Why don't the Somali's in Region 5 mobilize now?

lol @Galmudug-State Ethiopia and the TFG won in 06-09.
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You didnt destroy anything they came and murdered 20K in Xamar and lost only in the few hundreds
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there have been similiar killed in single attacks by the ONLF compared to your three years of Mooriyaanism
there is a reason we have a ‘government’ in Xamar and it looks like this.
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As for @Rooble44 there is few more lobotomized then the Hawiyes or former Hawiye/Samaale who within our grandparents life time became Oromos not another nationality but rather a seperate ethnic group.

P.S. didnt you say your clan name was badcad or something when the hell did you get a voice. Imagine being smaller than Asharaf and talking about Ogaden @kobe @Halimo Supremist put this one back in his cage :cryinglaughsmiley:

so a langab m1dgaan badcad @Rooble44 , what the flip is that horta? where do they live? badcad/ meaning white sea, never ever heard of it, anyone the langab m1dgaan is like a fart and no one knows who he is and where he lives, even m1dgaan have more recognition and yet dares to insult the noble superior OG race,

i bet you my grandfather has more kids and grand kids than the entire badcad, what ever the hell they are

Focking langab ad00n gun ah dares to get his dirty mouth on the superior OG race that made the British scream "Ogaden are the most formidable foe we ever fought in the African continent"

but then when your a insignificant langab who has no history and you look at Absame statues in Xamar every day, it makes you feel useless,

:russ: :chrisfreshhah: :chrisfreshhah:


All Praise To Allah |
so a langab m1dgaan badcad @Rooble44 , what the flip is that horta? where do they live? badcad/ meaning white sea, never ever heard of it, anyone the langab m1dgaan is like a fart and no one knows who he is and where he lives, even m1dgaan have more recognition and yet dares to insult the noble superior OG race,

i bet you my grandfather has more kids and grand kids than the entire badcad, what ever the hell they are

Focking langab ad00n gun ah dares to get his dirty mouth on the superior OG race that made the British scream "Ogaden are the most formidable foe we ever fought in the African continent"

but then when your a insignificant langab who has no history and you look at Absame statues in Xamar every day, it makes you feel useless,

:russ: :chrisfreshhah: :chrisfreshhah:
:pachah1: @Rooble44 you gonna take that abti?


Bishop of the order of Gacanta Furan ✋
so a langab m1dgaan badcad @Rooble44 , what the flip is that horta? where do they live? badcad/ meaning white sea, never ever heard of it, anyone the langab m1dgaan is like a fart and no one knows who he is and where he lives, even m1dgaan have more recognition and yet dares to insult the noble superior OG race,

i bet you my grandfather has more kids and grand kids than the entire badcad, what ever the hell they are

Focking langab ad00n gun ah dares to get his dirty mouth on the superior OG race that made the British scream "Ogaden are the most formidable foe we ever fought in the African continent"

but then when your a insignificant langab who has no history and you look at Absame statues in Xamar every day, it makes you feel useless,

:russ: :chrisfreshhah: :chrisfreshhah:
Laandheere niyada aa ka tahay, OGs are bïtch ass niggas everywhere you go. Your forefathers have been so indoctrinated to keep their tails in between their legs that OG youth in the west are neutured just like their forefathers. Baadicade intaa gaarin Ka hor, midgaanka wax aa dhaantid maleh. Madow iyo xabash xun aa xaniinyaha niga heysta. The same Madow and xabash I've been violating all my life is something you look up to despite the shift in dynamics. Nacala fuleyaasha aad tihiin ku yaal, walle dhimisho aa Ku fiicneedeen. The Somali name should be stripped from you. Nigga talking about defeating the British but cowers to the xabash and Madows, go tell your night time stories to masakiin that don't know the reality of Ogadeen.

Horta what does ogadeen mean? Even Wikipedia doesn't know. I've been hearing rumours that it means "Loyal servant".


