Why do somali women blame FGM on men?

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Yes it is no one is denying that women are the main perpetrators. But it's silly to act like men aren't the driving force.

Not when males base a women worth entirely on her hymen
But the main reason why they cut is nothing to do with hymen. Talk to elderly women ( 50+) and ask them.

I guarantee you it mostly had to do with womens perception that the labia is seen as unattractive and unclean and little to do with virginity. Nothing different from todays virginal cosmetic.:dabcasar:
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One of my (ex) teachers once told us that she knew a midwife who helped deliver a Somali woman's baby. The woman was all sewn up and the childbirth was extremely difficult and painful. They suggested cutting her open but she panicked and said my husband will divorce me! Finally they convinced her and afterwards she didn't get resewn. Her husband was angry when he found out and when she refused to get sewn again he divorced her.

So men have nothing to do with it is lo' xaarkiis.


Queen of the light
I am not at all suggesting that men are the sole perpetrators in this violent act against women, it is merely down to the historical notion of a woman only being worth something if she remains chast and intact. And that a woman's whole existence is tied around her vagina, not her intellect, and certianly not her accomplishments. Our ancestors innate desire to hide away women's sexuality for biological and social reasons are still ingrained within our society. Hence the double standards we face today, where a man can plow through a city and be known as a hero, however if a women were to even kiss a man her whole life would be destroyed. There we go ladies and gentlemen the ladies infatuation with chastity and virginity has long been exploited by men. It is only in modern times the men scream that we do not like our women to be cut because it doesn't make sex pleasurable anymore boo hoo. Aah but if it did cause their women to be submissive and a hollow robot they would jump at the chance for this procedure to be accepted. Aah males the epitome of low egos and selfishness.
I am not at all suggesting that men are the sole perpetrators in this violent act against women, it is merely down to the historical notion of a woman only being worth something if she remains chast and intact. And that a woman's whole existence is tied around her vagina, not her intellect, and certianly not her accomplishments. Our ancestors innate desire to hide away women's sexuality for biological and social reasons are still ingrained within our society. Hence the double standards we face today, where a man can plow through a city and be known as a hero, however if a women were to even kiss a man her whole life would be destroyed. There we go ladies and gentlemen the ladies infatuation with chastity and virginity has long been exploited by men. It is only in modern times the men scream that we do not like our women to be cut because it doesn't make sex pleasurable anymore boo hoo. Aah but if it did cause their women to be submissive and a hollow robot they would jump at the chance for this procedure to be accepted. Aah males the epitome of low egos and selfishness.

This is an amazing post. Thank you


Queen of the light
This is an amazing post. Thank you
No problem I have always had a desire To study about female sexuality from historical context to modern day advances in society, yet we have not passed our acceptance to women being just as devilish as men when it comes to sexuality. This notion of chastity still clings at the nostrils of every red blooded male even with the advent of women having equal rights a paths in education her vaginal status is still pertinent in society just like it was in the start of humanity.
But the main reason why they cut is nothing to do with hymen. Talk to elderly women ( 50+) and ask them.

I guarantee you it mostly had to do with womens perception that the labia is seen as unattractive and unclean and little to do with virginity. Nothing different from todays virginal cosmetic.:dabcasar:

Now you're just lying lmao it's entirely based on the perceived virgintiy of the women. Stop trying to shift facts in order to avoid blame


Your superior
Why is this even a debate? It's a fact women relatives force young women to have fgm while the men don't care. These stupid feminists are intellectually dishonest on purpose to keep their constant calaacal going


Queen of the light
Why is this even a debate? It's a fact women relatives force young women to have fgm while the men don't care. These stupid feminists are intellectually dishonest on purpose to keep their constant calaacal going
We women wouldn't be so scorned if you men left our vaginas alone ! And stop chasing this dream of obtaining pure anadultorated woman whilst you f*ck anything in site and have the blatant arrogance to cry if women does the same. Fucking scum you all are, the amount of women who have been lead to suicide because of fucking rumours concocted by stupid men with an obsession for an intact member within a stupid tissue of a woman, which holds no biological significance to the human species or the entire universe.
I don't know if the likes of @dhegdheer and @EternalLightX are just being intellectually dishonest, they are driven by emotions or they are just suffering from intellectual dwarfism.

All the historical records point out that FGM within the somali community had more to do with the female perception that flops on the female genatalia was unattractive to men and unclean and little to do with chastity. And their method solve this was to cut the extra flops to make it look more presentable to men quite similar to modern day vaginal cosmetic where some women think their vagina is not appealing enough to men so they have to reshape it.

Now the only difference in modern day the women make the decision themselves as adults while in Somalia decision was made for them by their female guardians as they were young girls.

This was clearly women perception on how a woman's private parts can look appealing to men and just take my word go talk to your ayeeyo's or visit rural areas and talk to women!


Queen of the light
I don't know if the likes of @dhegdheer and @EternalLightX are just being intellectually dishonest, they are driven by emotions or they are just suffering from intellectual dwarfism.

