Why do atheist preach like they are trying to save people like Jehovah witnesses.

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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
@JohnDoe @supz @Racer @AbdiJohnson @afrosomali

Why are Somali gaalo on a crusade to discredit Islam & to indoctrinate young impressionable Somali minds? I can understand a person of faith preaching to others cause in their heart of hearts they sincerely believe in what they're saying & their intention is to save the person from eternal damnation more time But what are your intentions? What are you trying to save people from? What are you offering? Why is your crusade only against Islam?


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
nigga everybody play for a team
Yeah everyone except you cause you're running around like a headless chicken not knowing what team you're on. There's no such thing as a halfway crook my g what's really good?


We aren't offering them anything at all. That's the beauty of it. We are merely giving them tools to question dogmatic religious ideologies as they are to us unequivocally irrational, absurd and even pernicious to those living under a theocracy, ( apostates, gays and other religious people)


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
We aren't offering them anything at all. That's the beauty of it. We are merely giving them tools to question dogmatic religious ideologies as they are to us unequivocally irrational, absurd and even pernicious to those living under a theocracy, ( apostates, gays and other religious people)
What are your intentions when you're giving them these tools? What are you gaining from it? After they've disbelieved then what are you going to convert them into? Darwinism?


What are your intentions when you're giving them these tools? What are you gaining from it? After they've disbelieved then what are you going to convert them into? Darwinism?
Darwinism is not a belief system. He postulated the theory of evolution which is a school subject lol Anyway, we aren't trying to convert them to any other school of thought after they unchained themselves from religious dogma. We also don't get anything out of it like you guys who believe you'll go to heaven for converting a fellow human being.:comeon: If you're wondering what our stance on life is, It's presumably secular humanism. However, I can't speak for other atheists.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Darwinism is not a belief system. He postulated the theory of evolution which is a school subject lol Anyway, we aren't trying to convert them to any other school of thought after they unchained themselves from religious dogma. We also don't get anything out of it like you guys who believe you'll go to heaven for converting a fellow human being.:comeon: If you're wondering what our stance on life is, It's presumably secular humanism. However, I can't speak for other atheists.
You're indoctrinating them similar to these religious dogmas what's the difference, it seems like you're also in the business of converting people.


You're indoctrinating them similar to these religious dogmas what's the difference, it seems like you're also in the business of converting people.
Nope, there is a difference. My principles which is secular humanism can be debated, questioned, altered and improved. Whereas your dogmatic principles are eternal, unalterable, unquestionable and uncriticizable.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Nope, there is a difference. My principles which is secular humanism can be debated, questioned, altered and improved. Whereas your dogmatic principles are eternal, unalterable, unquestionable and uncriticizable.
So you not sure yourself so you want to find out by taking others away by putting doubts into their heads so you may lead the astray, very cunning if you ask me.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
I barely talk about Islam.

I only talk about atheism and gay rights.

I only give topics that deserve any attention my attention.
So as a moderator of a Somali forum, Muslims being 99% of the population, Islam doesn't deserve your attention?
Because I don't want to see others wasting their lives in servitude and fear towards a Deity who frankly doesn't exist. Sir, you and most other Muslims didn't choose Islam but you happened to be born into a Muslim family where subsequent indoctrination took place so anything you guys read will be clouded with a confirmation bias. I on the other hand chose to leave this religion. I currently don't have associate with a particular label so I couldn't care less if you became Atheist all I desire is that humans question what's around them and think for themselves as that's ultimately what has got us to where we are today.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Pastafarianism is da truuf fam



A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
It's not on my mind. It's none of my business. Religion is personal. I am here to moderate, not be your sheikh

And I doubt your crew even reach 50% here
In that case then why not call the forum Somali atheist spot? Then Muslims wouldn't join & your kind would have the place to themselves.
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