Why beggars can't be choosers?

Internet Nomad

You cant decide where you work, live or get money from.

Life is unfair!
Wow shocking right!!!

The first story in human history (about human-human relations) is about inequality.

Cain and Abel gave different levels of devotion to their sacrifices and got different results. Cain killed his brother out of jealousy and envy starting the chain of violence.

Even if you make into heaven it will be tiered.

Inequality is baked into this reality.

You will never be equal to god as god has no partners.
Wow shocking right!!!

The first story in human history (about human-human relations) is about inequality.

Cain and Abel gave different levels of devotion to their sacrifices and got different results. Cain killed his brother out of jealousy and envy starting the chain of violence.

Even if you make into heaven it will be tiered.

Inequality is baked into this reality.

You will never be equal to god as god has no partners.
Jeezy said " i cant sleep, we living in hell, first they give us the work and throw us in jail."

