Why do turkish people want to be white so bad?

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As i live and breathe
Turks are not white

Would you consider Iranians white? They claim to be true Aryans.
Levant arabs (besides Palestinians) are technically white too, atleast the indigenous ones are.
This shows how nonsecial racial classifications are, though. Going by this definition of white, Northern Indians, Pakistanis and Afghans are also white,
This is in racial/technical terms, usually "white" = European.
Why wouldn't they want to be white? White people hold basically all of the power in the world and are (currently) considered the most succesful race. Being white holds great privilege, so ofcourse they would closely align themselves to whiteness.


If you ain't European descendant you ain't white. I wouldn't expect Somalis who claim various Arab daddies to understand that though. :siilaanyolaugh:
Would you consider Iranians white? They claim to be true Aryans.

Every Iranian I've ever met or seen looks like an Arab. They claim to be Aryans because they're Self-hating cadaan wannabes. They try so hard to be accepted that they stop following Islam as soon as they reach the west.


Does that mean Russians aren't white, since most of Russia is in Asia?

Most ethnic Russians originated from the Russian part of Europe. Until the Russian conquest
of Siberia (in the 16th. 17th century) there was no Europeans beyond the Ural mountains or in Siberia. The key word here is "descendant" just like white South Africans are white because they are genetically European same goes for the Russians. Turks have never been European though just a mud race of Mongols with few absorbed Greeks from when they captured Constantinople that they like to show in TV. :lol:

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Every Iranian I've ever met or seen looks like an Arab. They claim to be Aryans because they're Self-hating cadaan wannabes. They try so hard to be accepted that they stop following Islam as soon as they reach the west.
Well i guess those historical invasions must've ruined their racial purity. Ngl the Iranians i have met are mostly pale, but i imagine most Iranians are olive or brown though.
Well i guess those historical invasions must've ruined their racial purity. Ngl the Iranians i have met are mostly pale, but i imagine most Iranians are olive or brown though.

It's not even about skin colour since I see pale Arabs all the time. They have darker features stereotypically found in the Middle-east e.g. dark hair, dark eyes, more body hair, bigger noses etc.
Not really. They are actually proud of their Ottoman empire.
This has been my similar experiences as well, never seen a white washed Turkish but plenty of white washed Arab compared to them. I know a couple of 3rd generation Turks who proudly wear 14523 T-Shirt and celebrate the fall of Constantinople.
When we went to Turkey for holiday lots of the turks there had blue/green eyes and blond hair even the children looked like that. We quickly learned they love brown skin and all wanted to take pics with us like celebrities lol. The arabs hardly got the same treatment.
When we went to Turkey for holiday lots of the turks there had blue/green eyes and blond hair even the children looked like that. We quickly learned they love brown skin and all wanted to take pics with us like celebrities lol. The arabs hardly got the same treatment.

Did you get the niggas in beijing treatment? :russ:
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