Why don’t Somali men rush to join the modeling industry? Why is it so rare for them to join but common for Somali women?

First picture is an orchestrated photoshoot.

Second picture is a meme abayo.

I can cherry pick photos of him with ajanabi women but why would I? Let’s not disrespect this man by guessing his orientation. It’s not our business. That wasn’t the point of this thread.
That guy is gay btw, I've seen him rock the rainbow flag. He's French too I believe. His sexuality is not important anyways.
Nah, cadaan men kill them in looks from here to Saturn. The ‘attractive’ Somali guy you see is rare, good luck with that.

Imagine comparing 30 million ethnic group to an entire race consisting of a billion plus? Of course you're going to run across more good looking ones by numbers alone when adjusting for statistical means, if you genuinely believe that then deep down you've also internalised white women are more beautiful/desired than Somali women, which is a fact btw, can't have it both ways.
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I like ajanabi men too but come on have some respect for your people. You’re one step away from worshiping them. Get up off the floor!

You know that there’s an equal amount of beautiful, average, and ugly people in every ethnicity, come on.
Somali Women like her where the ones who originally pushed the whole somali men are undesirable/ugly agenda.

Modeling won't solve this issue. That's a woman thing for men there are other ways.
Does it really matter though, if you are attractive comments like that are not offensive lmao
Yeah it ain't I'm just point out why the general image/rep as a whole is like that. This is a discussion and she wants to know why things are the way they are so I'm just saying it as it is.

I ain't offended by what @Zxzxxxx said :drakekidding:


summer break 7/1-?
Imagine comparing 30 million ethnic group to an entire race consisting of a billion plus? Of course you're going to run across more good looking ones by numbers alone when adjusting for statistical means, if you genuinely believe that then deep down you've also internalised white women are more beautiful/desired than Somali women, which is a fact btw, can't have it both ways.

Please leave out gender wars under this post. This is a positive thread. I was looking for serious answers. Don’t ruin it.

You’re both just embarrassing yourself.



summer break 7/1-?
Somali Women like her where the ones who originally pushed the whole somali men are undesirable/ugly agenda.

They are a minority within a minority.

Not even our gaals think this way. We still maintain respect for the people we descend from.
Modeling won't solve this issue. That's a woman thing for men there are other ways.

It’s not only women who pay attention to the modeling/fashion industry. It is everyone.

We also need more Somali male actors while we are at it. Barkhad needs to be blacklisted from the industry ASAP. Why didn’t his handsome co-star receive that attention instead smh.

Please leave out gender wars under this post. This is a positive thread. I was looking for serious answers. Don’t ruin it.

You’re both just embarrassing yourself.

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It's facts though, let's be real, when adjusting for desirability for both Somali men and women, whites blow us out of the water, I've been saying this, it's not self-hatred or gender wars, it's reality.

White men >>>> Somali men
White women >>>> Somali women

It is what it is.


summer break 7/1-?
It's facts though, let's be real, when adjusting for desirability for both Somali men and women, whites blow us out of the water, I've been saying this, it's not self-hatred or gender wars, it's reality.

White men >>>> Somali men
White women >>>> Somali women

It is what it is.

Walaal do you self identify as an incel?


I have caught on to incel pocs who believe in this racial hierarchy.

Racial hierarchy doesn’t actually exist. You were psyoped. Beauty, averageness, and ugliness is distributed across all races.

White people are the most desired because they have history and media on their side. It also helps that they’re the top 1% in wealth in this world.

Other minorities don’t have the same reputation. Don’t confuse this for White people being inherently born to be better than minorities.

That’s why cadaans take advantage of this narrative and take the best quality poc men/women when they are average or below average. You are benefitting them by feeding into this belief.
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They are a minority within a minority.

Not even our gaals think this way. We still maintain respect for the people we descend from.

It’s not only women who pay attention to the modeling/fashion industry. It is everyone.

We also need more Somali male actors while we are at it. Barkhad needs to be blacklisted from the industry ASAP.

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I made a previous comment which I deleted and stated a minority of somali women basically started the whole thing which is why it stuck and most tacitly agreed by just remaining quiet and otherising themselves away from somali men for validation when ajnabis said anything about somali guys.
Now adays somali women don't act out as much as they used to do but in there place a minority amongst us guys started hating back on somali women and have been trying to paint somali women as degenerates in return.

Basically on the net somalis are represented that way because of gender wars and its all the self hating divestors on both sides that pushed for this.

Yeah acting/music and sports is more fruitful in image control for men while modelling is more effective for women.
Walaal do you self identify as an incel?

Far from it, I've also been calling out the redpill grift since time memorial.

Racial hierarchy doesn’t actually exist. You were psyoped. Beauty, averageness, and ugliness is distributed across all races.

Agreed, most people are average, slightly below or above, hence my post on this matter:

There is no such thing as a beautiful group of people, most folk are average, period. Like I've said it here before, I've heard from Somali guys that have visited Scandavania the disappointment they've experienced when it comes to the overhyped women over there, you'd think they were descended from Valkyrie stock the way some dudes talk about them.

