Why do Caucasians look so Somali/Cushitic?


E pluribus unum
What is it with you Somalis who are so obsessed with features. Imagine the only thing you can take pride in is the fact you have similar features to a race who look down on you. Could never be me.
What else do they have


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
What else do they have
History, culture, poetry.
Only somali I know focusing on looks are the western idiot who makes post on reddit and sspot crying about why somalis don't have any (history, clothing, foods ect) when they are just retarded and don't know their own people.

Also focusing in features is feminine shit bro.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
I think we have already settled this. They don't.

It's not Somalis who claimed similarities. It's cadaans who made these absurd claims, whether to Somalis via offhand comments/backhanded compliments, to Iman the model in the 70s or under the guise of their pseudoscientific and eugenist craniometry in the 18th C.


♚Sargon of Adal♚
Imagine how jobless an individual must be to only talk about haplogroups,features,not being black & claiming Arab. :dead:
Agreed, but keep in mind some of us want to understand the complex history of our forefathers and their journey, for us to be proud and not be considered outsiders to our own land, I used to hang out with a bunch of Kenyan guys when I was younger, they used to pick on one of the Somali guys.

One day they said you Somalis are not even African and you invaded Kenya, I pointed out that Somalis have been in Kenya longer than the Kikuyu. I informed him his ancestors only reached Kenya in the last 2,000 years, where Cushitic-like people have been living in Kenya for the previous 3,000 - 5,000 years.

“Study history, study history. In history lies all the secrets of statecraft.”


E pluribus unum
History, culture, poetry.
Only somali I know focusing on looks are the western idiot who makes post on reddit and sspot crying about why somalis don't have any (history, clothing, foods ect) when they are just retarded and don't know their own people.

Also focusing in features is feminine shit bro.
I don't focus on features.

I'm saying Somalis only care about two things, features and clans.