Why do Somalis beg Arabs?

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I have an IQ of 300
Exactly I was trying to make a point that caucasians gain their roots & features from cushites and by the way the cushitic people don't only inhabit the horn but many parts of east Africa.

They inhabit southern Egypt which where natives until Islamic conauest. They also talk nhabbit to north Sudan to Ethiopia to Somalia to eastern Kenya to parts of Rwanda, Burundi and tanzania and by the way they where natives until Bantu expansion.

But I can tell you one thing that Somalis where planning on expanding the entire horn and south east Africa until the Europeans stopped our expansion.

Those damn Europeans ruined our dearest moments. :fredo:
Again, caucasians did not gain their physical features from us. If that's the case, then East Asian and non-European looking people would not exist. Everyone on earth outside of Africa would have 'cushitic' features. It might hurt to hear, but we get our 'caucasian' features from our West Asian admixture. Someone else in this thread already quoted the article, but check out this link: http://anthromadness.blogspot.co.uk/2015/07/horn-africans-mixture-between-east.html
I have never begged anybody but many Arabs have argued that I am Arab and that Somali is an Arab country , even Christian Palestinians.

It is not a big deal .what is problematic is how many of us are I'll educated and so narrow minded on the subject of race and culture . These questions do not have to be black and white.


I have an IQ of 300
I'll check on your bullshit later. Right now I'm on my phone and can't wait to debunk your self hating shit later.
Self-hating? I'm very proud to be Somali. These are the cold hard facts. If anything, your whole rhetoric on how whites owe us their appearance and physical features reeks of an inferiority complex. Your claims of literally everyone else on Earth having bits of DNA that the somalis had at the start is idiotic. DNA doesn't work like that. Haplogroups and autosomal DNA both change over time, and as people migrate different haplogroups form from common ancestors. It's very well known that people from the Horn of Africa have substantial West Asian admixture.


Hotep and Hebrew Israelite
Self-hating? I'm very proud to be Somali. These are the cold hard facts. If anything, your whole rhetoric on how whites owe us their appearance and physical features reeks of an inferiority complex. Your claims of literally everyone else on Earth having bits of DNA that the somalis had at the start is idiotic. DNA doesn't work like that. Haplogroups and autosomal DNA both change over time, and as people migrate different haplogroups form from common ancestors. It's very well known that people from the Horn of Africa have substantial West Asian admixture.

I agree with you that we have west Asian facial features. We are Arabs.


I have an IQ of 300
I agree with you that we have west Asian facial features. We are Arabs.
We aren't Arabs. Our 'west asian' facial features come from a non-arab group of people, so we can't even claim to be Arab on a purely ethnic basis. On a linguistic basis, we aren't Arab either. So no, we aren't Arab.


Hotep and Hebrew Israelite
We aren't Arabs. Our 'west asian' facial features come from a non-arab group of people, so we can't even claim to be Arab on a purely ethnic basis. On a linguistic basis, we aren't Arab either. So no, we aren't Arab.
Walal you must understand that we Arabs. Darood is Arab, Isaaq is Arab, and Hawiye is Arab. There is no way that our ancestors are all sheegatos.:ayaanswag:


I have an IQ of 300
Walal you must understand that we Arabs. Darood is Arab, Isaaq is Arab, and Hawiye is Arab. There is no way that our ancestors are all sheegatos.:ayaanswag:
Google is your friend. DNA is the answer. Just take a look at the 'Genetics' section for Somalis on Wikipedia and look at the references. Make sure to look at more than one paper. They all more or less agree. Then you can come to your own conclusion bro, instead of going on what some autists on a somali forum say. For all you know I could be lying


Pepe Trump
one of the oldest populations of Homo sapiens in the entire world, in fact, the first humans who first took root in southeast Africa migrated to the north to the Horn where it's believed they then crossed the Red Sea to populate the Middle East, and some 20,000 years ago it's believed that their ancestors crossed back into the Horn of Africa. Point? We're one of the oldest groups of people in the entire world and it was us who went out and populated the world. The DNA we share with everyone else is a consequence of our ancestors leaving their homes to populate the globe.

Exactly I was trying to make a point that caucasians gain their roots & features from cushites and by the way the cushitic people don't only inhabit the horn but many parts of east Africa.

They inhabit southern Egypt which where natives until Islamic conauest. They also inhabbit to north Sudan to Ethiopia to Somalia to eastern Kenya to parts of Rwanda, Burundi and tanzania and by the way they where known as southern cushites and where true natives to south east africa until Bantu expansion.

But I can tell you one thing that Somalis where planning on expanding the entire horn and south east Africa until the Europeans stopped our expansion.

Those damn Europeans ruined our dearest moments. :fredo:[/QUOTE]

I disagree with your last point. Somalis were too busy killing each other over tribal territorial disputes, what you're describing doesn't fit the description of the Somalis that were around at the time. In fact, Somali tribes, for the most part, made treaties with the European colonial powers whilst a few resisted them. The Brits and Italians never really had to conquer Somalis like they conquered the rest, Somali territory went from being a protectorate to a colony.

Nonetheless, the whole notion of a united somali nation was a British invention and not a Somali one. The British preferred a united somali nation.


Pepe Trump
I agree with you that we have west Asian facial features. We are Arabs.

Our "west Asian features" is a consequence of a back migration from the Middle East to the Horn of Africa something like 20,000 years ago. These people were middle eastern and not Arabs, Arabs never existed 20,000 years ago.


Hotep and Hebrew Israelite
Our "west Asian features" is a consequence of a back migration from the Middle East to the Horn of Africa something like 20,000 years ago. These people were middle eastern and not Arabs, Arabs never existed 20,000 years ago.
So we were the original middle easterners? I like the sound of that. I knew it!! We WUZ AND STILL IS ARABZ:ahh::ahh:


I have an IQ of 300
Our "west Asian features" is a consequence of a back migration from the Middle East to the Horn of Africa something like 20,000 years ago. These people were middle eastern and not Arabs, Arabs never existed 20,000 years ago.
Exactly. People tend to have this idea that ethnicities and groups of people tend to stay the same over many thousands of years. For all we know these ancient middle-easterners could have looked very different from modern Arabs. We know they were very genetically different, for one thing they lacked the J-haplogroup (the 'arab' genetic marker) and pretty much gave us the West Asian haplogroups T and M.


Pepe Trump
So we were the original middle easterners? I like the sound of that. I knew it!! We WUZ AND STILL IS ARABZ:ahh::ahh:

Stop being a troll warya

Somalis never existed around that time either but the people whom we descended from have and intermixed with those who migrated back to the Horn. THEY ARE NOT ARABS! Ethnicities change over time and Arabs arrived thousands of years after the migration took place. The people of the Middle East today and then aren't the same.


Hotep and Hebrew Israelite
Stop being a troll warya

Somalis never existed around that time either but the people whom we descended from have and intermixed with those who migrated back to the Horn. THEY ARE NOT ARABS! Ethnicities change over time and Arabs arrived thousands of years after the migration took place. The people of the Middle East today and then aren't the same.

It's a tough day.:mjcry:

No one is taking the bait.:kendrickcry:
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