Bishop of the order of Gacanta Furan ✋
:pachah1: @Rooble44 you gonna take that abti?
Don't pay attention to this disoriented loyal servant. Hadu wax yahay, he would've freed himself from the clasp of Madows and xabash. Nigga talking about the British but got a Madow + xabash leash around his neck.
Don't pay attention to this disoriented loyal servant. Hadu wax yahay, he would've freed himself from the clasp of madows and xabash. Nigga talking about the British but got a madow + xabash leash around his neck.

Langab adoon ah, know one even who the hell is badicade,

in kenya murale are responsible for you, in Ogadeniya you must claimed reer cabdulle

in hiraan you are looma oyaan

keep farting, langab, apparently the eldest hawiye son,

but dont beg for kursi when we are sharing out

you live in Ethiopia yet has been assimilated by oromo, badicade females are married off to oromo

your an assimilated langab m1dgaan ah,

speaking to you ins a waste of time truly,

langab waxid ah,

the worst of the worst of slaves, langab, at least i have one of Ethiopia's 9 presidential regions, counties in Kenya and a regional presidency in somalia

what does badicad have? since they are the eldest of hawiye, so useless so langab

hahaha, a slave owned and dominated by oromo and assimilated by oromo

if opnly people knew this langab in DDS must claim reer cabdulle and and murale in NFD :damn::damn::damn::damn:

adoon m1dgaan langab ah, looma ayaan, i literally had to call a friend to ask what is badicade or badcad, and where they live :russ::pachah1:

i hate to call a friend and ask him what the fock is badicade and where on earth they live

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@Farjano-Walad I must be proud of Gabooye because even they are larger and more well known. My Absame neck hurts looking down on him let us move on brother this is unpaid advertising :icon e ugeek:
Don't pay attention to this disoriented loyal servant. Hadu wax yahay, he would've freed himself from the clasp of madows and xabash. Nigga talking about the British but got a madow + xabash leash around his neck.
Ogadens have 3 states in 3 countries what the hell is BadCad name me one town you live in looooool bro have xishood you legit became Somali in 1960

Is this why you mention visiting other cities, because your homeless? Wallahi I learned what this clan was from you I wouldnt even know your existence, let that sink in before you respond, im giving you clout right now you should be thanking me. :trumpsmirk:


why won't somalia liberate itself from shabaab and ANISOM or stop relying on american drones to keep shabaab away? litterally who's preventing us from making a goverment? Ogaden tried free there land from ethiopia many times, Dervish, WSLF, ONLF all of them came close but US Russia Israel and britain won't allow it.


Bishop of the order of Gacanta Furan ✋
Langab adoon ah, know one even who the hell is badicade,

in kenya murale are responsible for you, in Ogadeniya you must claimed reer cabdulle

in hiraan you are looma oyaan

keep farting, langab, apparently the eldest hawiye son,

but dont beg for kursi when we are sharing out

you live in Ethiopia yet has been assimilated by oromo, badicade females are married off to oromo

your an assimilated langab m1dgaan ah,

speaking to you ins a waste of time truly,

langab waxid ah,

the worst of the worst of slaves, langab, at least i have one of Ethiopia's 9 presidential regions, counties in Kenya and a regional presidency in somalia

what does badicad have? since they are the eldest of hawiye, so useless so langab

hahaha, a slave owned and dominated by oromo and assimilated by oromo

if opnly people knew this langab in DDS must claim reer cabdulle and and murale in NFD :damn::damn::damn::damn:

adoon m1dgaan langab ah, looma ayaan, i literally had to call a friend to ask what is badicade or badcad, and where they live :russ::pachah1:

i hate to call a friend and ask him what the fock is badicade and where on earth they live

War shut your ass up, filinkiina ey baa cunay. The narrative that you're the most populous Somalis has been exposed, in reality you guys aren't even more than Habar Gidir Saleebaan, which makes sense. Habar Gidirs display of aggression and power in the 90s was a display of their numbers, what have you guys even done to show your numbers? "Ohh we have entire region names after us"

Somalia horre maxee u dhaday, "Meeshaad Joogto, Ka muuqo mise Ka maqnow"

So far ma ii mooqatid, you live in a fantasy folklore, hordada Ka so kac maskiin yahow.

