Why Do people blindly support Somaliland?

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I have never understood why you are dividing yourselves into qabils when you are the same people? Why this fighting?

And then you wonder why the situation is like it is. You will never be great as a nation as long as you are divided along those qabil lines. The enemies will always have an advantage.

Qabil has played out its role these days, it should only be kept as tradition to know your lineage.
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Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
@Mercury for president of a United Somalia.

We should help one another leave things in the past and move on to the future cause there’s nothing to gain to dwell on the past

Besides they should make a law where any clan elder who interferes with the law and tries to defend a rapist,nurderer will be jailed alongside with the criminal


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
I have never understood why you are dividing yourselves in qabils when you are the same people? Why this fighting?

And then you wonder why the situation is like it is. You will never be great as a nation as long as you are divided along those qabil lines. The enemies will always have an advantage.

Qabil has played out its role these days it should only be kept as tradition to know your lineage.

Det är idiotiskt ärligt talat jag vet inte ens själv vrf de e som de e
They suffer from cognitive biases, their judgment is based on ignorance.

It's not that their arguments for independence aren't legitimate, it's their inability to take criticism or consider different outcomes.

For example, they aren't able to objectively judge the achievements of their governments since the declaration of their independence without comparing it to Somalia. If there is a drought or bad governance in Somaliland, they immediately deflect and respond, but what about Somalia?

This and other examples show blind allegiance which some Puntlanders/ other qabilist and federal government supporters have.
There is no future nor prosperity for the Somali nation outside a united Somali state, and that includes Somali territories of what today is ethiopia and Kenya.

That is a fact.


Islamic Fanfiction Writer
There is no future nor prosperity for the Somali nation outside a united Somali state, and that includes Somali territories of what today is ethiopia and Kenya.

That is a fact.
Somalis are stubborn, too stubborn sometimes.
Oops, friendly fire. Sorry inader. I though you were a southern donkey because you sound like one. So you are adonkey from the North? Well lets do build roads then Mercury lol

dont believe hes not lander or he wouldve understood why somaliland chose to be separate.
the south couldnt put itself together even with recognition and billions of help. still waiting for SL to be somebody.
as much as i wish all somalis come together I cant take nonesense coming from otha side which as usual probably make matters worse.
they cant comprehend their actions are the consequences of this mess and they still dwell on it. or atleast tell history as it is. ok then keep believing ur nonesenical sound bites.

i.e... farmajo tried to cut all help off SL, to stop airlines,shipping,telephones , remittance ,NGOs, and the result was not only a miserable fail on his part but united landers than eva before, they saw it as a repeat of 1988 and the fact he the cousin of siyad barre made matters worse.

you cant come up with the same horrible tactics everyday and assume things change for the better.

Just Dumb!!
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he farmajo even circled the horn,jbouti,ethiopia,kenya and eriteria not to do business or interact with landers. Delusional, and he expect a positive outcome.


I have never understood why you are dividing yourselves into qabils when you are the same people?
It is ancient tradition, existed way before the modern era, hence not easy to stop willy-nilly. Peninsular Arabs have similar paternal tribal systems and they seem to get along fine. It's not the main issue.

Why this fighting?
Power vacuum ever since Jaalle Barre left the scene, still not fully solved.

There is no future nor prosperity for the Somali nation outside a united Somali state, and that includes Somali territories of what today is ethiopia and Kenya.

That is a fact.
This big brained Balkanite knows his shit. :nvjpqts: :vncu2n5:
Hey, in my defence I did ask what your clan was so that I could direct my critique to the right region:ohno:

And you to be the president of what? Somali cuck association? Change your damn avatar man. Its disgusting:westbrookwtf:


Waryaa who are you calling a cuck? The avatar is the wedding of the century in Somaliland. Even President Bihi and all his cabinet attended this wedding and thus, a new Somali adage was coined on this massive occasion, Ictiraafka, kaadi mukulaal aa loogu seexdaa.

