Why I’m Still Single


No one plans on having a liter anymore. People with the means can store eggs. And a woman should be very choosy about the type of man she invites into her life. To be without baggage is more favourable than being saddled by a toxic individual that rapidly ages you.
no one? speak for your self, many want a liter


No one plans on having a liter anymore. People with the means can store eggs. And a woman should be very choosy about the type of man she invites into her life. To be without baggage is more favourable than being saddled by a toxic individual that rapidly ages you.
I could only have a kid with someone who’s characteristics make me feel it would be a crying shame if our DNA didn’t merge. Idk how people embrace people who clearly have serious problems and mediocre traits. You’re basically bringing more of that into being.


A mere finger can’t obscure the sun.
Very sad, money can't buy happiness and a career won't slow down the ever ticking biological clock.

There is a far bigger problem back home, 24yo divorcees with 2/3 kids and little/no financial assistance. Now that’s a sad state of affairs.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
I could only have a kid with someone who’s characteristics make me feel it would be a crying shame if our DNA didn’t merge. Idk how people embrace people who clearly have serious problems and mediocre traits. You’re basically bringing more of that into being.

:yacadiim: I agree in that a middle-of-the-road feeling about someone isn't enough to get them out of the friend box.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
No one plans on having a liter anymore. People with the means can store eggs. And a woman should be very choosy about the type of man she invites into her life. To be without baggage is more favourable than being saddled by a toxic individual that rapidly ages you.
Whatever helps you sleep at night..



Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
There is a far bigger problem back home, 24yo divorcees with 2/3 kids and little/no financial assistance. Now that’s a sad state of affairs.
Not really, those kids have plenty of family, extended family to pick up the slack. Its not the West where your isolated.
Most Somalis (young) seem to me that they get pregnant on their wedding night and non-stop till it’s too late. By then, she’s the size of Manhattan with 5 children under 6 years old and her husband is on social media talking and bragging about his rights to have a second (skinny) Somali wife as a Muslim man.


Most Somalis (young) seem to me that they get pregnant on their wedding night and non-stop till it’s too late. By then, she’s the size of Manhattan with 5 children under 6 years old and her husband is on social media talking about his rights to have a second (skinny) Somali wife as a Muslim man.
Are they fobs? Poorly played. Talk about horrible planning/thinking. Just like that, six losers. She has a good chance raising quality kids if she had 1-3, but she’ll not only go insane having that many small, demanding children, but most likely they’ll be a burden on society.


A mere finger can’t obscure the sun.
Not really, those kids have plenty of family, extended family to pick up the slack. Its not the West where your isolated.

The same family that considers them a burden? They remarry in the hopes of finding someone to help them feed those fatherless kids, only to be left with more mouths to feed. Women in the West have a safety net that women back home do not have access to. It’s time we face the truth and stop painting pretty pictures of women back home. They drew the worst card, unfortunately. Which is why losers like you go back home to marry. You know you got nothing to offer a girl who isn’t beholden to you.
I could only have a kid with someone who’s characteristics make me feel it would be a crying shame if our DNA didn’t merge. Idk how people embrace people who clearly have serious problems and mediocre traits. You’re basically bringing more of that into being.
You're showing some questionable traits yourself and being extremely selective, expressing eugenics and wonder why your marriage prospects are incredibly minuscule. You're not making the process any easier you know, quite stubborn in fact.:pachah1:


Puntland Youth Organiser
FKD Visionary
Yeah I'm good. Why would I waste my virginity on something that will be underwhelming.

:yacadiim: I read somewhere that narcissistic men use their wives as human blowup dolls. Are halaal f boys any different?

Let me ask the expert,
how old are you now like 40 without kids, lord have mercy :farmajoyaab:


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
If you dont find that person and still want kids.....what then? Many women have kids with men they dont care fr once they reach certain age

It's only going to work if the brother (is unrelated) looks similar to me, shares a worldview, is honest, athletic, a life long learner (erudite) along with being emotionally + financially stable.


You're showing some questionable traits yourself and being extremely selective, expressing eugenics and wonder why your marriage prospects are incredibly minuscule. You're not making the process any easier you know, quite stubborn in fact.:pachah1:
I’m not trying to get married. It’s too soon, if at all. I’m enjoying life.

“Eugenics” isn’t necessarily a bad concept. The only reason its been catastrophic in human history is because of the attempt to implement it by killing already living people off.

Mate selection and pregnancy screenings for genetic defects like Down’s Syndrome, and probably in the future, the active selection of desirable traits by choosing the “best” egg and sperm for the job are perfectly acceptable forms of “eugenics”, imo.
Are they fobs? Poorly played. Talk about horrible planning/thinking. Just like that, six losers. She has a good chance raising quality kids if she had 1-3, but she’ll not only go insane having that many small, demanding children, but most likely they’ll be a burden on society.


They are born or bred here. Most Somali chicks watch 519 videos of Somali weddings and by 17, her main focus is on a husband and not good high school grades and her future. The lucky ones get hitched and become single parents in 5-7 years time. She’s 22-23 years old and looks like she’s a twin of her mum.. Others go to Malaysia, Africa and other places hunting husbands and become full time mothers while their husbands become hard working cab drivers. The few who finish their education slowly melt and integrate with the others and marry professional Somalis and non Somalis.


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