If you're actually the most Somalis in terms of numbers it's actually embarrassing that you're such pussies that can't even box up the MX in Gedo.

Or your simply not as populous as you claim.

I'd let you choose but stick to your dhaanto.



Bishop of the order of Gacanta Furan ✋
@Farjano-Walad I must be proud of Gabooye because even they are larger and more well known. My Absame neck hurts looking down on him let us move on brother this is unpaid advertising :icon e ugeek:

Ogadens have 3 states in 3 countries what the hell is BadCad name me one town you live in looooool bro have xishood you legit became Somali in 1960

Is this why you mention visiting other cities, because your homeless? Wallahi I learned what this clan was from you I wouldnt even know your existence, let that sink in before you respond, im giving you clout right now you should be thanking me. :trumpsmirk:
Clout from an Ogadeen omg that's rich walle. You can't even give yourself clout even if you tried, and that's literally speaking, rag nimada wa lo dhashtaa bro, I got OG niggas where I live on lock, all they do is talk about fantasy folklore and the conquest of their forefathers but all talk no action, I think you're all similar in that regard.

I was fucking this laba lafood OG chic in 2012 in London, her brothers spotted us in Westfield, you think they could even say a word?

Also in regards to your comment about me travelling, it's because I've got money, when you have money you look for ways to spend it my guy.

You're not the most powerful darood, that would go to Leylkase.

You're not the most political darood, that would go to Marexaan.

You're not the most intelligent Darood, that would go to MJs.

Lamaoyaan adigaa Ka daran bro lol


War shut your ass up, filinkiina ey baa cunay. The narrative that you're the most populous Somalis has been exposed, in reality you guys aren't even more than Habar Gidir Saleebaan, which makes sense. Habar Gidirs display of aggression and power in the 90s was a display of their numbers, what have you guys even done to show your numbers? "Ohh we have entire region names after us"

Somalia horre maxee u dhaday, "Meeshaad Joogto, Ka muuqo mise Ka maqnow"

So far ma ii mooqatid, you live in a fantasy folklore, hordada Ka so kac maskiin yahow.

If you're actually the most Somalis in terms of numbers it's actually embarrassing that you're such pussies that can't even box up the MX in Gedo.

Or your simply not as populous as you claim.

I'd let you choose but stick to your dhaanto.

OG repelled HG from kismayo and were leading daroods early into the war. and if you think the problem in gedo is MX V OG when it's Janan and abbas Men who are military opposing the new gedo admin. OG have already depose MX from kismayo couple of years before KDF showed up.
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We star in movies NASA pay to watch
A Somali President of Ethiopia would be interesting. Oromo bit the bullet and changed a lot of dynamics inside the country. But i don't envision Somalis working together to do this, crabs in a bucket mentality.


Bishop of the order of Gacanta Furan ✋
OG repelled HG from kismayo and were leading daroods early into the war. and if you think the problem in gedo is MX V OG when it's Janan and abbas Men who are military opposing the new gedo admin. OG have already depose MX from kismayo decade before KDF showed up.
Bro we're just chatting shit, I've got nothing but love for all Somalis.
Daroods are useless. They only give their women to Ethiopians and spy for them. Have you ever seen any Darood fighting foreigners and winning? These people have ruined the warrior Somali reputation.

Where the Fk is ONLF? Should they not be preparing now? COWARDS

Dir, Isaac and Hawiye would have destroyed liberated region 5 years ago. HG by themselves liberated Somalia when Ethiopia invaded. Our tactics were brutal but it worked. We attacked and ambushed the Ethiopians day and night. We crucified their spies. 'Our slogan was kill and be killed'.

