what is your race brother? (dont tell me somali, a somali sees his tribe first as his identity, so i am asking your tribe ugaas, after all its obvious we Somalis dont love each other)
Abgaal bro
what is your race brother? (dont tell me somali, a somali sees his tribe first as his identity, so i am asking your tribe ugaas, after all its obvious we Somalis dont love each other)
Abgaal bro
no worries, I am reer dalal mohamed zubeer, my fam borders 1door on the border, waa iska cuqdad 1door people,
in london 1door love drinking now before it was qaat, waa iska brainless tribalistic british coons cadaan want to be,
1doors in london know more about the queen than islam, wa iska low iq race
1door waa iska maskiin, waa iska langaab
i have reer guleed (cidagale) cousin, in dinner table they remind you they hate ogaden, a very direct race, very blunt,
Is Reer Dalal part of Reer Isaaq?no worries, I am reer dalal mohamed zubeer, my fam borders 1door on the border, waa iska cuqdad 1door people,
in london 1door love drinking now before it was qaat, waa iska brainless tribalistic british coons cadaan want to be,
1doors in london know more about the queen than islam, wa iska low iq race
1door waa iska maskiin, waa iska langaab
i have reer guleed (cidagale) cousin, in dinner table they remind you they hate ogaden, a very direct race, very blunt,
Where is your source of jidwaaq being bulliednaaah bro, if it was not for Ogaden, 1door would have taken over DDSI and sepcially jigjiga
1door used to bully jidwaq the way 1door bullies harti but 1door knows his limit when it comes to fighting us,
if it was not for Ogaden taking over jigjiga it would belong to 1door today
we look down on Ogadeens the same way the white man looks down on neggers. It is just the way it is. When we were traveling the 7 seas, the Ogadeen were Pouring sugar into the river and cooking Timir
No, you were travelling on the 7 seas on Abo Engris's ship as lowly sailors. Get it right and quit acting, ya Ahlul Sambusa.
no worries, I am reer dalal mohamed zubeer, my fam borders 1door on the border, waa iska cuqdad 1door people,
in london 1door love drinking now before it was qaat, waa iska brainless tribalistic british coons cadaan want to be,