Why do Somalis call Afars as Anfar?

i know a saho they claim to basically be no diff to afars.
I only see canfar online and when i lived in djibouti
They have small population in London. A number of them came through Saudi, so they have a lot of Arabic speakers. Many of them could pass as Somalis. They don’t have that stereotypical habash long distance runner look which other Eritreans have.

I want to an event with them once and one of them asked which qabil I was from Saho. When I said I am Somali, they all said “same people”.🤣


EritreanPost 🇪🇷🇩🇯🇸🇴🇸🇩🇪🇬 |Eritrean news blogger
They have small population in London. A number of them came through Saudi, so they have a lot of Arabic speakers. Many of them could pass as Somalis. They don’t have that stereotypical habash long distance runner look which other Eritreans have.

I want to an event with them once and one of them asked which qabil I was from Saho. When I said I am Somali, they all said “same people”.🤣
That's because Somalis and Sahos have similar ancestry.

Sahos, Afars and Gadabursi Somalis are believed to have the same ancestry.

Saho & Afar language are familiar with Somal, they even write very similarly.

In Eritrea, some sahos write the name Abdulla (Cabdullah), in the Somali language it is the same. (my opinion)


That's because Somalis and Sahos have similar ancestry.

Sahos, Afara and Gadaburi Somalis are believed to have the same ancestry.

Saho & Afar language are familiar with Somal, they even write very similarly.

In Eritrea, some sahos write the name Abdulla (Cabdullah), in the Somali language it is the same. (my opinion)
There is a subclan within the Sahos who claim Gadabursi ancestry, a lot of Somalis used to trade.
That's because Somalis and Sahos have similar ancestry.

Sahos, Afara and Gadaburi Somalis are believed to have the same ancestry.

Saho & Afar language are familiar with Somal, they even write very similarly.

In Eritrea, some sahos write the name Abdulla (Cabdullah), in the Somali language it is the same. (my opinion)
I believe Saho and Afar have more Arab and Habeshat ancestry than Somalis. Don’t they plot closer to them than Somalis on genetic charts?Our ancestral link is no different to our links with other east Cushitics.

Gadabursi are not related to them. There is a clan in Saho which claims to be from Gadabursi lineage;Afar have assimilated a few Somali tribes. Apart from that, they have had no relation to Somalis for Thousands of years since the break up of East Cushitic which is ancient and predates a Somali ethnic group.

Somalis are probably closer genetically and linguistically to some groups in Ethiopia/Kenya than them but the Islam and pastoral lifestyle makes them seem more like us.


Djiboutian 🇩🇯 | 𐒖𐒆𐒄A𐒗𐒃 🇸🇴
I believe Saho and Afar have more Arab and Habeshat ancestry than Somalis. Don’t they plot closer to them than Somalis on genetic charts?Our ancestral link is no different to our links with other east Cushitics.

Gadabursi are not related to them. There is a clan in Saho which claims to be from Gadabursi lineage;Afar have assimilated a few Somali tribes. Apart from that, they have had no relation to Somalis for Thousands of years since the break up of East Cushitic which is ancient and predates a Somali ethnic group.

Somalis are probably closer genetically and linguistically to some groups in Ethiopia/Kenya than them but the Islam and pastoral lifestyle makes them seem more like us.
yes they're directly across from Yemen so of course they would have highest southern Arabian out of all East Cushite.

Afar are very similar to somali, the only key difference is height kkkk
My great grandfather was from the province right next to canfar, Ali sabieh.