The same can be done in region 5. First you got to kill the spies and those who work with the Ethiopians who become fat under Ethiopian rule. I guess all the good people have been killed and only the cowards are alive.

At-least Isaac should fight for the Xawd.
:drakewtf: I thought hawiye lived in galbeed according to you? why aren't they organizing to break away?

now you wanna talk about onlf?

nigga we ain't picking up a single gun.:mjdontkno:

if everyone ain't fighting, we aren't either. I'll just continue karbaashing the rest of you.
War shut your ass up, filinkiina ey baa cunay. The narrative that you're the most populous Somalis has been exposed, in reality you guys aren't even more than Habar Gidir Saleebaan, which makes sense. Habar Gidirs display of aggression and power in the 90s was a display of their numbers, what have you guys even done to show your numbers? "Ohh we have entire region names after us"

Somalia horre maxee u dhaday, "Meeshaad Joogto, Ka muuqo mise Ka maqnow"

So far ma ii mooqatid, you live in a fantasy folklore, hordada Ka so kac maskiin yahow.

If you're actually the most Somalis in terms of numbers it's actually embarrassing that you're such pussies that can't even box up the MX in Gedo.

Or your simply not as populous as you claim.

I'd let you choose but stick to your dhaanto.


enough dude, your a looma oyaan who actually has to claim muraale in mandera and reer cabdulle in DDS, i believe Ugaas Nuur are responsible for your safety and magan-nimo in DDS

the f*ck is this langab clan that become known in 2020, never heard of your before and you have zero clout,

look at xamar capital, the very hawiye capital has 100% of the statues and names of major roads and schools are 100% Absame,

hawo tako


king wiil waal,

rage ugaas,

qamaan bulxaan

ciqaal shiidad

mataan ciideed,

ahmed gurey

should i go on

a hawiye president in 1960 picked all 100% of these names who are Absame before yuo cry Mj or siad barre did it, even if they did it , it shows Mj and marehan had no choice but to pick Absame as their heroes,

bi1tch ass kneega, next time yuor in xamar marvell at the sttaues of Absame heroes,

adoon langab ah

me awow towring xamar, hawiye town

your entire history is Ogaden/Jidwaq/Absame bro, lick

one family produce all the bloody smali heros, dude i was making hisotry in 1600s with cigaal shidad yet no one knows badicade



xawo tako my ayeeyo in somalia capital

A Somali President of Ethiopia would be interesting. Oromo bit the bullet and changed a lot of dynamics inside the country. But i don't envision Somalis working together to do this, crabs in a bucket mentality.

Prime minister, president in Ethiopia is ceremonial, PM has the power,


Bishop of the order of Gacanta Furan ✋
enough dude, your a looma oyaan who actually has to claim muraale in mandera and reer cabdulle in DDS, i believe Ugaas Nuur are responsible for your safety and magan-nimo in DDS

the f*ck is this langab clan that become known in 2020, never heard of your before and you have zero clout,

look at xamar capital, the very hawiye capital has 100% of the statues and names of major roads and schools are 100% Absame,

hawo tako


king wiil waal,

rage ugaas,

qamaan bulxaan

ciqaal shiidad

mataan ciideed,

ahmed gurey

should i go on

a hawiye president in 1960 picked all 100% of these names who are Absame before yuo cry Mj or siad barre did it, even if they did it , it shows Mj and marehan had no choice but to pick Absame as their heroes,

bi1tch ass kneega, next time yuor in xamar marvell at the sttaues of Absame heroes,

adoon langab ah

me awow towring xamar, hawiye town

your entire history is Ogaden/Jidwaq/Absame bro, lick

one family produce all the bloody smali heros, dude i was making hisotry in 1600s with cigaal shidad yet no one knows badicade

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xawo tako my ayeeyo in somalia capital

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We're reaching autism levels that shouldn't even be possible.


