Why i changed my stan on ssc being free from Somaliland


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
You are asking another teenager basically confirming my remarks about you knowing nothing at all. Too many kids on this site
Offtopic but I didn’t know there were hanafi somalis since most of us are shafici. How did that happen?


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
That’s why SL is still in Oog? & still in Widhwidh? Go get your senior Jabarti FKD men and leave these type of topics to the elders
Girl what is oog widiwid, bruvs talking about some irrelevant tuulos. Come goojacade laascanood I dare u


Press rewind ⏪
Somaliland has always been separatist and causing problems for 🇸🇴 even before the civil war era. Its overwhelmingly one clan pushing for independence mind you hence why Somaliland’s independence has been rejected by the united nations(other tribes within SL wanted unity) They(SNM) begged to join ethiopia to destroy and annex somalia as early as 1962View attachment 327811
I never thought I'd see you here, my sister. How do you know so much? I'm far too young to have any interest in Somali Politics. Haven't hit my mid life crisis years yet. :5hcpspq:


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
I never thought I'd see you here, my sister. How do you know so much? I'm far too young to have any interest in Somali Politics. Haven't hit my mid life crisis years yet. :5hcpspq:
That demented man called me a unionist. I mean yeah maybe I switch between being PL separatism and unionism quite often. You dont need to be any age or qualification to present your opinion abt somali politics brother im younger than u i assume?


He doesnt talk to people more laandheere than him I heard.
He said ever Somali clan massacred isaaq I asked for proof I still haven’t seen it


Press rewind ⏪
That demented man called me a unionist. I mean yeah maybe I switch between being PL separatism and unionism quite often. You dont need to be any age or qualification to present your opinion abt somali politics brother im younger than u i assume?
I have no interest, sister. I was only taught abtiris. I could have learned more, but I don't see the point. Somali Politics is a waste of time for me (and probably a small pastime for you). That only generates Madax xaanun. (Removed age for privacy reasons. Newcomers; you are too late.)
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How? S-land is purely cushitic, native to the land. Speaks the proper way when speaking somali. I think we are the true Somalis.
oh yea just realized I didnt respond to your point on why the bantus are more somali in my eyes.

while it is true landers are ethnically somali and bantus arent, unlike the bantus the landers have betrayed the somali name and nation. You work to the demise of the somali ppl and the division of us based on arbitrary lines drawn by western kuffar. All the while bantus are masaakiin who work the fields in the south and they dont get into a lot of conflicts(yes ik there were a few protests a while back bc some general of theirs got detained, this however is a small thing compared to the turmoil of the last 3 decades)

bantus also speak somali and have basically other than ethnicity been fully somalicised. this is why i said theyre more somali to me than landers


oh yea just realized I didnt respond to your point on why the bantus are more somali in my eyes.

while it is true landers are ethnically somali and bantus arent, unlike the bantus the landers have betrayed the somali name and nation. You work to the demise of the somali ppl and the division of us based on arbitrary lines drawn by western kuffar. All the while bantus are masaakiin who work the fields in the south and they dont get into a lot of conflicts(yes ik there were a few protests a while back bc some general of theirs got detained, this however is a small thing compared to the turmoil of the last 3 decades)

bantus also speak somali and have basically other than ethnicity been fully somalicised. this is why i said theyre more somali to me than landers
Good for somali bantus i suppose. I know their nationality is Somali. But isaaqs are both ethnically and nationally Somali. We are natives to our land. Sadly we have few sellout that needs to be banished from office once the new election looms.


He’s actually batshit crazy and oromo cus what…
I wouldn't even say this yes samaroon is somaliland but I would rather give it to Somalia and they slit from us than give it to Ethiopia. 100 percent t a larper. These people are obsessed with gaining our port. May Allah not allow this to happen ameen


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
Good for somali bantus u suppose. I know their nationality is Somali. But isaaqs are both ethnically and nationally Somali. We are natives to our land. Sadly we have few sellout that needs to be banished from office once the new election looms.
Bantus are not harmless who said that. Those guys are the cannon fodder of al shabab who are killing and displacing somali people. Also bantus are only miskeen because theyre a minority. Any ethnicity who becomes majority will oppress minorities, theyre not an exception.

