Why arent Oromos not flooding to Kenya?


4th Emir of the Akh Right Movement, T-Y16897 Arabi
They do. Maybe 4 years ago they were oromo first but this year there praising menelik and selassie and proud ethiopians
Warra Dayya are the only Boranas who went east. They put Rendile Degodia and Ajuuran into serfdom class until Ogadeni Jihadists uprooted them in the late 19th century. I got a book on it if you're interested


The most misunderstood man in here.
Instead of flooding into Somali regions and than get deported again why can't they flood kenya and Tanzania and make it cushitic again especially with their high population?
How come Oromo women are not Flooding to Somalia? This is actually making me mad.