I'm in Australia, and there's this perception that the Cadaans here are all blue eyed angles crafted in Gods image, let me tell you, nothing is further from the truth lol
White people are the most desired because they have history and media on their side. It also helps that they’re the top 1% in this world.

... So we agree, then?

That’s why cadaans take advantage of this narrative and take the best quality poc men/women when they are average or below average. You are benefitting them by feeding into this belief.

You're speaking to a guy who prefers and is most attracted to the Somali/HOA phenotype, you're barking up the wrong tree on this one. :icon e biggrin:
How do you guys know this man’s sexual orientation? He has not disclosed this online. You are just assuming this based off how good he looks.

Dressing nice ≠ homosexual.

Furthermore, there are countless straight men in the modeling industry. If you think sexual abuse against men is that prevalent, how come we haven’t heard more stories about it impacting straight men?

And why do you act like a model doesn’t have any agency or boundaries? They may not have the power in their hands at the start of their career, but when they become well-known and profitable they are able to be selective with the agents and photographers they work with.

It’s fine if the modeling/fashion industry is ran by gay men. They have patrician’s taste in looks and style so I am not surprised they run that shit.

My main point was, why are you guys okay with Barkhad Abdi representing you even though he probably represents like 0.0001% of Somali men (even the ones back home with no healthcare don’t look this bad) but you take issue with male models representing you?
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The power of media representation is everything. Let’s not downplay how it can psyop people into believing certain narratives.

@Keep it a boqol

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summer break 7/1-?
I made a previous comment which I deleted and stated a minority of somali women basically started the whole thing which is why it stuck and most tacitly agreed by just remaining quiet and otherising themselves away from somali men for validation when ajnabis said anything about somali guys.
The older Somali women must have been hurting real bad when they did this. I wasn’t active on Somali side of the internet in the early days so I cannot verify if what you are saying is true. In any case, I don’t really see Gen Z Somalis move like this ❤️
Now somali women don't act out as much as they used to do but in there place a minority amongst us guys started hating back on somali women and have been trying to paint somali women as degenerates in return.
That’s okay. The incel phenomenon was going to happen anyway because the west has declined. Your average westerner can’t easily complete the milestones people completed in the past and their social circles have also been cut down. Their quality of lives has significantly dropped. People are broker and lonelier than ever.

There wasn’t anything we can do to stop it. It effects every community. So it doesn’t bother me when Somali incels attack Somali women. I know our truth.
Basically on the net somalis are represented that way because of gender wars.
Those who engage in gender wars are too low IQ to realize they are denigrating their ethnic group and making themselves look stupid to ajanabis. We come from each other so how can one gender be better or worser than their counterparts?

Yeah acting/music and sports is more fruitful in image control for men while modelling is more effective for women.

I hope more Somalis start valuing representation. I hope things change in the next few decades. I am optimistic 😁
Walaal do you self identify as an incel?

View attachment 279130

I have caught on to incel pocs who believe in this racial hierarchy.

Racial hierarchy doesn’t actually exist. You were psyoped. Beauty, averageness, and ugliness is distributed across all races.

White people are the most desired because they have history and media on their side. It also helps that they’re the top 1% in wealth in this world.

Other minorities don’t have the same reputation. Don’t confuse this for White people being inherently born to be better than minorities.

That’s why cadaans take advantage of this narrative and take the best quality poc men/women when they are average or below average. You are benefitting them by feeding into this belief.
This is water considering western beauty standards are modelled off cadaans specifically darker med ones. You can’t expect a somalis to perfectly fit the beauty standards of a race halfway across the continent. Of course they’ll look worse on average (although some cadaans be inbred af and nerdics are basically blond somalis/indhoyare more time)
I made a previous comment which I deleted and stated a minority of somali women basically started the whole thing which is why it stuck and most tacitly agreed by just remaining quiet and otherising themselves away from somali men for validation when ajnabis said anything about somali guys.
Now adays somali women don't act out as much as they used to do but in there place a minority amongst us guys started hating back on somali women and have been trying to paint somali women as degenerates in return.

Basically on the net somalis are represented that way because of gender wars and its all the self hating divestors on both sides that pushed for this.

Yeah acting/music and sports is more fruitful in image control for men while modelling is more effective for women.
The annoying thing is xalimos are equally subhuman. Same forehead same bidaar etc etc. It’s just that looks don’t really matter more for women so they get away with it


summer break 7/1-?
Far from it, I've also been calling out the redpill grift since time memorial.

Agreed, most people are average, slightly below or above, hence my post on this matter:
... So we agree, then?

Uhhhh no, we don’t agree. Didn’t you try to convey they were inherently born to be more desirable?

I corrected you and explained why they were perceived as desirable. It is external narratives that everyone now believes in except enlightened people. This does not make White people inherently more desirable than other races.

Self-reflection isn't a strong trait when it comes to Somalis.

Are you talking about yourself? The guy you quoted was shading you in particular….

Also I don’t know where you found that quote about Australian White people. I never said that. Those aren’t my words. I am from America, love.
