Why I’m Still Single


Exactly....the airheads are more chill. I have come to the conclussion the smarter people are the sadder they are. The happiest people I know are dumb as a rock. So I made an effort to associate myself with the dumb people.
I mean the women on the left here is a scientific genius, the one on the right is one of the dumbest characters on television which one would 95 percent of men chose as a partner? the one on the right, but according to @VixR there "intimidated" by her genius

Bro, you’re on the right track and don’t let @Tukraq confuse you. Find a Halima from Garowe that you both can exchange poems of literature about goats. Don’t seek a chick with a higher i.q than 80, otherwise, she might dress you a guntiino and expect you to be an expert chef and cook for her dishes like Navarin. Istaqfurallah.

You are a good man @AussieHustler may god bless you. Garowe is haven for high quality women
I mean the women on the left here is a scientific genius, the one on the right is one of the dumbest characters on television which one would 95 percent of men chose as a partner? the one on the right, but according to @VixR there "intimidated" by her genius

Like seeks Like.
Habibi. If your IQ is high you will want someone who can understand what you're saying and who will raise intelligent kids with you. Also this is a fiction.


Like seeks Like.
Habibi. If your IQ is high you will want someone who can understand what you're saying and who will raise intelligent kids with you. Also this is a fiction.
how is it fiction? these are actual people(the one on the left in real life has an extremely high IQ) and even the smartest and ugliest men would pick the attractive one on right if given the chance so what do you mean like seeks like lol


Guul Ama Geeri

Bro, you’re on the right track and don’t let @Tukraq confuse you. Find a Halima from Garowe that you both can exchange poems of literature about goats. Don’t seek a chick with a higher i.q than 80, otherwise, she might dress you a guntiino and expect you to be an expert chef and cook for her dishes like Navarin. Istaqfurallah.
@AussieHustler The thing is that your perception of success is in stark contrast with ours , you measure by social status and what have you , while we look at things like piety morals and culture. You just drew a parallel between a PhD holder and a xalimo from garowe. Let me tell you a xalimo whom reads literature about goats and adhere to her religion are more honarable than a PhD student from Harvard in my and most of all decent Somalis/Muslims belief around the globe. Not that I'm saying that all brilliant female student abroad are messed up there are sure great xalimos within their ranks as well but you get the point since you're such a smartass with your sarcastic post. Just some food for thought.
how is it fiction? these are actual people(the one on the left in real life has an extremely high IQ) and even the smartest and ugliest men would pick the attractive one on right if given the chance so what do you mean like seeks like lol

That's my opinion. A man who chooses a girl only because she is pretty is simple minded or a football player. Beauty fades.


That's my opinion. A man who chooses a girl only because she is pretty is simple minded or a football player. Beauty fades.
beauty dosent always fade many women age gracefully and grow into their looks, beauty in women is a status symbol for men, respect, and what we seek after as a monolith, its literally what most men put as there priority



Instead of writing on social media that you get a hard on if touched (your cubeed) by an insect or a fly, why don't you contact her and marry her? We can establish a GoFundMe for your wedding if she's high maintenance. Deal?

All opinions stated are subjective otherwise, we would all (Somali men) get sexually stimulated by these hexapod invertebrates like you, Sir.

@AussieHustler why do you always refer to my d.i.c.k,
niimaank oo raag ah ma ka hadlaan niimaanka kaled guusk uthoon (real men don't talk about other men's d.i.c.k.s)

I explained something by contributing to a thread that was about male rape through a subsequent post I made on the topic and all you do is mention that specific post its like a recurring theme with you,

always brought up without fail then you have the nerve to claim I'm a degenerate such as yourself who's into filthy stuff like sado masochism. Why are you obsessed with an alleged naafo's carnal activities.

Wallahi this obsession is disconcerting you need help,

I in no uncertain terms ever said that I liked or wanted to marry her faintly,

however what I see a lot of people here on this site like to do including yourself is to deflect to derail an argument, discussion, topic by either resorting to misconstruing an individuals point or worse which seems to be prevelant amongs young western born/raised somali's, such as yourself that are unfortunately intellectually dishonest which is to respond with ad hominem attacks its pathetic.

