why do religious jews and jewish atheist oddly share similar political goals(compared to christians & muslim counterparts)

I was listening to sam harris talk about the situation in gaza. and his rhetoric is carbon copy of ben shapiro.
Israel is full of jewish religious fundematalist how view as their religious goal to remove non jews from "Israel". Yet, sam harris seems to only be concerned by the religous fundematalism of arabs. why is this the case? could you imagine a world where a rabid ex-muslim and salafi muslim have the same world view. or where an excatholic and an observant catholic are animated by same values.

Hassan Garguute Buldanana

#Puntlandfirst. #PIM
They hate all religions but unlike the others, they know Islam will never accept their godless degenerate liberal ways whether it's today or 200 yrs from now. Traditional Christianity is dead in the west and will eventually will be everywhere else. This is the reason they extremely hate Islam.

You will see militant atheist like Bill Maher insult Islam and religion in general as illogical and yet fully supports Jews from every corner of the world moving to Palestine to steal lands from the Palestinians because their holly book told them God gave it to them.


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
Its a weird dynamic. I can’t imagine secular muslims who march for a caliphate. I think its cus jews are an ethnicity and they have been prosecuted they want a homeland for all their gypsies(except for ethiopian jews they hate those niggas)
Because it falls under the category of "What's best for Jews". This is why there is either universal silence from the supposed progressive atheist Jews when it comes to Israeli's atrocities, when it's not silence it is a defense of it by calling anyone who points it out names like anti semite [even though Arabs are also semites and are being brutalized by Israel].

The same trend is seen across the board really. Many Jews are against abortion in Israel because they want more Jewish babies no matter what while are for abortion up to the moment of birth in the US. Chuck Schumer is one of these guys and he donates some of his personal money every year to a Israeli pro-life group called American Friends of Efrat. He is also ok for gun ownership for Jews in Israel but against it for America. The double standards are ABSURD but are the NORM when it comes to them because it falls under the category of "What's best for Jews".


teetering in-between realities
Because it falls under the category of "What's best for Jews". This is why there is either universal silence from the supposed progressive atheist Jews when it comes to Israeli's atrocities, when it's not silence it is a defense of it by calling anyone who points it out names like anti semite [even though Arabs are also semites and are being brutalized by Israel].

The same trend is seen across the board really. Many Jews are against abortion in Israel because they want more Jewish babies no matter what while are for abortion up to the moment of birth in the US. Chuck Schumer is one of these guys and he donates some of his personal money every year to a Israeli pro-life group called American Friends of Efrat. He is also ok for gun ownership for Jews in Israel but against it for America. The double standards are ABSURD but are the NORM when it comes to them because it falls under the category of "What's best for Jews".
It's crazy how cadaans took a european problem and made it a middle eastern one, they are the reason why people have cuqdaad for jews nowadays nobody used to hate jews before hand. Ironic how these cadaan countries are always saying they support jews but turned their back on them after the holocaust. the whole reason why jews are even there was because cadaans didn't want them.
This was going on well before the holocaust. There was the Balfour Declaration shortly after WW1. It was sponsored by the Rothschild family [Jewish] and the declaration was for a Jewish homeland in Palestine, despite the land already being inhabited by Palestinians, of whom were about 80% Muslim and 20% Christian...Through out the 1920s and 1930s, Zionist groups imported Jews from Europe and bought up land to push out Palestinians of either religion [Muslim Christian they did not care]. They also formed militias. This was all before WW2 or the holocaust. Although, that was the claim used to say that they needed a homeland of their own, despite stealing a homeland from another people...Slightly before Israel was founded in 1948, their militas went out and ethnically cleansed Palestinians in many areas, forcing them to Jordan, to Egypt, and to Lebanon. Once declared, they again went out and forced more Palestinians out.

This didn't begin after WW2. It was at least from the late 1800s when Zionism came around.

"""The Balfour Declaration was a public statement issued by the British Government in 1917 during the First World War announcing its support for the establishment of a "national home for the Jewish people" in Palestine, then an Ottoman region with a small minority Jewish population. The declaration was contained in a letter dated 2 November 1917 from the United Kingdom's Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour to Lord Rothschild, a leader of the British Jewish community, for transmission to the Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland. The text of the declaration was published in the press on 9 November 1917.

Immediately following Britain's declaration of war on the Ottoman Empire in November 1914, it began to consider the future of Palestine."""

And I say this respectfully - May ALLAH [SWT] guide and bless all Muslims in these troubling times. May ALLAH [SWT] give senses to see through the fog which is intentionally set out to confuse us, those who mean well, to not see what is against us. AMEEN.

