Why do Somalis beg Arabs?

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Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
Espicially the fobs. Why do they claim Arabs are our brothers and sisters? When did we became related to freaking Arabs? I've Morocco friends who despise other Arabs. They never ever claim Arab, which is totally understandable. They are proud North Africans. We Somalis have our own culture, our own language. Yes we share religion with Arabs but Arabs are not closer to Allah swt than us. Why do Somalis beg Arabs? It's totally cringey Wallahi.

Be proud my Somali brethens.

SSpot do you beg Arabs? :cosbyhmm:


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
I heard Moroccans were heavy in that African shit. I was pleasantly surprised.
Somalis beg alot of groups from what I've seen

Mostly madows and Arabs, it's really embarrassing

There is a fringe who beg whites but it's still a very small minority


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
I heard Moroccans were heavy in that African shit. I was pleasantly surprised.
The ones I know go hard for Muslim populated African countries :icon lol:
I've never seen them mentioned Arab brotherhood. Infact I've never ever heard them talk about the free Palestine that Somalis love bringing up.


Not your typical Farah
But, what is Somali though? I'm specifically talking about Somalis in the west, so what is Somali culture to them?

Either Somalis are religious as hell and that will have a huge influence on them sucking Arab dick.

Or, they will hang with Black college social justice warriors on their college campuses or hang out with the thugs on the street and that will have huge influence on them sucking black dick.


I think it is the opposite. It is usually the generation born in the west that make those youtube videos "daddy are we Arab" "daddy are
we Black".


Gaalkacyo Gangster
Because of the fairy-tale that says Sheikh Darod, Sheikh Isaaq, and even Samaale (sometimes) are descendents of the prophet. Because of this you have millions of Somalis thinking they are descended from Arabs. Combine that with a large amount of Salafis who are known for their love of Arab semen this is the end result.
Maybe it's got something to do with at least 45% of somalis(isaqs and daroods) claiming to have descended from an Arab guy. :ohno:These people were probably told they were Arabs growing up.
Maybe it's got something to do with at least 45% of somalis(isaqs and daroods) claiming to have descended from an Arab guy. :ohno:These people were probably told they were Arabs growing up.
No, we won't, atleast the Darod part. It is a new level of self-hatred to be proud of being something else than somali.


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
Asharaf is the biggest scam ever. There are millions of Pakis claiming it :drakelaugh:
The darood & isaaq myths have misguided many Somalis to think they're arab. How come we're the only ethnicity in the horn that have fallen for this bs?
Its shameful wallahi, we need to reclaim the Somali idendity from AA and arab wannabes.
Simply cos they are not proud of being Somali. Darods and isaaqs claim to have Arab descend which some Somalis are stupid enough to believe. A lot of Muslim countries around the world had similar ideas of having descent from Arabs but most know it's bullshit and they are proud of their own heritage. A lot of somalis outside of Somalia are very ignorant of their history. Also most of these Somalis claiming to have Arab blood are salafis who think being Arab= better Muslim.

Also for anyone in this forum who thinks darods and isaaqs are descended of Arabs I would suggest reading this http://anthromadness.blogspot.co.uk/2015/06/the-interestingly-fraudulent-nature-of.html?m=1


Pepe Trump
The Horn of Africa is home to one of the oldest populations of Homo sapiens in the entire world, in fact, the first humans who first took root in southeast Africa migrated to the north to the Horn where it's believed they then crossed the Red Sea to populate the Middle East, and some 20,000 years ago it's believed that their ancestors crossed back into the Horn of Africa. Point? We're one of the oldest groups of people in the entire world and it was us who went out and populated the world. The DNA we share with everyone else is a consequence of our ancestors leaving their homes to populate the globe.


I have an IQ of 300
The Horn of Africa is home to one of the oldest populations of Homo sapiens in the entire world, in fact, the first humans who first took root in southeast Africa migrated to the north to the Horn where it's believed they then crossed the Red Sea to populate the Middle East, and some 20,000 years ago it's believed that their ancestors crossed back into the Horn of Africa. Point? We're one of the oldest groups of people in the entire world and it was us who went out and populated the world. The DNA we share with everyone else is a consequence of our ancestors leaving their homes to populate the globe.
I don't get this "we wuz the original humans n shieet" shit that a lot of Somalis and people in general seem to push. Genetics does not suggest we originated south of the Horn. It's more likely that we originated either in the southern highlands of Ethiopia or the Nubia/Egypt area, since both are hypothesised Afro-asiatic urheimats (homelands). Also, we don't share DNA with 'everyone else'. Somali DNA is made up of Cushitic and Ancient West Asian admixture (not Arab btw, just broadly 'Middle Eastern', if you want to call it that). If we were 'mixed' with everyone else (you know, being the 'oldest human population') we'd have East Asian, Indian and Eskimo DNA. But we don't. Genetics doesn't work like that. Even the Khoisan (the humans with the oldest lineages and strains of DNA) are genetically very very distant from us and the Bantu peoples surrounding them. DNA changes over time, it isn't some set thing that gets dispersed between different populations from one founding 'Somali' lineage.
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