the gym she said it would be lgtb+ friendly. They donated to her gym thinking they would finally have a safe place to exercise but then she turns around say it’s only for biological women.
She definitely needs to give the money back.
Does she expect everyone to show her their p*ssy before they come in?
People should respect that women only means women only 🙂 Why do men, trans or not, feel the need to force their way in lmao. They should go where they are wanted


People should respect that women only means women only 🙂 Why do men, trans or not, feel the need to force their way in lmao. They should go where they are wanted
Whether you like it or not trans women are viewed as women by law in the uk. Turning them away would be discrimination and she could be sued for that.


how if its a private gym
After looking at the Equality Act you need evidence based reasoning to deny a trans woman access not because of your own prejudices. But even if it did my point still stands how can you prove someone is trans? There identification will say female & they could’ve gotten bottom surgery & even if they didn’t you can’t get people to strip for you that is SA. Not to mention the fact if a butch woman or a woman with pcos gets denied access to the gym they can still sue for discrimination. If a passing trans man, who is still legally female came up in the gym if you deny them access you will be sued for discrimination. So it’s not that simple, people who aren’t trans will also be negatively impacted.
After looking at the Equality Act you need evidence based reasoning to deny a trans woman access not because of your own prejudices. But even if it did my point still stands how can you prove someone is trans? There identification will say female & they could’ve gotten bottom surgery & even if they didn’t you can’t get people to strip for you that is SA. Not to mention the fact if a butch woman or a woman with pcos gets denied access to the gym they can still sue for discrimination. If a passing trans man, who is still legally female came up in the gym if you deny them access you will be sued for discrimination. So it’s not that simple, people who aren’t trans will also be negatively impacted.
no one says they'll be turned away at the door for looking manly she never said how they will be sure im sure when they apply they''ll have to verify with a birth certificate or smth your assuming alot


no one says they'll be turned away at the door for looking manly she never said how they will be sure im sure when they apply they''ll have to verify with a birth certificate or smth your assuming alot
You can change your gender on your birth certificate.
Icl where she messed up was saying that trans women are welcome back in 2021. She should have never said that. Now later on she has changed her mind.

While she is right for stopping trans people, if she from day 1 said trans are not allowed and it's only for biological women this backlash wouldn't have even happened.


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