Why does Allah have human emotions?

Ridicule is a fine practise in an argument. You should understand that all evidence points against there being an Islamic god and thus i don't believe I am disrespecting anyone.

I am open for dialogue, but i doubt you will bring forth any logical counterproofs. Apologia is an ancient game and nearly always relies on illogical claims.
Well it depends on what your intention is. And arguing for argument sake it’s not of interest. What evidence do you have to your disposal? which you claim. Secondly concerning the ridicule bit , do you consider asking for politeness and mutual respect between the two opposing sides a form of weakness. Thirdly, this is a question - Do you consider it more intellectual to ridicule , and do you believe that there are atheists more intellectual than you whom can have an debate in a decent manner.
God being angry at things he has absolute knowledge of makes no sense its like me writing a computer program and being pissed that it does exactly what I know it will do.


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
Ancient myths nearly always paint Gods eith strikingly similiar characteristics to humans. God is arrogant, boastful, angry and illogical throughout the Quran hinting at the mental limits ancient desert dwellers had.

God of Islam also has physical human characteristics such as hands and shins in the Quran. He also has a throne , which only makes sense to people in a time of absolute dictators.

Just playing devil's advocate despite being a believer but I remember reading literature that I found quite interesting. It showed how Hunter-Gatherers of the late holocene rarely believed in "High-Gods" and even more rarely believed in "High-Gods" who interfered in Human affairs. This is seemingly because HG cultures are usually egalitarian by nature. Small group and there are no resources to horde and store and therefore no hierarchies can form around this.


Whereas with agricultural, and particularly civilized groups, where social hierarchies exist you have a high incidence of beliefs in High-Gods who interfere in Human affairs like the Ancient Egyptian pantheon or God in our Abrahamic faiths. The theory is simple... People tend to create "mythologies" that fit the world and conditions they live in. If you do not have rulers and controllers in your society then why would you imagine the universe does?


But of course if you live in a hierarchical society then your conception of the universe will inevitably be that it is like your society with an absolute ruler (or rulers) at the top and with rewards (heaven or nirvana) if you act nice and punishments (hell or unfavorable reincarnation) if you do not.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
God doesnt have human emotions, this is blasphemy. Allah SWT only uses such phrases so we as humans can relate.
Simply interpret it with this verse in mind

There is nothing like unto Him 42:11

Allah swt is not like creation. The Quran mentions many times there is none like Allah swt. You are attributing and assuming human emotions.


𝕮𝖔𝖒𝖗𝖆𝖉𝖊 𝕲𝖊𝖓𝖊𝖗𝖆𝖑
Can an Islamic sheikh answer this
I'm no scholar but I will tell you an example imagine if your parents provide everything you need they clean your clothes and make your food and give you money every weekend and generally do everything for you and after all these years of hardship for you, you end up a careless person a failure. imagine what will be there feeling.

Allah made this world for you he create these animals to serve you he gave you body and he promised you that if you worship him he will reward you with eternal life in heaven and for you to see his beautiful glorious face, but you refuse and you deny his messengers. so what do you think will be the result of your actions? the anger of Allah will fall on you and you will be cursed by serving eternal life in hell to suffer because you didn't appreciate his gifts for you.
Ancient myths nearly always paint Gods eith strikingly similiar characteristics to humans. God is arrogant, boastful, angry and illogical throughout the Quran hinting at the mental limits ancient desert dwellers had.

God of Islam also has physical human characteristics such as hands and shins in the Quran. He also has a throne , which only makes sense to people in a time of absolute dictators.
shut up atheist kulaha allah is arrogant
Question is do we blame them or should we blame their parents for brining them up in the west.

The west is the problem they mastered psychology so the west deceives people easily they mix truth with falsehood, this is the meaning of deception.

Look how they trying to change islam with the "progressive muslims"

One solution: Hijrah to somalia

Gacanka Cadmeed

انا عربي, سْنْمْ هَنولاتو‌‌‌‌, Free Azawad, 🇾🇪
The west is the problem they mastered psychology so the west deceives people easily they mix truth with falsehood, this is the meaning of deception.

Look how they trying to change islam with the "progressive muslims"

One solution: Hijrah to somalia
Wait until @Western4Life tries to make Somalia sound more decedent than the west.

