Shams nagi
It's not something you can control, it feels good thoI'm talking about extreme point of view. You can hate if you want, if you gonna get something out of it.![]()

It's not something you can control, it feels good thoI'm talking about extreme point of view. You can hate if you want, if you gonna get something out of it.![]()
It's actually the meaning of cognitive dissonance.
I don't get they say nacalaa yahood but they would give up their religion for a us citizenship and later on when they milked the system they abuse the same fucking people that helped them and they have the audacity to scream alahu Akbar countries have the right to refuse entry and services to whoever they deem a risk and lets make one thing clear I love Islam but I'm against the extreme even the prophet (correct me if I'm wrong) disliked extremist I remember the story of 3 men the first said I will fast everyday the second said I will never marry and the third said (correct me if I'm wrong) I will pray late into the night and the prophet said (correct me if I'm wrong)' i pray , I fast and i marry' not that these savages could even be compared to the greatest of mankind my problem is WHY LIVE IN THE WEST IF U HATE IT ALSO THIS ONE UMMAH THING IS BS I CHALLENGE YOU TO GO TO ANY ARAB COUNTRY AND SEE IF THOSE SAND WELCOME U WITH OPEN ARMS AND BEFORE U START CALLING ME KAFIR REMEMBER THE PROPHET SAID ' LOVE FOR YOUR BROTHER WHAT U LOVE FOR YOUR SELVES' RANT OVER
Why? One word, hypocrisy.
Sayid Qutb an Egyptian was the spiritual leader of alqaeda and his writings became the foundations of the modern jihadists. He went to America in 1949 to study a post graduate in teaching. One night, he attended a dance at the university of northern Colorado and he was rejected by all the white ladies at the hall to dance with him due to widespread racism at the time. He realised the male Jewish students got opportunities for dances with the white girls, this made him so incensed and dejected that he developed an instant hatred towards America and wrote a critique of American culture as a "soulless and materialistic" and urged Muslims to hate them. If he got that dance, Qutb would have never became a theorist for contemporary radical Muslims. So, it's all based on hypocrisy.
*SIGH* It does not matter if he was reject by 1 girl or thousands. his main critique was against the Egyptian government. and not just the USA. So basically what your are saying is. If you ever f*cked up in live you cant change and have legit opinion LATER ON because some white girl rejected you. Honestly how unintelligent.
Even though Sayyid qutb was not completely right he is right about these so called Muslim governments with their make believe sharia in which they prosecute the poor and leave the rich to fool around. I am also disgusted by the state Africa the richest continent in the world is in. Corrupt governments who fill their bellies with the lands resources they stole and sold illegally to the west. Good thing i have no power. I would have burned their palaces down.
So all this extremism because a fat assed Egyptian couldn't get his dick wet? This is why I keep telling wimmin: never reject a loser. At least give him a peck on the cheek for his troubles. He might take out his frustrations on posterity.Why? One word, hypocrisy.
Sayid Qutb an Egyptian was the spiritual leader of alqaeda and his writings became the foundations of the modern jihadists. He went to America in 1949 to study a post graduate in teaching. One night, he attended a dance at the university of northern Colorado and he was rejected by all the white ladies at the hall to dance with him due to widespread racism at the time. He realised the male Jewish students got opportunities for dances with the white girls, this made him so incensed and dejected that he developed an instant hatred towards America and wrote a critique of American culture as a "soulless and materialistic" and urged Muslims to hate them. If he got that dance, Qutb would have never became a theorist for contemporary radical Muslims. So, it's all based on hypocrisy.