Why do people from Somaliland region expect reer Mogadishu to hate Siad Bare like they do?

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Hate is a strong word, i see him as a leader who was dumb enough to believe he could rule a country with a minority power. He threw his own Darod people under the bus and they couldn't save his skin.
In all honesty you are not making any sense with that reply right now.. how do you get this out of your pocket..:mindblown:

@Bohol was talking about the champions league final between the 2019 Tottenham Lillywhites Hotspurs 3-0 win against Barcelona ..

Your reply was "Barcelona didnt loose against LA Lakers before facing The London Lillywhites ....." we all like :jcoleno:

:holeup:Everybody scolling up @Bohol s comment see if he mentioned Barcelona and La Lakers in the same sentence...nothing there...all rushing back to your comment and :draketf:

:meleshame:One day you'll make sense, I believe in you.... dont give up..wuxuun uun isku qas adigu surely you'll hit the net at some point...:sass1:
What the heck are you trying to explain?

Hate is a strong word, i see him as a leader who was dumb enough to believe he could rule a country with a minority power. He threw his own Darod people under the bus and they couldn't save his skin.
Dumb sure, but at least he was competent I'd rather take 30 years of Barre's oppressive regime over the shitfest we have today :nahgirl:
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