All the historical records point out that FGM within the somali community had more to do with the female perception that flops on the female genatalia was unattractive to men and unclean and little to do with chastity. And their method solve this was to cut the extra flops to make it look more presentable to men quite similar to modern day vaginal cosmetic where some women think their vagina is not appealing enough to men so they have to reshape it.

Now the only difference in modern day the women make the decision themselves as adults while in Somalia decision was made for them by their female guardians as they were young girls.

This was clearly women perception on how a woman's private parts can look appealing to men and just take my word go talk to your ayeeyo's or visit rural areas and talk to women!
But why do women insist that it stops their girls from being s ? If men didn't care why did the ancient Egyptians do this act on women and not men ? Why not cut their penis off because they could be male s to ? It is done to stop women from having sex that is the sole reason why the clit is removed, the women concocting this ritual must have known its direct link to sex hence the need to cut it out. Cleanliness and beauty is just an added bonus but let's not derail why it's solely done.


Your superior
We women wouldn't be so scorned if you men left our vaginas alone ! And stop chasing this dream of obtaining pure anadultorated woman whilst you f*ck anything in site and have the blatant arrogance to cry if women does the same. Fucking scum you all are, the amount of women who have been lead to suicide because of fucking rumours concocted by stupid men with an obsession for an intact member within a stupid tissue of a woman, which holds no biological significance to the human species or the entire universe.
News flash, no man cares about siil. Sure we may wanna go up in it sometime but we don't care what you do with your siil. FGM is advocated by Somali women, done by Somali women and protected by Somali women , that is the simple truth
We women wouldn't be so scorned if you men left our vaginas alone ! And stop chasing this dream of obtaining pure anadultorated woman whilst you f*ck anything in site and have the blatant arrogance to cry if women does the same. Fucking scum you all are, the amount of women who have been lead to suicide because of fucking rumours concocted by stupid men with an obsession for an intact member within a stupid tissue
But why do women insist that it stops their girls from being s ? If men didn't care why did the ancient Egyptians do this act on women and not men ? Why not cut their penis off because they could be male s to ? It is done to stop women from having sex that is the sole reason why the clit is removed, the women concocting this ritual must have known its direct link to sex hence the need to cut it out. Cleanliness and beauty is just an added bonus but let's not derail why it's solely done.
Horta stop intermixing issues. My main point was to address why FGM was done within somali cultural context as every communities have different reasons for instance i read about a tribe in kenya that believes if they don't do FGM the spirits of their dead ancestors will haunt them. So let's no go to Egypt or elsewhere let's stick to Somalia!

As i started earlier fgm in Somalia came as a result of what women saw as vaginal beautification ( out of ignonorance) to make it more appealing.

A similar issue might be skin lightening. Xalimos bleach with the perception that all men like and find light skinned female attractive. But that is not the reality and the truth, so if bleaching becomes a tradition over the next centuries does that mean it comes down to men's view on women?


Queen of the light
News flash, no man cares about siil. Sure we may wanna go up in it sometime but we don't care what you do with your siil. FGM is advocated by Somali women, done by Somali women and protected by Somali women , that is the simple truth

In ancient times FGM was part of an initiation ritual to highlight a girls passage to womanhood as result she is of acceptable age to be married, a strong emphasis of women being seen as only goods to be transactioned into marriages for the financial benefit of her family and wider community, as a consequence FGM was considered as a sanctity and a holy right to open the doors of marriage. However with the advent of women developing their own career choices with financial independence such stronghold is no longer needed, although the symbolic nature of FGM still lingers in certain regions of Somalia where women still see it as initiation towards marriage a passage to a girl becoming a fully fledged woman. However in Islamic and middle eastern countries the sole reason for a woman needing FGM is to uphold virginity as a women who is not a virgin is ostracised from the community therefore her survival to seek financial support (marriage) is cut off. As a result more emphasis is made in preserving a girls virginity so that her family can ensure a successful marriage, one might conclude that the patriarchal role of religion places a need to conserve women's virginity and ensure a male will accept her. Women depend on men in these regions which practice FGM as a result barbaric practices such as FGM remain until women are uplifted from extreme gender inequality and lack of financial support via education and employment.
No problem I have always had a desire To study about female sexuality from historical context to modern day advances in society, yet we have not passed our acceptance to women being just as devilish as men when it comes to sexuality. This notion of chastity still clings at the nostrils of every red blooded male even with the advent of women having equal rights a paths in education her vaginal status is still pertinent in society just like it was in the start of humanity.

Everything you said is nothing but the truth. The obsession men have with keeping women "pure" is has even spilt over to the after life. I remember my sister telling me of a Islamic talk she went to; at this talk a woman asked whether women would receive male houris. The sheikh actually rebuked her and there were noticeable gasps in the audience. Women are not allowed to even hint at the fact that they have sexual desire just like men.
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