Why aren't we breeding?

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Prince of East Africa
Sufism is only movement within Islam that doesn't have bad blood in their hand or committed attrocites against their fellow Muslims all they did is spread Islam and offer spertuality and guidance to the people
Mad mullah was a crazed sufi killing somali muslims left right and central


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
First off just because some egyptian criminals killed a Somali family doesn't mean the nation 90 million did it,thats just ludicrous and obviously you make your arguments based on emotion.

Don't generalize a-arabs.

Generalize Somalis.

Classic Cabiidoos



Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
First off just because some egyptian criminals killed a Somali family doesn't mean the nation 90 million did it,thats just ludicrous and obviously you make your arguments based on emotion.Secondly no one forced Somalis to tahriib via Libya(which has a civil war).As for your Saudi claim there is no proof of that and if there is we can blame your president Sheikh Dameer for that one!



A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Unfortunately there are some irreligious girls such as yourself who's legs stay opened like huge field, there wombs are used to bring other races into the world.
How do you reconcile your desire for unchecked and runaway feminism to wreak havoc on Somalia with your ultra nationalistic views as expressed in this thread??? You do realize the two are fundamentally at odds right??? The former invariably leads to negative population growth and eventual ethnic extinction. Look no further than much of Western/Northern Europe and Japan to see exactly what I am talking about.
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