Why do all young women claim to have PTSD and/or depression and/or anxiety these days?

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It isn’t that it’s half-hearted, it’s that its now reversible due to technology. Technology has made it so that a lightening quick 911 call, and a pumped stomach reverse something that would otherwise have been fatal. With men, it doesn’t matter if you call 911, bc it’s most likely through an impulsive, ghastly method. Firearms are said to have drastically worsened suicide stats. Well, that’s in relation to men far more so than female stats.

That’s patently false. Raising awareness has helped tons of people address their problems, through suicide hotlines, therapy, drug intervention and reorienting their lives. There are numbers on this, and if they were inclined to beforehand, they would’ve done it without encouragement. Any other type of awareness you wish to call “slacking” is one thing, but to call simply making it ok to seek help when someone has hit rockbottom slacking doesn’t hold up when the problem is psychological and the alternative to that is more dead bodies.

I disagree about the first part but I will admit I am wrong about the second part. Raising awareness is a lot more productive than I stated. I absolutely do not buy the failed suicide attempt stuff though. Sure it's reversible but even with that knowledge how can somebody fail to successfully kill themselves multiple times? It's very simple to come up with a surefire way of pulling it off. I knew a girl with borderline personality disorder that would pull stunts like this. It's sort of despicable.
I often float/work in a psych ward at my hospital. There’s more men than women. And they’re not there for eating disorders. Psychiatric wards are not for eating disorders and typical depression in the general population that can be situational or passing. Should’ve noticed you were speaking out of your ass.

Oops. I was wrong about the psych ward. Very interesting that you point that out but ignore the idiotic point raised by the person I was responding to.


I disagree about the first part but I will admit I am wrong about the second part. Raising awareness is a lot more productive than I stated. I absolutely do not buy the failed suicide attempt stuff though. Sure it's reversible but even with that knowledge how can somebody fail to successfully kill themselves multiple times? It's very simple to come up with a surefire way of pulling it off. I knew a girl with borderline personality disorder that would pull stunts like this. It's sort of despicable.
You’re sort of despicable.

For thinking that someone with a mental illness attempting to commit suicide that doesn’t even have the benefit of having one identity is despicable.
You’re sort of despicable.

For thinking that someone with a mental illness attempting to commit suicide that doesn’t even have the benefit of having one identity is despicable.

*"Attempting" to commit suicide.

Do you have borderline personality disorder or something? Do you have the same level of sympathy for psychopaths and narcissists?
It’s insignificant to me as I’m a proud misandrist. Weak men like you who talk about their feelings and emotions are not bullied by women, it’s your own gender who you have to worry about. Insults and bullying disguised as “locker room talk” or “banter” if you’re from the UK, is what fuels toxic masculinity. You forget that toxic masculinity has existed for thousands of years and since men were in charge for 99% of this duration you only have your gender to blame.

Look at this story that came out today. A dyslexic Male was bullied by other men to the point of suicide because he wasn’t intelligent or macho enough for them.


When men realise other men cause their suffering and set these unrealistic standard for them, only then can they properly address this issue. But the male ego is too fragile and too weak to admit this. Instead you will listen to Jordan Peterson and blame feminist who simply want equal pay for your suffering.
Lol, weak man:lolbron: I could probably seduce your misandrist ass:hemad:

But on they real tho. I recognise this pattern where some women use their time complaining about men, because that's the only power they have. Respectable women have better things to do, and ignore the bad ones. My brother is dyslexic and he has had an amazing life, just by giving me a an anecdote example of an outlier on a kid getting bullied, does not represent a real picture.

I have muscles and train my mind and body for my own well-being, i never lower myself to impress others. I believe everyone should be responsible for their own shortcomings, and complaining wont help shit. But one question sister, which one are complaining the most between us? I am just giving you another side to the problem, but you seem to dismiss it. I even clearly said i agree that men has their own issues they need to fix. But i've seen a pattern with you, were you complain about men on different occasions, while i personally love all women. So im not going to let you vent your frustration from personal man issues that clearly stems from your own life on me.
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The one and only 4head
I used to suffer from depression and i knew that nobody cares about men's issues these days.
So i dealt with it.
The truth is, it’s painfully obvious you’re commentating on something you don’t know the first thing about.

Maybe I should do a public service announcement for men about women with borderline personality disorder because the "professionals" like you aren't very helpful and probably do more bad than good feeling sorry for them.
Lads, here's my mental health awareness:



Maybe I should do a public service announcement for men about women with borderline personality disorder because the "professionals" like you aren't very helpful and probably do more bad than good feeling sorry for them.
I’m not a professional.

But you’re definitely, absolutely, without a doubt, not with a morsel of knowledge on this.
I’m not a professional.

Oh, THANK GOD. That's genuinely a big relief.

To be honest, my intuition and surface level grasp of women with emotional stability far better equips me for dealing with those sort of stuff than somebody like you who is steeped in all the talking points and armed with a misguided sense of compassion.

You're such a *wonderful* person.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Sixir, evil eye, and black magick are very real folks. Don't let the gaals on this site try to fool you, read your duas, read your Qur'an, especially ayaatul Kursi


Oh, THANK GOD. That's genuinely a big relief.

To be honest, my intuition and surface level grasp of women with emotional stability far better equips me for dealing with those sort of stuff than somebody like you who is steeped in all the talking points and armed with a misguided sense of compassion.

You're such a *wonderful* person.
That’s interesting, I sense a good amount of instability coming from you..


Yeah but you already demonstrated you have terrible judgement so I'm not too worried.
I’m sure I have. The part where I held the actions of a person with multiple voices/personalities in their head to the standards of someone of a neurotypical, healthy mind definitely demonstrated what terrible judgement I have...back a few minutes ago when I was you.

Lads, here's my mental health awareness:

I think it is political un-correct to say that, but everyone would stay away from unstable people if they had the info before knowing them. I've had a short relationship with a woman who had many personal issues, and she was diagnosed with some personality disorder (white chick lol). She would always cry and tell me all her problems, and she would ask for my opinion. When i gave her an honest logical solution, she would always become angry at me, cause she felt i criticized her. Her feelings were standing in he way of her realization and growth. And she made things much harder than it really was and became frantic and irrational all the time, so i needed to make a choice and get out of there, because she was dragging me down. I felt a little sad doing that, but she would have brought me down with her, and i was not there to be her personal psychologist.
But you are being a little insensitive though:pachah1:
I’m sure I have. The part where I held the actions of a person with multiple voices in their head to the standards of someone of a neurotypical, healthy mind definitely demonstrated what terrible judgement I have...back a few minutes ago when I was you.


That's weird. Since when was having multiple voices in your head relate to borderline personality disorder? Sounds like you're describing schizophrenia. Borderlines have identity issues because they're empty and have no core.
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