Why don't Muslims integrate?

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I find it interesting all 1.6 billion Muslims or whatever number you guys pull out of your ass these days all live in poverty


I find it interesting all 1.6 billion Muslims or whatever number you guys pull out of your ass these days all live in poverty

The West's wealth is largely based on colluding together and manipulating international financial markets. They got a first-mover advantage in crookedness.

America rips off the world with its reserve currency status.
The Chinese and Russians have higher IQs than Westerners, yet they are still dirt poor cuz they aren't part of the club.

No they don't.

Would you rather go to Harvard or would you rather go to Beijing University? Work for NASA or the Russian equivalent? Buy drugs from Pfizer or Chinese knock off Fizer? Live in a Western house that can handle a 8.0 earthquake or Russian/Chinese made home?


No they don't.

Would you rather go to Harvard or would you rather go to Beijing University? Work for NASA or the Russian equivalent? Buy drugs from Pfizer or Chinese knock off Fizer? Live in a Western house that can handle a 8.0 earthquake or Russian/Chinese made home?

They have smaller budgets, hence the quality of their products is reduced. And they aren't allowed to become wealthier than the West. It's a vicious circle. The West has rigged the global economy.
They have smaller budgets, hence the quality of their products is reduced. And they aren't allowed to become wealthier than the West. It's a vicious circle. The West has rigged the global economy.

The West didn't rig squat.

The East are just sore losers.

China has seen growth that no country has seen before. It'll be no different from the West in a few decades. It takes time to become 1st world


Suicidal men adore me.
Europe gets many refugees/immigrants from places all around the world. Yet it's always the Muslim ethnic groups who cause the most problems problems. Look at the race/crime statistics of Germany, UK, Sweden and other Western European countries, it's always Algerians, or Moroccans or Somalis etc. who top out in large proportions to their small size (compared to the natives). "Somali" is now a by-word for "rapist" in some places. Chinese people for example, who are just as foreign and un-European have a lower crime rate than the natives and a higher success rate in some cases. And the Christian blacks, or Arabs are never near as bad. You never hear about "Christian no-go zones" or "Japanese terrorist attacks" it's Muslim, Muslim, Muslim.

You can dismiss me if you want but I am scared about where this is going to lead for the innocent Muslims in Europe who will be targeted for expulsion if the right wing rises even further. Ramadhan may see even more terrorist attacks, how much more will people tolerate before they ban all Muslims? Or even kill them outright? Jews did far less and were genocided. Why would Muslims be spared?

Why can't Muslims just keep their heads down and try their best to integrate? I'm not asking them to discard the deen but this is ridiculous. I fear now that it's even too late in some cases like in France.

when the f*ck did rape become a part of Somali culture? f*ck off.
Look at the suspicious drop in the Russian Ruble and Crude Oil prices right around when Putin invaded Crimea. If you still don't think it is rigged.

Nothing suspicious.

More oil in the market. Supply and demand. US shale provided a surplus. Also US cant export its oil. Also slowing economies in China and to a lesser extent Africa. Youre also seeing a drop in oil consumption in Europe every year. Europeans dont drive and have expansive public transportation

You and your RT propaganda
:lol: I don't even watch RT. I noticed these irregularities on my own.

Every legitimately anti-Western country is dragged into the gutter through manipulation of markets. They are killing Venezuela right now.

Venezeula is a socialist cesspool that relied on oil revenues to fund their programs and services. I believe oil revenues funded 80% of their budget expenditures

They have no one to blame but themselves. This is what happens when you dont diversify. The East (and I lump Venezeula in the East as well) don't know how to manage
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