Viva our president, mudane @Mercury


This guy is hilarious, war SL can't do much either way. What they
Yes exactly 30 years no roads
- no road signs
- no road laws you can get a driver license by paying 100$ No test to see your ability to drive you just show up and pay and you got your license
- no waste management
-trash disposal
- no warm water
- water shortage where the tap water only works every other day
- the healthcare they haven’t put enough resources cause they’re understaffed I saw a 5 year old who had broken the bone in his thighs and was told it’s no room come back in 4 days

And another time my grandma had some problem with her eyes she said it was dry the doctor does a checkup tells her to buy some eye drops and it should be all right if she still has issues to come back and just for that check up 50$ Ridiculous

What’s the point of having “Somaliland development fund” when there’s nothing that’s being developed?
There is not enough funds, you clearly don't understand the difficulties of running a country for 30 years on a non-existent economy... Recognition is needed for the scale of development you are talking about.

30 years Somaliland has been isolated with limited help and funds but on the other hand we have Somalia who has been recognized but mismanaged absolutely everything.

Come on saaxib, I can see through your facade and pro-unity bullshit.. It's not coming off very genuine..

Let me guess your solution is that we re-unite with Somalia and magically the roads will appear and everything will be fine? :ulyin:


There is no future nor prosperity for the Somali nation outside a united Somali state, and that includes Somali territories of what today is ethiopia and Kenya.

That is a fact.
Not only are the people, the politicians, the officials but the entire southern region is to blame for the predicament of all Somali states.

There is no end to it, how can you honestly advocate unity when Somalia itself is not united. You have this dream that is nice and all but it is more than 100 years away and if you think Somaliland is going to wait, you are very mistaken.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
This guy is hilarious, war SL can't do much either way. What they

There is not enough funds, you clearly don't understand the difficulties of running a country for 30 years on a non-existent economy... Recognition is needed for the scale of development you are talking about.

30 years Somaliland has been isolated with limited help and funds but on the other hand we have Somalia who has been recognized but mismanaged absolutely everything.

Come on saaxib, I can see through your facade and pro-unity bullshit.. It's not coming off very genuine..

Let me guess your solution is that we re-unite with Somalia and magically the roads will appear and everything will be fine? :ulyin:

You’re thinking about the past I’m thinking about the future cause not a single Politician in Somaliland has even thought about uniting for the greater good for all somalis

30 years with no funding you wanna live like that for 60 more years still chasing recognition?

I’d rather see Somaliland helping Xanar get stabilized and get back on its feet help them out of Somalinino which by this thread some of you guys are lacking


Somaliland has given me nothing but headache. If it were up to me you'd have your recognition.

Well Mercury we all have problems. I'm just saying Somaliland has a better quality problem than the rest.

I accept that in Somaliland we should focus on roads. On the other hand, where YOU come from they should focus on not raping innocent little girls. And THEN focus on NOT blowing people up. THEN after that you should start focusing on improving the condition of your roads also.

So how about we all set to work Mercury? I will now go away and start building roads. For your part, you need to start advising your fellow clansmen to stay away from primary schools. Do we have a deal Mercury?

You sound demented like everyone else on here who is clan obsessed..


You’re thinking about the past I’m thinking about the future cause not a single Politician in Somaliland has even thought about uniting for the greater good for all somalis
What greater good?! They are divided themselves, it's only about Somaliland now and how it can change for the better. They can turn things around for themselves if they really want to in Xamar.
30 years with no funding you wanna live like that for 60 more years still chasing recognition?
Or join a country that is in complete chaos? Have you lost your mind? This is where your real colors show and where I call your bullshit out.. Part of the capital is in ruins for all the wrong reasons, their political system is even more corrupt than ours. How in the world does downgrading make sense to you??
I’d rather see Somaliland helping Xanar get stabilized and get back on its feet help them out of Somalinino which by this thread some of you guys are lacking
Saaxib if the shit that is going on in Mogadishu happened in Hargeisa, the people in Hargeisa would've been vigilant and report to the authorities about suspicious behavior but in Mogadishu the authorities are part of the problem. I mean the criminals and the terrorists are so deep rooted into their system that there is no end.

Help Xamar get stabilized or prioritize Somaliland when we ourselves are in need of basic shit. Which one is it saaxib? You are contradicting yourself so hard in every argument you make... :comeon:
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