Why do most Somali men have bidaar?


Death Awaits You
How did you manage to escape that gene? Even as a child my grandparents would say I had a big head and gave me a mean nickname. :ftw9nwa:
my father and 2 sisters don't have it either. wallahi somalis with good hairline waa iney markasteba ilaahay u mahadnaqaan.


I ❤️ Islam & Aabo Kush. Anti-BBB Anti-Inbred
Have you ever thought it could be because of Somali women?
Somali women are biggest trolls they know they carry the genes for Somali mens bidaar so they keep cursing Somalian men and keep breeding with them. They have been trolling Somali men since start of age and mankind.
Some women do have problems with balding spots and their hair line because of tight hair styles but they can regrow hair hair with using oils.
Ukhti I won’t show pictures but somali women have a huge problem with receding hairlines like their male counterparts
Ukhti I won’t show pictures but somali women have a huge problem with receding hairlines like their male counterparts
its a good thing they aint forced to use weaves and wigs like others since they stay covered mostly
Somali women are biggest trolls they know they carry the genes for Somali mens bidaar so they keep cursing Somalian men and keep breeding with them. They have been trolling Somali men since start of age and mankind.

I read somewhere that you inherit your hair from the mothers side.

Mostly it is genetical, but diet and lifestyle have big impacts too.
Somali women are biggest trolls they know they carry the genes for Somali mens bidaar so they keep cursing Somalian men and keep breeding with them. They have been trolling Somali men since start of age and mankind.
Wallahi they think having a hijab makes them immune to forehead jokes kkkk
Well those two places did the same thing difference is the adal sultanate conquered ethiopia and enslaved oromos instead and obviously oromos look similar enough to us to be able to eventually be warped by other qabiils. In my statistics I've only counted for the oromos that are recent refugees

I don't doubt that.

Also in punt land there are certain bantu admixed sub clans (in Qardho) but there are also yemenite Hadramis that settled there at the same time.

I have seen many northern Somalis in both Puntland and Somaliland who looked 100% bantu. So there is definitely some there, they just happen to appear every now and then among families with that admixture.


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