Why do Somali nationalists hate reverts so much???

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sufiyan why don't you make hijrah to dawlatul islamyia fi iraqi wa sham :rejoice:

Because I am not a khariji and would probably be executed for being a mushrik Sufi according to them. I understand the correct Islamic doctrine might sound 'extreme' to you confused modernist who are on the brink of kufr but that is not my problem. It is obligatory to regard the divine laws to be the most superior form of laws and to reject secularism in its totality. Failure to do so can easily negate ones Iman.
It is baffling that the most honorable of people who had to go through the trouble of finding the true guidance unlike us ungrateful people who were born into it are hated by these vile nationalists. They refer to them by despicable names like 'Abu Tyrone' not realizing they are hurting no one but themselves by exposing theyr own ignorance. Somali nationalists my question to you is can you explain your revert hatred to me??? most of my friends are reverts and they are the most nicest and humble people you will ever meet. Are they somehow responsible for the failures of the kacan atheist government that you all so cherished???

waar nobody hate you revert Pals just make your sure they keep their hand off our women. there isn't hatred per-se for revert, it what they represent. we are the only nation where our ladies fill mosque trying to find a convert yet you don't see that shit with Pakistani, Persians, Arabs or even west african. mixes happen but they should be small less that 1% yet in somalis communities it like 5-9 percent and hell we have only been in the west 25 years. another thing is that some revert are unpredictable, they convert to marry somalis and some become lax. they abandon their children or worst they take over and make their kids Christians or atheist. these horror stories happen all the time. furthermore you have been on this site for a few weeks and your argument are all over the place. you keep mention, the Kacan Atheist, as if it the only government somalis have know. we were a parliamentary government for 10 years. we were ruled by tribes, city state and empires but none of them acknowledge an outside overarching islamic authority. even in the Rashidun, somalia was out of reach and this pattern exist for 14 centuries. now all of sudden, you an indoctrinated cunuug think that he know what best for our people. waar you know nothing so keep silent. it inconvenient truth that the 1st islamic empire didn't even last a hundred year, rift with factionalism, ethnic strife between Arabs and non arabs, tribes against tribes and sect against sect. how are you going to get 1.5 billion people to join you Khalifate, you idiot Desi, Malays, Somalis, Hausa, Arab, Turks, Perian are all to different to willing come together because of their affinity for islam. furthermore, you know that the interpretation among many scholars is that caliph alway has to be Quraish and thus an arab. I don't know about you but it will be a cold day in hell before, i give my allegiance to arab, and willing acknowledge this authority over me.
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Why can't reverts marry each other? Wouldn't that make more sense?

the problem is two fold, one is a lack of eligible women converts, all the women who convert, were already dating a muslim or they find islam later in life. the other problem is that reverts of no really culture, like desi, Arabs or Somalis a community of their own, they cling a the group of friend that inspired them to convert, but friend can't alway be around as support network, these people get married, become busy with careers and children. they pawn revert to islamic circle where these neophytes can be indoctrinated and become a loose canon.


سلطنة مجرتين
Because I am not a khariji and would probably be executed for being a mushrik Sufi according to them. I understand the correct Islamic doctrine might sound 'extreme' to you confused modernist who are on the brink of kufr but that is not my problem. It is obligatory to regard the divine laws to be the most superior form of laws and to reject secularism in its totality. Failure to do so can easily negate ones Iman.

I highly doubt you're a sufi since you're to judgemental and quick to use the word kuffar or accuse people you don't know of being on the brink of kufr. Sufis do not judge as they believe only Allah can judge and knowing the traits of sufis they always defend the weak so if you were a sufi you would have spoken up for the women who been fooled and abused by revert salafis using religion as part of their game, but here you are defending them like salafis always do since they look up to shisheye.

Sufi's or shafi'is do not throw the word kaffir around that eazy like takfiris and never speak with a tone like yours,
so i know you are a straight up typical salafi on gaalo government welfare but accuse other muslims of being
kaffir stooges for the tawagheet:draketf:
I highly doubt you're a sufi since you're to judgemental and quick to use the word kuffar or accuse people you don't know of being on the brink of kufr. Sufis do not judge as they believe only Allah can judge and knowing the traits of sufis they always defend the weak so if you were a sufi you would have spoken up for the women who been fooled and abused by revert salafis using religion as part of their game, but here you are defending them like salafis always do since they look up to shisheye.

Sufi's or shafi'is do not throw the word kaffir around that eazy like takfiris and never speak with a tone like yours,
so i know you are a straight up typical salafi on gaalo government welfare but accuse other muslims of being
kaffir stooges for the tawagheet:draketf:

If you are talking about the grave-worshiping dancing mushriks that worship and offer sacrifices to other than Allah swt then I am not a sufi at all. I am free from these mushrikeen. If instead you are talking about the correct tasawwuf that the classical scholars were upon like Imam Nawawi and ibn hajar rahimahumullah and the other giants among the ummah then that is what I am or try to be upon. and why are you acting like you care about these sisters??? You are a fist rate tribalist who would justify the rape of these sisters by his clansmen back in Somalia if it ever came down to it.

Keep your murji'i modernist poison to yourself you jahil. Takfir is a necessary component of our faith and according to most of the ulemah if one does not hold the clear disbelievers to be disbelievers then theyr own faith is negated. These are the words of Shaykh al Islam Al-Nawawi rahimahullah:

'Someone who does not believe that whoever follows another religion besides Islam is an unbeliever (such as Christians), or doubts that such a person is an unbeliever, or considers their sect to be valid, is himself an unbeliever (kafir) even if he manifests Islam and believes in it'. Source: Rawda al-talibin.

So is shaykh al Islam who was so prominent that he and Ibn Hajar rahimahullah WERE considered the Shafi'i madhab alone a salafi 'takfiri' now??? All of the great 'ulama of the madhahib engaged in debates and made takfir upon those who were there contemporaries of the innovators. You should definitely read up on Imam Ahmed ibn hanba rahimahullah and the Jahmiyyah. Or what classical scholars of ahl al sunnah from the four madhahib said on the evil one ibn Arabi. The middle path is always the path of moderation and ahl al sunnah as the prophet sallahu alahyi wasallam mentioned. The extremists who believe nobody is Muslim except them such as the modern neokhawarij and the murji'a who believe everyone is a Muslim and there are no kaffirs and there is no takfir have all deviated and are all upon misguidance.


سلطنة مجرتين
STOP throwing around words and terms to sound like you got knowledge cause you're not fooling anyone also chill with them tantrums of yours and stop claiming i'm a modernist when you is one yourself:ftw9nwa: How the hell can a first rate tribalist be a modernist anyway:deadrose: You're a self hating kid who thinks he is cool cause he hangs with reverts who is quick to judge somalis, calling them kaffir, stooges, secularists and what not just cause they don't agree with you:ftw9nwa:
2 questions though why you mad :kanyeshrug:and who the hell you think you are to judge anybody:mugshotman:
Why do they have to??? There is nothing in Islamic law that says they need to or that it should even should be encouraged. It is also not very practical seeing as the born Muslim community significantly outnumbers the revert community.

Do you just argue for the sake of it? I never said they had to but it would make more sense if they did. I'm not sure if you noticed this but the revert population is growing, so it doesn't seem that impractical really.
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