why is he so good looking?

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is that..

Crabman from My name is Earl??


Yeah I'm probably going to start doing lower weight more reps.

I been doing 5x5 workout to bulk

Try it. But then again it all depends why you working out in the first place. If you wanna look imposing and be able to crush other men in a fight, bulking and mma training is a good idea. But if u wanna look good in a suit and catch the eye of the ladies u should do toning and lowering body fat. Your face will thank you for it.
Yes, toning and low body fat is the secret to good looks. Bulking and high bf ruins facial aesthetics.
Low bodyfat%, lean muscle, clear skin and long hair is the key.

Bulking and high BF messes up your horomone profile(Raises oestrogen, lowers test), increases water retention(Lost of sharpness of facial features) and actually deceases actual muscle tissue growth.

Lean bulking with high protein, moderate fats along with carb cycling is the GOAT protocol


Been there, done that
That nikka looks like a broom stick he doesn't fly like in Harry Potter so why would a halimo want to ride him?:ohhh:
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