Why didn't Somali expand


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
You are right on cue. Yes lets feign more interests in Somali history.

Putting out crazy exaggerations and claims around somali history or people and lying in an attempt to undermined real documented facts is not being critical. Trying to find holes to poke instead of sincere inquiry it is also not being critical. I correct you guys on certain details all the time but it's not honest mistake it's really intentional.

I know because some of you have already told me in on another thread that yall straight up lie and make stuff on purpose https://www.somalispot.com/threads/1500s-the-somali-century.164904/page-5#post-3989074
He and others said history was made up, so it justifies him making stuff up.

These antics are meant to show that Somalis have superiority and inferiority complex according to you and Khaemwaset.

No it actually shows that you guys are the ones with an identity complex and are just demented like i always say.
No it's not a bad thing to gass up History. Everyone does it, this doesn't mean straight falsifying stuff. Just pushing Somali achievements. People say things like "British century" pax Brtiannica. Arabs will tell you the period of the Caliphates was the greatest era of scientific discovery while a European will say that's the era of colonialism. Nothing wrong with it.
I would complain, but honestly no Im satisfied alxamdulilah for what we have now. The entire horn of africa. 1 ethnic group. 1 religion. As much as I would like more land as anyone, like madagascar or nairobi highlands. Were still rollin.
The same reason today, they will rather be lead by there clan leader who is obviously corrupt and can't even finish a roadside than a 0.5 patriot. Qabilism is a curse, we are all langaab. Having a genghis khan or a stalin typa guy now its too late
Its not to late
No it's not a bad thing to gass up History. Everyone does it, this doesn't mean straight falsifying stuff. Just pushing Somali achievements. People say things like "British century" pax Brtiannica. Arabs will tell you the period of the Caliphates was the greatest era of scientific discovery while a European will say that's the era of colonialism. Nothing wrong with it.

Gassing and hyping things up creates exaggerations . Your intention is to do just that, create over-hyped exaggerations that will undermine actually real basic facts around Somalis. What those facts really are or the actual history does not matter to you.

I have also explained in that thread i linked. Where all you gather around to one by one into. Exaggerations and fabrications has no benefit to people.
Don't gas up history. History has many bad moments/events in it , it's the worst place to rest your pride or ego on. If you are selective about it, you will learn nothing from it and will make the same mistakes.

Also explained before that there is a process to history, its not made up and it's not based on exaggerations.
Much of modern history is not made up. We can determine what happened with relative accuracy thanks to a process Historians call the Historical method and we can gain reliable picture of all the periods you mentioned.

I would encourage you and everyone else on this thread to become more acquainted with it. Perhaps you will learn how not to fabricate and exaggerate

