Why don't Muslims integrate?

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Illuminated Xalimo
Europe gets many refugees/immigrants from places all around the world. Yet it's always the Muslim ethnic groups who cause the most problems problems. Look at the race/crime statistics of Germany, UK, Sweden and other Western European countries, it's always Algerians, or Moroccans or Somalis etc. who top out in large proportions to their small size (compared to the natives). "Somali" is now a by-word for "rapist" in some places. Chinese people for example, who are just as foreign and un-European have a lower crime rate than the natives and a higher success rate in some cases. And the Christian blacks, or Arabs are never near as bad. You never hear about "Christian no-go zones" or "Japanese terrorist attacks" it's Muslim, Muslim, Muslim.

You can dismiss me if you want but I am scared about where this is going to lead for the innocent Muslims in Europe who will be targeted for expulsion if the right wing rises even further. Ramadhan may see even more terrorist attacks, how much more will people tolerate before they ban all Muslims? Or even kill them outright? Jews did far less and were genocided. Why would Muslims be spared?

Why can't Muslims just keep their heads down and try their best to integrate? I'm not asking them to discard the deen but this is ridiculous. I fear now that it's even too late in some cases like in France.
Yet it's always the Muslim ethnic groups who cause the most problems problems.

Muslims from the east are taught in a very extreme way what women (coverings) should wear, how women (lowering their gaze) should act, etc. These cultural/religious difference really impacted the way they integrated into the west. A lot of these harassments happen in groups too, which i feel as though they are trying to prove themselves within their group.

I honestly think it's sad how much damage they've done to a lot of young girls, but they seriously need to be educated. Knowledge is key for the future.


Nine kitaabs on a bookshelf
lame, just regurgitating right wing talking points. u even mastered the cadaan art of plausible deniability by not giving any conclusions for ur lowkey racist sweeping statements. meesha ka yaac :camby:
Muslims from the east are taught in a very extreme way what women (coverings) should wear, how women (lowering their gaze) should act, etc. These cultural/religious difference really impacted the way they integrated into the west. A lot of these harassments happen in groups too, which i feel as though they are trying to prove themselves within their group.

I honestly think it's sad how much damage they've done to a lot of young girls, but they seriously need to be educated. Knowledge is key for the future.
Ha laga waso naagaha Dr khaankhaan
lame, just regurgitating right wing talking points. u even mastered the cadaan art of plausible deniability by not giving any conclusions for ur lowkey racist sweeping statements. meesha ka yaac :camby:
Stop crying racism all the time jaareer ku wastay


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Why is it always Muslims


have you ever heard of propaganda, if the west was hell-bent on facefucking chinks we'd be hearing non stop yellow peril bullshit



Was this account temporarily banned? I recall you making one post and your account wasn't available after that


Illuminated Xalimo
The problem is one with integration

If you look at Muslim in their home countries, the statistics are about as tame as you can expect from unstable regions


Tunisia’s crime and safety situation continues to remain an ongoing and serious security concern for the country. Since the ouster of then-President Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali in 2011, security has deteriorated in certain parts of the country but especially along the borders with Algeria and Libya.

Crime Rating: Medium


Algiers. Algeria
Crime Index: 45.91
Safety Index: 54.09

This data is user contributed


Crime Rating: Medium

Crime Threats

While the Algerian government does not publish statistically valid crime reports, media reporting and anecdotal observation indicates that the frequency and intensity of criminal activity remains moderate. A significant percentage of crimes go unreported.


Crime Rating: Low


Crime Rating: Medium (Rabat), High (Casablanca)

Yes when Muslims come to the West...


France's prison population is estimated to be 70 per cent Muslim

German crime rates by ethnic group

We live in a time where someone can threaten to ban all Muslim immigration and receives applause. Why do we think this is okay? That it is not a problem? That it's a result of Islamophobia/racism? I never said that there is no Islamophobia and racism contributing, of course there is, but there should be no excuse for this level of crime. It is epidemic. And it is not the first generation, it is mostly the second and third generation, born in those countries, who are the ones who join ISIS, end up in prison etc.

If something isn't done, Muslims will be kicked out by the thousands. It's not if, but when at this stage.
If our country's weren't set ablaze by our enemies than ppl in the west wouldn't know the real us. God's infinite wisdom brought us here, perhaps to spread the message :rejoice::rejoice:
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