I see somali's like you all the time who feign intelligence and awareness but really have no substance because your shallow due to being pretentious honestly liberalism and your association with hipsters most likely from melbourne in addition to this constant fetish for a "naafos" d.i.c.k has really turned you into a daayuus with subtle suspect homosexual tendancies,

What is this assertion of gofundme first of all broski thats not how I get down if I was to solidify my relationship with someone as a marriage prospect then "don't worry your pretty little head" by losing sleep over it among other things that you have an unhealthy fixation over,

so please don't project your inadequacy as a man onto me as unlike you I can fulfill most of whats required of me.

Therefor if anyone needs a gofundme for their heathen ceremony at the altar of richard dawkins/sam harris with the aid of the somali community its you not me qumayo.

My overall point in my previous post was to not be presumptuous when making statements regarding peoples happiness so next time you want to have a civil discourse leave my d.i.c.k and sexual proclivities out of it.
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beauty dosent always fade many women age gracefully and grow into their looks, beauty in women is a status symbol for men, respect, and what we seek after as a monolith, its literally what most men put as there priority

1- You have no guarantee that she will age gracefully.
2- Anything can happen.
2- She can loose her beauty after popping out your 10 kids.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
@Tukraq is fooling himself with such a contrast. And most people are of average intelligence including Amy's character in the Big Bang Theory. Men might highly weight looks but a subset of men will focus on the overall - similar values, attractiveness, agreeableness, familial compatibility and intellect. There is a clear difference between what a man in the west prefers to date vs marry. Standards are always higher for a future spouse. And if all a man looks to a wife is a good looking vessel that has some domestic skills then that says something about what he looks for in a mate. Essentially, an accessory and if he's also significantly older than her, then someone to distract a mind on cusp of senility from thinking of the grave.
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so what do you think men look for in your opinion, I've never heard a guy saying he finds a phd attractive

If your circle is predominantly somali then i am not surprised. I don't know why most somali men go only for looks. The Lebanese/iranian and indian muslims I met prefer a woman with a brain and they married women who have a masters or phd. Somali men i met were more attracted to looks but
I can't talk for all men. Each individual is different. Some are attracted to women who are academics. Some prefer beauty. Some want both.

To me the best is the one who chooses a woman for her mind. Even when they grow old they will still love each other.


@sophisticate @saredochani10 its not just me watch the vid, if these highly educated women were so sought after for there education they wouldn't have these problems being single, attractive women never have these problems even if everything else about them is horrible
@sophisticate like I said previously men do take personality into account but its looks then personality, women seem to pick based on status then money, I personally take looks and personality/mindset/morals into account plus earnings potential, I don't discriminate education wise though phd student and middle school dropout are on the same plane for me
@sophisticate @saredochani10 its not just me watch the vid, if these highly educated women were so sought after for there education they wouldn't have these problems being single, attractive women never have these problems even if everything else about them is horrible
@sophisticate like I said previously men do take personality into account but its looks then personality, women seem to pick based on status then money, I personally take looks and personality/mindset/morals into account plus earnings potential, I don't discriminate education wise though phd student and middle school dropout are on the same plane for me

As I said each individual is different and i can't speak for everyone.
Women that I know with a PHD are all married with kids. Some are single by choice too, some not.
If you value beauty more than anything else that's your choice. It's your life after all ! Whatever floats your boat habibi. As long as we have what we want in the end.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
@sophisticate @saredochani10 its not just me watch the vid, if these highly educated women were so sought after for there education they wouldn't have these problems being single, attractive women never have these problems even if everything else about them is horrible
@sophisticate like I said previously men do take personality into account but its looks then personality, women seem to pick based on status then money, I personally take looks and personality/mindset/morals into account plus earnings potential, I don't discriminate education wise though phd student and middle school dropout are on the same plane for me

I think it depends on the group examined. In my mother's day the probability of finding a formally educated woman with a post secondary education outside of Somalia was slim to none. And that's what a lot of educated guys from the North used to look for as it was scarce.:manny:


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Very sad, money can't buy happiness and a career won't slow down the ever ticking biological clock.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Very sad, money can't buy happiness and a career won't slow down the ever ticking biological clock.

No one plans on having a liter anymore. People with the means can store eggs. And a woman should be very choosy about the type of man she invites into her life. To be without baggage is more favourable than being saddled by a toxic individual that rapidly ages you.


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