Why is it so expensive to take a flight back home ?

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"You are your best thing"
It hurts when you have acrophobia and you have to sit in a plane for more than 10 hours:mjcry:
Sorry, don't let your fears stop you tho..I know it's easy said than done but everyone has fears you just have to get over it to live your life to the fullest.
It hurts when you have acrophobia and you have to sit in a plane for more than 10 hours:mjcry:
my sis took me to the top of CN tower to "cure me" of my fear of heights z3zrULC Learn to face your fears, no matter how difficult!

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
Flying to Mogadishu from the states is 40% more expensive than flying to Hargeisa in a connected flight but if you smart enough to improvise you can get there cheaper. How? fly to Dubai and cut a flying from Dubai to Mogadishu separately.

Right now a round trip to Hargeisa for me is $1200 but what I can do it chop it up. I can fly from NYC to Hargeisa, round trip for $840 with Emirates airline but it would mean I have to have a round trip from my city to NYC first with a risk of missing that unconnected flight if plane gets delayed.
I envy the Europeans: imagine spending less than $100 on travel tickets within the continent, chump change istg :liberaltears:
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